will it kill DaS3's PvP?
Will it kill DaS3's PvP?
>lagstabs: the game
really, who cares
souls pvp is shit and has always just been a good way to casually kill a few minutes
taking it serious in any capacity is autistic
You cannot kill what is dead.
Souls PvP is garbage and so is this remasters existence
Souls PvP is dead no matter what and that is a good thing
I'm just glad 1 will be the active one again, since it is the only good one and maybe I actually get to gravelord people now
Hopefully we get poise back and less rolls
>mfw all those niggers from ds3 trying to stun lock people in the remaster with their curved dildos
>mfw one shotting them with twinked great hammers
Please Myanniger, don't fuck this one too!
DS3 killed DS3 pvp
No it's gunna be the worst game of all time and there's only guna be 2 swords and no magic in the remaster and they're taking bosses and pvp out of the game, i know cause i'm working on the remaster
>Lost Izalith gets finished and BoC turned into a real boss battle
>DS1 fags complaining about the magic of unfinished izalith being gone and the heartbreaking tragedy of BoC being unable to put up a proper fight was ruined
Newfriends will make a run, get horribly, utterly raped by ds1 twinks, will find out that ds1's meta is dominated by backstab techs that actually take time to learn, will understand how clunky ds1's movement and movesets are at this point, how easy the enemies and bosses are, and will never touch the game again.
They're not changing anything in the levels, let alone finishing the garbage fire that is Lost izalith. From isn't even working on the remaster.
The real question is if it'll kill dark souls 2 pvp
Dark Souls III fags btfo.
DS2's pvp was never alive outside of shitty arenas and bell towers to begin with.
>no permanent orb
From put a chinese studio in charge of the remaster, i'm not sure what to expect because i never played any chinese games but how much worse they can be in coding than the japanese?
They already said it will have the retarded weapon matchmaking system and password summoning, so no, it will be even worse
i thought it was a Polish studio
>started DaS3 yesterday
>some shitty dude with a katana gave me more trouble than the first boss
i'm liking the music so far . the shitty "this is bloodburned" part . not
i dont play dark souls to play bloodborned and i dont play bloodborned to play dark souls
Ds2 PvP is more alive than ds3, so idunno what you mean by it was never alive. ds2 focused on actual PvP, not invading kiddies trying to play through with their buddies, that's why there was no red eye orb. You can get unlimited orbs from the arena noob
DS3 PVP is still very active. Idk what you guys are talking about. I get summoned within seconds of putting my sign down.
Anyways, this remaster is literally just new textures and 6-player multiplayer. Don't expect any massive changes to the issues with DaS1 PvP. I don't see this dipping into DaS3's base much.
Oh, nevermind the studio is polish and called QLOC.
It's alive, it's just the worst of the series.
Poise and less rolls are guaranteed to be in. This isn't a remake, it's just a new coat of paint on DaS1.
>Ds2 PvP is more alive than ds3
now go and compare actual numbers of players
>ds2 focused on actual PvP
hello fgc reject, i'm glad you're sticking to your containment area
Scholars is as dead as Dark Souls 1 on PC, yet Dark Souls 1 is 3 years older than Scholars.
Both versions of Dark Souls 2 officially have the worst PVP in popularity.
Souls PvP was never good. It was never meant to be more than a novelty.
SotFS has twice as many players as DaS1 at any given time.
Being a deluded fan of Dark Souls 2 has been a plague on this imageboard for almost 4 years.
fuck anyone who takes it seriously
Right now DaS1 has 2,100, SotFS has 2,500.
Souls PvP is kinda shit as a dedicated thing, so I couldn't care less. It makes for some tense invasions and such, but beyond that I don't see the appeal.
The only thing I'm really looking forward to from this texture and multiplayer patch is VAC integration. DaS1 is filled to the small intestine with cheaters.
>VAC integration
because previous games certainly had VAC on, huh
Well, they'll at least have *some* kind of anti-cheat rather than nothing.
2 actually did on release, but it banned anyone from the game if they had a VAC ban at all in any previous game. While this is something I'd like to see more often, it is pretty harsh.
It got removed quickly.
It is absolutely not worse than DaS1 pvp and you're ignorant for saying so.
it will be just like in ds3: it won't ban any CE kiddies but will ban the people who want to avoid tedious grind
and ds1 has LOADS of tedious grind
Shouls I pick this up on Switch for portability or my Xbox One X for 4K?
Or just play the PC version I got ages ago and never played?
Less grind than Dark Souls 2 arena (ignored by NG++ing) and Darkmoon ears in 3.
DaS3 pvp is already dead. It's boring as fuck to play against the same meta weapons like carthus curved sword and magic/miracles being shit tier. I think even DaS2 pvp has more variety.
ds2 has the worst grind in the entire series
ds1 had equally retarded darkmoon ear farming as ds3, but it also forced you to farm an immense fuckload of materials including slabs
DaS3's pvp is already dead since the first month
Anyone still taking it even semi seriously or playing it regularly is stupid as shit. I used it as a way to kill time for awhile and its just awful. Never been so bored only 1/40 people were good and you see the same shit and almost everything plays the exact same.
Not that DaS2 pvp is all its cracked up to be but its alittle better. But i guess it'll take some of those shitters away.
>meta weapons like curved sword and magic/miracles being shit tier
Hello, 2016.
Don't forget the running katana attack and leet greatsword rollers
So how many of you guys formulate your own opinions regarding the 3 games and came to the objective conclusion that the first game is the only one with a serious PVP community yet 1v1 PVP is an actual joke in this series and 2 has the least fun invasions instead of listening you YouTubers?
>People who take Souls pvp seriously
Its like if you took a fighting game and made the basic bait and switch portion of the game the entire thing. Its super easy and yet people are still failures at even the most basic of shit.
I'll never understand how Souls youtubers are a thing. Especially the ones who barely do shit but talk in stupid voices and beat on shitters.
3 is shit, you either one shot the host or deal with 3 phantoms, 1 is absolute garbage full of hornet ring spammers (3 also has this bullshit) and 2 is at least kind of balanced because it blocks everyones estus flasks during invasions
>2 has the least fun invasions
Nah that would be 3/Bloodborne. Ganks everywhere and everyone curls up near each other like pussies.
Taking Souls PvP seriously is like taking Smash Bros seriously.
>It's just a prank brah
Why did they include this dumpster fire in the game then? Just to waste our time?
I fucking hope so, dks 3 pvp is fucking atrocious. All you need is a huge weapon with unparriable moves and you can just r1 your way to victory
>taking any video game seriously
Last I played was the week of the final DLC. Magic and miracles were shit, they're too slow to punish melee whiffs and easy to reaction roll against. They have no hyper armour for trades either unless you spam the talismans with the HA ability. Fast hitting melee was always the most dominant in das3.
It's there as a fun little feature.
Miracles and magic still are shit, you need 2 rings, a head armor and an offhand dagger to make crystal soulspear viable. Don't get me started on the garbage miracles.
You can interact with the level and knock people off ledges in Bloodborne. 2 is limited to Curved Dragon Greatsword R2, golfswing got patched out due to crying 1v1ers and Force style spells are at their weakest there.
Backstabs are not an issue for high level Dark Souls 1 because top players take 0 damage from any backstab due to the toggling and priority system abuse.
However, Hornet ring backstabbing/ripostes shitters is also fun in 1 and 3. This is the typical reason why people prefer 2 because they're still mad about being stabbed and their main criticism of 1, despite it being not so uncommon knowledge that you can prevent backstab damage easily.
Even Smash Brawl and Wii U are better than Souls 1v1
This. Souls pvp took the shittiest route possible
>Cater towards balancing arena shit
>Take away options that make it easier for invasions to be fair.
>Add that stupid ember hosts are also phantoms in worlds shit so you get 3/4 people games constantly.
So the fun part which is fucking with people got shat on because whiny fucks couldn't stand the average 3-4 invasions you get on a playthrough and all that got catered to was "balancing" aka taking away fun tools from 1v1s.
Lightning Arrow is the strongest and most broken spell in the game.
Crystal Chime Dark is the strongest sorcery build in the game and very fun. Also Heysel pick poise with casting SGS (or Old Moonlight) after a confirmed hit.
PKCS is the only good curved sword now, Dark/Sharp builds are more versatile. Oh ya, Quality is bad now except for some weapons.
I don't want some twinkfag to ruin my sightseeing tour.
lightning arrow is only good if you free aim which no shitter in das3 is good at.
*rolls seven times*
*one shots you with black knight greataxe*
*quiet resolve*
Join this Discord server du86PQ
Lightning Arrow is for using the talisman weapon art for poise and trading hits with almost all non-ultra weapons and do more damage to them than they do to you.
It's the most annoying and passive build, a testament for how shitty Souls 1v1 is in all 5 games.
>fallen knight armor
I don't really give a shit about PvP but jesus christ is it garbage in DS3. Every fight plays out the same way.
>do some damage
>opponent flees
lighting arrow crucifix builds are literally gamebreaking
heysel pick old moonlight combos outdamages anything in the game
great soul dregs annihilates randoms
almost all curved swords were nerfed
two most powerful weapons in the game are HA weapons
*two shots you with Vordt greathammer*
I've still not made a great soul dregs invasion build. But ya at least you seem somewhat savvy unlike these clueless fucks. Shields remain the most boring and overpowered equipment in Dark Souls 2 and 3.
>get summoned at Pontiff for what seems to be a fight club
>host has a white phantom
>jump into arena to fight the phantom, things are going well, I'm kicking his ass pretty easily
>he chugs
>just stare at him for a bit
>keep fighting, he chugs again
>at this point the host joins in and starts tossing pyromancies at me
What happened to this community.
DS3 was a mistake. I honestly don't know what the fuck Memeazaki was thinking when he made Armor completely useless.
More fun like Bloodborne.
crucifix I remember being very good when I played, lightning arrow didn't seem as broken as people are making it out to be, at least when I played on my FAI character. Anyone who gets hit by OML or GSD is shit so that doesn't matter, good players will roll at the right time or not even give you time to cast.
Fake fight clubs were always like 1/3 now kinda common. Another reason to just drop the game outside of going back for some real actual runs. DaS3 has the worst Souls community hands down so many pathetic people who either are ganking pansies or outright just malicious. Doesn't help I guess every single Souls youtuber is a fuckhead "trolling" video maker nowadays and people probably try to imitate
I don't think you understand that Heysel pick has poise when two handed and after a single R1 the player is stunned enough for you to hit them with Soul Great Sword or Old Moonlight as a true combo.
Bloodborne didn't have weight so you could look good and not be at disadvantage. In DS3 if you want to look like a heavy knight your ass is going to get ravaged my a nigger running around with nothing on.
what part of "heysel pick old moonlight combos" you can't understand you mouthbreathing retard?
it's literally a mace R1 that inescapably combos into old moonlight for 800 damage and poises through any fast weapons
>stunlocks you with Ledo's
>dodge the ground smash weapon art , get hit by the debree frame trap
>point down gesture
It's just annoying when you don't know the layout of the map and you get interrupted by some asshole with an optimised build he got from someone else.
Just curious, has anyone else been summoned to the Darkmoon Tomb when trying to PvP at Pontiff's? By some hacker guy? It was actually pretty cool, it was a fight club with no level rules (level 50s fighting level 120s etc). I was summoned to it multiple times throughout the span of a few weeks.
Ds2 will always be the best souls for fight clubbing and arena
>dark souls 3 pvp
>implying it was ever alive
Not even the cancer pvp ds youtubers like oroboro, otz and onlyafro could stand this shit
Yup. Oro never made an oros arsenal for ds3 because it's so garbage. I still watch the ds2 oros arsenal from time to time to reminisce the good times
No, but I'm a part of the cheater discord so I know what you're talking about. Did you like Anri's tiny head?
will it be better because there will be dedicated PVP servers now?
A bunch of people will flock to it and then realize DS2 is still the best.
>playing Souls games on PC
>souls pvp is shit
>a good way to casually kill a few minutes
Which one is it, faggot?
no, the refined gem killed DaS3's pvp
>SotFS over DaS1
I'm surprised. It used to be that SotFS was under DaS1, but combined with vanilla DaS2, they were above. Especially with all those shitty "revival events" where people try to create false popularity by forcing themselves to play again instead of going through naturally.
As much as I like DaS 2, its PvE is hot garbage compared with the rest of the series and you know it
The DLC is fucking great.
Soul Memory says hi. Meanwhile DaS1 will have active coop all over the plcae. Can't wait to help out with Kalameet tailcutting again.
the latter, and the former you mook. user said it is shit pvp so it is just entertaining to casually kill a few minutes playing it then carrying on your journey.