New heroes for Fire Emblem Heroes finally teased. Hard to say who they could be.
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Chrom on the right. Lucina on the left.
Short hair Lucina on the right. Chrom in drag on the left.
It's Lilina and Roy you tards
one is roy for sure so you know who the other one is.
What a shitty anniversary
You can't be sure it's Roy because almost all the guys in FE have that same Justin Bieber haircut
Smashfags were a mistake
Marth and Caeda
I'm willing to bet my left nut its Roy
>Chrom on the right.
>You can't be sure it's Roy because almost all the guys in FE have that same Justin Bieber haircut
Check voting gauntlent results. Fucking tards.
>Ninian and Eliwood
>Lilina and Roy
>Micaiah and Sothe
Place your bets.
>Voting Gauntlets mean anything
Don't call other people tards, tard.
God those characters are so fucking boring. I'm not crazy over Nowi/Lyn/Tharja/Camilla but at least those units would be aesthetically pleasing for a Valentine's Day banner.
Obvious Lilina. She's wearing a hat, and you can see either a short cap or a scarf, Lilina has a short cape that's shown flying that way in numerous artworks.
>they're not lolis or tittysluts so they're boring
Who cares. Use this opportunity to save orbs. I for one hope it's Roy because of that.
In terms of personality and story, Roy, Eliwood and the rest are just as bland. Not just in design. At least with Tharja it makes sense to have her there for Valentine's Day.
I have never gotten a Hector even once.
>wanting another tharja
actually wait a moment she only has two different designs. still i'd rather it be a character that only has one other design, so Roy would be out too in my interests.
>Use this opportunity to save orbs
Like hell. If they all turn out to be shit, I'm rolling Myrrh.
Almost every FE girl can be romantically linked to another character in her game. In Japan, chocolate can also be given out to friends and coworkers on Valentine's. If you think Tharja is the only one who fits a Valentine's theme because she's obsessed with Robin, you're a retard.
ekira and epharim finally admiting the're incestuos
in valentines day
>no beach Myrrh
>no New Years Myrrh
>no Halloween Myrrh
please please please be Eliwood and Ninian, I want Eliwood to have good art
Tharja is the most romantic and loving one though so she's the best pick for a banner like this.
It's itsuki.
Right is archer Kliff.
It's sickening how almost every man in FE look the same. Same anorexic, feminine soyboy look with the justin bieber hairstyle
>guys hair looks like itsuki
>girl has angel wing shape near her shoulder
>they just announced that rhythm game minigame in FE Heroes
>saying soyboy
>justin bieber hairstyle
>about a game that existed before justin biebers birth
>"Look guys I can say the big kid buzzwords too!!!"
You sure do love talking about Justin Bieber.
You know what I mean. Most of them have skeletal physiques with girly hair. They don't look like warriors, they look like trannies
Welcome to just about every non-R18 nip game ever. Tellius actually has the biggest vareity of male body types I've seen in any series though.
When is the refining update? I have 200000 feathers and I want to +10 Caeda of her refining is good.
>want to max out a unit
>5 star units can't be merged
>you can only feed stronger units to weaker units therefore losing your 5 and 4 stars
This game confuses me.
>Tharja is the most romantic and loving one though
I don't even play heroes, but I gotta call bullshit right there. Cordelia's entire character is that she's a hopeless romantic. The are other characters that also have a more romantic vibe to them than a curse obsessed stalker.
>I'm not crazy over Nowi/Lyn/Tharja/Camilla
It's not restricted to 1st place. 2nd place has gotten treatment as well.
>5 star units can't be merged
But they can.
Unfavorite them you silly goose, 5 star units can be merged
You have to deselect the favorite icon which is the heart on the unit's profile/stat page. By default it saves 4*s and 5*s. You can fix this in Settings and clicking Auto-Favorite.
If the unit has a heart icon, it's a favorite. It's meant to prevent accidental merging and skill inheritance. Just click on the icon on their stats screen to remove it.
this game is too intellectual and complex. damn.
>free roll on movement skill banner
>+Res -Def Ayra
>feel good, do one on hero banner
>+Def -Spd Sigurd
Made up for the rest of the day. What should I do with them? Merge my -Spd Ayra into this one or keep both and make a team with 2 Ayra? Also should Sigurd replace my Luke?
I agree but atleast this way I can save some orbs.
This is going to be the first time I ever buy orbs and I strongly advise other f2ps consider doing the same. We need to let them know. We need to show them. We don't fucking want ten billion Fateswakening shitters. We want Roy. We want Hector. We want Sigurd. The good stuff. Ike already dominated the Legendary and now we have the keep the ball rolling. Just imagine it's so successful we never see another nufe banner again. Like holy shit I'm getting hard just thinking about it
>barely opened the game in a week
>completely forgot to even touch AA once last week
>only just grab daily orbs now
I think I'm finally free
So long suckers, enjoy your gacha shit
>We want Roy
Why? He's not a great unit and on top of that he's so goddamn boring. Why not a great unit like Lethe?
Did you copy this from Reddit?
I don't like Roy and Hector's already getting a CYL alt.
>saving images with a billion artifacts
good riddance.
Same, the game is just really boring. I still have orb quests to do but its such a pain. FEH is a login game now.
>We want Roy
tfw we'll never get Christmas Myrrh, Brave Myrrh or Legendary Vanguard Myrrh
My prayers will have been answered if it is announced alongside a port of TMS to the Switch. Or better yet, a sequel!
But that won't happen...
You'll be back.
I've been "free" 2 times already
And this is how you spot the smash fags
If you haven't finished all the developers challenge maps, get out of this thread.
>that team
Literally the epitome of cancer.
For some reason I can never beat any 40+ maps. I've levelled my characters to max and gave them all their skills but it's unfair how they can beyond 40 but I can't.
>trying to do Manakete Squad without losing anybody
just use marth, ninian, deidre, and anna lol.
it's a new feh oc named rasputin, lover of the emblan queen
>he doesn't have +atk Fury Julia and Lucina
Mine KO'd most dragons inside def tiles, and yTiki died attacking Fjorm.
Deirdre gets ko'd by Fae for sure, probably Nowi too.
>kills your dragons
Can dragons (with lightning breath) counter Deathly Dagger?
digusting team m8
>trying to do any developer challenge on this piece of shit
You've been given 6 masked lukinas. She can pretty much solo the map.
They can sadly.
But if you're a player of exquisite intellect like moi, you give Jaffar Watersweep and Savage Blow and slowly murder the lolis without taking a single hit.
Or just have a pocket healer and dancer to bring him to full health, survive the vantage and kill them on the second attack.
i get it
>they all have fury
>genny can just peck them off bit by bit until Lucina/Julia can oneshot them
that's how I did it anyway
Who here happy we get to eat trash ISIS specially made to make fun of us because of blind faggots who can't keep their Ike in their pants?
>I think I'm finally free
Why aren't u getting all ur units to 4000HM? Do you hate feathers?
The winners were Hector and Celica, followed by Ephraim and Veronica though. Why the fuck would it be Roy?
>a little girl is so stupidly strong that defines the metagame of this game now
Is Myrrh the best girl in the entire series?
When are we getting this year's bridal banner?
Myrrh is shit though
June, like last year. "June Bride" is a Japanese thing.
I wish this was her in-game art...
>tfw i'm the guy that uses archers on FE games on hard
What if its Ninian and Nils? Will you pack your bags?
>The winners were Hector and Celica, followed by Ephraim and Veronica though. Why the fuck would it be Roy?
That's CYL. Those are brave heroes. Come on goy.
It's not Nils' hair, unless someone like Yura drew him.
I could've done with my +5 Question Marth and a healer but my gimmick loving brain decided to use my Watersweep Sothe and meme it up instead.
It was kinda tough but it was fun, I regret nothing.
How do I build this lesbian? Im thinking fury + windsweap since my Jaffar already counters mages.
Can anyone make a palette swap of Amelia that isn't as shit as her vanilla color combination?
Keep LaD, Fury doesn't do anything for him and his trash defenses.
I use lad and watersweep, but that's just because I didn't want to sack a Joshua. It works pretty well