Are you going to level one / race change to one user?

Are you going to level one / race change to one user?

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50 usd for a skincolor change.



>Nigger Dwarves

Pretty weak racials. Unless you're fighting DK/Rogue in 2's then I guess you can be solid.

I just want to know what the mole machine actually does.

Gonna go on a limb and say its probably a hearthstone.

I'd rather have the Kul Tiras humans.

was armor really made for skinny and overweight people? that doesn't seem feasible

I've wanted dark iron dwarves since vanilla

Gonna race change my HumanMale warrior into a Dark Iron Female

I'll probably level a male fire mage too

>that joke about the world tree burning down

11/10, I paid 50 bucks just to be a Dark Iron, the rest of the expac is just a bonus

Going to make an Alliance character for the first time in 10+ years just to play one.

well the skinny model uses female undead skeleton so the armor should already work. Its really obvious if you looked at a side view of it.

Big guy will probably have big clipping but what else is new in WoW

Wait, the only content in the entirety of BfA is Dark Iron Dwarves?!?!?!

That's for the whole expansion, and it is not just a skin color change

Nope, gonna stick to my belf pala.

I have never and will never play a dwarf.

What the fuck is her accent
It went from attempt at Scottish to Russian to Australian in one sentence

>world tree burning down
It's not the world tree, it's the main city of the nelves.

and wasn't Teldrassil an attempt at a new world tree?

>not zandalari druid
who /dinomancer/ here?

which is one of the world trees

Hyjal, Grizzly Hills, Valsharah and Teldrassil all have or are world trees

I'm making a Zando hunter. A REAL dinomancer.

But dorf already had a fairly similar skin color available to them in vanilla.

Or at least close enough that people claimed it to be Dark Iron.

me on the right