What was her fucking problem!?

What was her fucking problem!?

She wanted Sly's baby cock butbhe was full homo for the paraplegic turtle

Needed a good dicking.

She wasn't happy with the sound of her voice

she needed the dick

The right answer.

source now

If you were more educated I would.

>She wanted to stick her cock inside Sly's big booty and rub it on his buttcheecks and thick thighs and have him sit on her face

She became a living cocksleeve.

please I need it

Sly Cooper 3.

She wants Sly 5

it's just a cutscene from the game, but edited

she wants Sly's dick but he's a power bottom so he's not interested.

yeah but what game?

You clearly haven't even played the games

It's a shitty edit from Sly 4.

Remember kids, spoonfeeding - first one's free

Isn't that scene just from promotional material when the game was announced? I don't remember that scene playing in game.

Changed her voice every game

Sly 2 wrote her great, Later games flanderized her and made her bitchy.

BTW, these game actively mentioned her as being sexy and hot, Sucker Punch was making furries out of gamers.

I like how she has a zipper for a quick access to her bobs.

Don't blame a studio for being a fucking furry user.

They add jiggle physics to her in cutscenes, and in Sly 1 every newspaper in the game mentions how hot she is, it's not conspiracy.

Yes, and I'm sure plenty of games have handsome male character but that didn't turn you gay, right?

Foxes have always been the "sexy" animal used for years and years now, it's not really a surprise that the same idea would be in the game.

>Sucker Punch was making furries out of gamers.
Everyone else was doing it at the time anyway. That generation alone had:
>Nintendo - Starfox Adventures, Animal Crossing
>Insomniac - Rachet and Clank
>Naughty Dog - Jak & Daxter had some of it
>Sega - Sonic (FAT BAT TATS)
and plenty more.

is sly handsome?

everything before 4 was fine, anthropomorphic characters that have "beard" tufts look grody

Dunno. We should ask a victim of Sucker Punch's furryfication plan and ask him.

sure but sly in 4 always looked really weird

>Sucker Punch was making furries out of gamers.

You don't have to be a furry to think she's hot, not that SP would have a reason to turn people into furries.

Sly 4's art direction is generally shit. I like how the game plays but the areas are way too busy and cluttered with shit and the model design is awful. The only thing decent was the 2D animations which really only served to highlight how shit the 3D models were.

cutscenes were made by that company who did e-surance commercials.

sparrow pls go

It's not even porn you dork

At least someone got the reference

Sly 2 Carmelita + beige colored chest is best
I wonder what designs the TV show will use.

>2D animations make her look more like a dog
>3D models make her look like a cat
Sly 4 really was a mess art-wise.

it's a fanmade game.

>official art

>fip, fip, fip, fap
What did they mean by this?

>You don't have to be a furry to think she's hot
yes you do.

Looks nothing like her desu

girl who drew her knows what's sexy.

personality wise - i agree.


>waaah jannies help, people are posting a video game character

See what happens when you add jiggle physics to cutscenes? I hope you are happy, Sucker Punch Studios.

Furry sublimation

>dedicate your life to becoming an Inspector
>finally become knew ready to prove yourself in the field
>meet this dick and his merry band of retards
>constantly shows you up showing little to no effort to do so
>try even harder to catch him
>he still beats you at every turn
>routinely gets in contact with you just to have some banter
>your career starts being built up solely on the criminals that he catches for you
>any past accomplishments squashed due to your inability to catch 1 guy
>live alone in a small apartment focused only on your work while he parties it up across the globe
>gets so confident he is able to willingly turn himself into you just to escape right after
>dealing with him also makes you deal with his retarded family vengeance shit
>years of this goes by
>At the perfect time to finally catch him he has amnesia
>realize that even with him the biggest thorn in your side for years he could be a good working member of society
>take him in as your partner
>more years go by
>find out he lied to you about amnesia since the beginning and still doing illegal shit
>get wrapped up in more family revenge bullshit but now with time travel
Why she hasn't had a mental breakdown or chosen a different career is a mystery

No, you don't.

Feels more like Sly with breasts than Carmelita.


yes you do, furfag


>fem sly

if there was a spiritual successor to sly series, i wish it was about his granddaughter, learning how to steal from the bad guys. batman beyond to batman tas.

mods delete threads about shotas and lolis in video games, why should furfags get a pass?

Obviously we can't agree on this.

Why does this series have so little good fanart?

we don't need to agree, you're just factually wrong. Only a furfag could be attracted to that. You're in denial.

it's not relevant.


It had four games.

and no one remembers them except disgusting furshitters.

Is the series dead?
The games haven’t been major sellers, movie is in limbo/abandoned.

last one was 5 years ago.

Its getting a TV series...

Four long forgotten games. Should've kept Neyla alive and/or make Murray less ugly to attract the furry audience.

The game's fame basically peaked in 2005 after Sly 3 came out, then there was an 8 year gap til 4 and that didn't do to well. And because it was a PS2 platformer it doesn't have the same nostalgic love that people hold for things like Crash or Spyro. The only hope right now is the tv show that got mentioned back in June after they canned the movie. And they haven't said anything else since.

That was originally going to be a movie. That's how little people care about sly cooper.

>Mom walks in

post yfw

>Only a furfag could be attracted to that
Present the evidence

>"Following the poor box office performance of the Ratchet & Clank adaptation, Cartoon Brew editor Amid Amidi expressed doubt that Sly Cooper would ever be completed."

i'm glad they spared us this version

a TV series with the potential for moderate success is better than a big movie that crashes and burns because 7 quadrillion people didn't go see it and all the budged was wasted on marketing.


Why did they do this. I understand fan service but I never wanted this.

Holy shit someone saved the gif i made.
sly 4

Good lord even amateur tumblr porn artists are leagues better than Sanzaru's art leads.

>fanmade game

Oh, I agree with you. It worked wonders for Digimon.
That doesn't mean that they didn't cancel the movies because not enough people give a shit about sly tho.

who that

nipple tassels are what really what makes a good kid's game
