damn, japanese people looks like THAT!?
Damn, japanese people looks like THAT!?
Other urls found in this thread:
Aku no Hana is the only anime where the characters actually look Japanese.
Isn't she 1/4 American
She's part American, you twat.
>Aku no Hana
Yeah, bro.
I said anime, not manga. In the anime they actually look Japanese.
oh so being part american makes you a perfect aryan woman e blue eyes and all? ok
>le 14% face
anime genetics
A) Part-American
B) Even if they didn't outright say that they are next door to fucking Russia you think there aren't a few hybrids
No, that's what japanese people think americans look like.
Crossbred women have always been the top tier even in real life.
Go away, Jew.
Your tricks don't work here.
This. Specifically White/Asian women.
I always thought she looks a lot like my sister.
>Crossbred women have always been the top tier even in real life.
>le anime characters look white meme
can i get your sister's phone number?
>Ann will never be your wife
why live
pics of gtfo
To fantasize about a better waifu.
delusional Sup Forumsniggers
somewhat this
>whito piggu
>blonde hair and green eyes
Maybe 1/8 japanese, sure.
>B) Even if they didn't outright say that they are next door to fucking Russia you think there aren't a few hybrids
What does this have to do with anything? She isn't part Russian.
There is no one better than this angel.
>B) Even if they didn't outright say that they are next door to fucking Russia you think there aren't a few hybrids
Even if this is the case all those Russians live on the European side of Russia (the western side of the country). No one lives on the eastern part of Russia. It's basically all just wilderness and military bases.
to look like that it's way more likely that she's just a little bit jap and mostly american
I recently finished Persona 5, how can I spend more time with Ann?
Wait for the anime and dancing game like the rest of us.
to look like that you have to be literally 90% a blonde american woman and 10% jap, there's no way the "1/4 american" meme justify this.
I know user, which is why no one takes it seriously and we just have a sensible chuckle every time a "hafu" comes on screen
el goblino...
Lol, hafu's look like retarded aliens. Please faggot, purebreeds are the best looking.
I fucking wish japs looked like that.
Meanwhile they are disgusting "people" with yellow skin, brown nipples and pig-faces.
Only the most delusional of weebs is attracted to japs.
he killed dozens
>la creatura "opinions"
he was clever though, he just needed real friends
Compare that to white goddesses such as these. Asians need to be properly genocided.
Glad that people in anime and anime games at least look Caucasian otherwise they would have been unplayable.
Fuck me if goblinas and creaturas were this fucking beautiful then sign me the fuck up in the mutt program
>anna speckhart
Thanks, I'll look forward to those. However, I'm also thinking about the long-term, like the maybe next 10 years.
>being this inbred
but they're not, it's a fantasy game with an anime artstyle.
not reality.
her hair physics bother me a lot
no i'm talking about most real life hapas
but t
i wouldn't even call her mixed, she's straight up american
*tips fedora*
>but t
but then again 3dpd is cancer
Oh, I dunno. There will probably be P5 spinoffs for at least the new few years. Other than that continue to participate in Persona threads I guess.
I love Ann
the only real life hapa i've seen was that girl who got rough fucked and she was pretty average.
>le 56% face
>implying he's wrong
White women are the best looking women on the planet. Asians have qt's, though.
>Liking white women is fedora
>Putting Asian women on a pedestal because you have bad experiences with white women due to highschool rejects is not
You guys are pathetic
Hapa's don't look anything like Ann. If you took Ann then made her 3D she would probably just look like a white person. I don't know why people are trying to find logic with anime tier shit.
don't worry user, i understood your joke.
Go on Pixiv and look up pictures of her. If you're really desperate, take up reading/writing fanfiction
still more evidence than what you've presented, fag
So do I.
More like
>putting asian women on a pedestal beceause you've never had experiences with asian women
Asian guys are bros but the women, jesus fucking christ.
I'm not talking about ann you sperg
>I don't like them
>therefore they should be genocided
In Shido's dungeon the poolfag calls her English. Weren't her parents Finnish or something?
who are you quoting?
I don't know why I laughed at the camera pan to the right.
well my anecdote is that hapas are physically incapable of being ugly, sure you find averages ad qts, but i have never seen an ugly one
Why so serious?
then get the fuck out of her thread
>hapas are physically incapable of being ugly
Well your anecdote is retarded because there is no racial group or racial sub-group that has no ugly people. Being actually attractive isn't that common, most people are ugly or mediocre in their looks.
>la creatura americana
Yep holy shit asian women are terrible.
>Asian women cheat the most out of all ethnicities
>Asian women are the most materialistic people on the planet. Japanese women literally confiscate your entire salary and give men an allowance of around $3 a day to buy lunch, some men have died due to malnutrition due to this
Compare this to caucasian women whom are prettier, less materialistic and more loyal than asians.
Why do you faggots like asians again? Oh wait nevermind I remember. Because you are all delusional faggots that think Japan is an anime and asian women are 100% loyal models.
no, both are nip fashion designers. And she was faking being British.
You're joking, right? Most caucasian women don't even look this hot, you're literally summoning Egyptian God cards without sacrificing any monsters.
Anyone can pull out good looking women from any country and say YEAH THESE WOMEN ARE THE BEST.
>you're literally summoning Egyptian God cards without sacrificing any monsters.
that metaphor fits way too well. and you're right. everyone itt should stop cherrypicking and post more Ann.
White women may be less materialistic but they go out of their way to fuck people over on so many levels that it's insane how it's legal
>get married
>get divorced
>women now owns half of my shit and takes it away form me
>I also have to pay child support if a child is involved
>don't forget how you also have to pay a monthly stipend to the woman so that she can live her life "as if she were still married"
I'd take an allowance from my gf over that garbage.
>Because divorce courts are stacked against men that means all white women are to blame and should be written off
Why not get angry at the courts that enable it instead? Women just get lead by the nose like a stupid child, they can't be blamed for their actions.
The woman has to want it you idiot. The state isn't going to force you to bend over backwards for your ex-wife if she doesn't want it and need it.
>millionaires get married
>get divorced
>the woman uses her vagina magic to take money from the ex husband despite having as much money as him to begin with
Fuck off. White woman may be hot but they're more cancerous than Asians by several tons.
Can we simply just agree that all 3DPD is shit and move on?
Plenty of women might have wanted/needed more in the past but they didn't get it. The divorce courts are the one who've changed. Get mad at the fucking jewish lawyers and then get mad at yourself for being beta enough to envision that your future hypothetical white girlfriend would screw you over.
Nope OP, those are drawings depicting offspring of AMWF couples. Sorry but those weak white boy genes trying to bleach gooks dont produce the same anime waifus instead they just create betas that sperg out in shootings.
And if the courts suddenly decided to stop overtly favoring women in divorce proceedings, women would chimp out all over the country about not being able to get anymore gibs from her ex hubby anymore
>ooh nooo what will I do I won't be able to steal half his shit anymore what the fuck so sexist it's 2018
Fuck off, both are to blame.
hear! hear!
>draw a gaijin
>call it a jap
go back to your own board faggots.
> Asians need to be properly genocided
but i'm already here
>play p5 recently
>meet Ann
>"she just looks like that danganronpa char so far"
>get to the point where she awake her Persona
>that outfit
this could be one of the reason for me to keep her in the team
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
hapa mongrels seething
you people are a cancer
Sup Forums is my main board and I have never used Sup Forums
>ctrl+f "imagine"
>zero results
i've contributed more positively to the thread and board than you have.