Borderlands 3
fuck off randy
I some steam money, should I marathon the games?
Must be cool being money
If you want to buy them, i'd rather wait for sale
When Randy finds a another publisher to scam some money from.
When can I preorder it?
Can't wait for the I'M PICKLE RIIIIICK melee weapon and the SALT BAE grenade.
if you like grinding and looting, then yeah. steam sale it.
never ever since Battleborn flopped
When Battleborn starts becoming profitable.
Hopefully never
Reminder this game WILL have references to Twitch emotes and memes.
When the license no longer belongs to 2K
Surely there are better games to play with horrible writing, horrible dialogue, shit constantly covering your screen, and completely arbitrary yet retardedly punishing rules for combat. Oh and horrendous bosses.
Nobody should look forward to having to farm more """raid""" bosses solo so their single player build can be viable against the enemy stat scaling.
when the game is BADASS enough
might actually be good since burch wont be getting near it and wont be using nepotism to employ his sister, just pls for the love of god make a coherent storyline
after half life 3
Do you think all of this came from the use of "bad ass" in the original borderlands?
Some time between September 2018 and March 2019.
what is randy doing anyway? the company is not making any money from battleborn and I doubt it can survive for much more with the money from other games with the crazy amount they lost with battleborn
I hope randy bobandy offs himself
Why would Randy be asking where his own game is, retard?
Yes, I'll play with you :)
Just play shadow warrior 2 my dude