Can we crowdfund a legal case to ban emulation?
Can we crowdfund a legal case to ban emulation?
Why do you hate freedom?
why dont you fund it yourself?
Emulation is already illegal though
In which country?
Emulators aren't illegal.
Roms are.
>robs bank
>gets arrested
For what purpose?
Nintenbros are SEETHING
Wouldn't stop me from doing it. Also, you do realize if you can absolutely all emulation that means even the companies themselves won't be able to emulate their old games on newer consoles, yes? That means no VC on Switch. Surely you don't think those older games just magically happened to run on the new consoles by just running their file on said console, right? It's all emulation.
Upstate New York
if emulation becomes illegal then say goodbye to virtual console
How about I buy you a rope to hang yourself instead?
>removing an object
>creating a copy of an object
well i'm from utica and I've never heard of anyone getting arrested for emulation
Can we legalise holocausting Nintendicksuckers?
Don't waste your breath with these retards
you're not stealing the object, but stealing Nintendo's (or any company) sale of the object. Do I think emulation is theft? Nah. But what am I other than a simple user on the internet.
can you fuck off?
Can we crowdfund a legal case to change the time until media enters public domain is determined by the highest mathematical efficiency? Weighting personal gain against increased visibility of starting creatives and the value their work adds to the economy?
Protip, it's already been done. It's not something hard to work out, since many of the groups of variables have been already analysed on their own by media groups.
Can we fuck off?*
Oh no, a multi billion dollar company is losing some sales! My heart aches!
>doesn't know about 'we'
go back
notice how these threads are always nintendo.
The problem is that most industry bodies go "Muh thing was pirated 500,000 times which means I lost 500,000 sales!" Actual analysis into that shows it's far far less. It actually varies based upon media, with prevalence of piracy increasing sales for some forms of media and decreasing sales for other. However the increase and decrease is never exactly substantial. We're talking 13% kind of thing.
Nintenfags getting steamed again
>Hey the Mona Lisa looks pretty cool. I'm gonna take a picture of it
>"Stop right there, criminal scum!"
no no, its more of an Albany thing...
Yeah I agree, the actual harm to the company is very small compared to what everyone's crying over. I'm just trying to understand what these "vigilantes" are using to justify themselves.
Don't mind me, just emulating this bowl of candy :)
Why are some nintendo fans like this, it's like they feel the need to defend a billion dollar company that has nothing to do with them. They are the only ones to bitch about emulation this much
It's so funny how badly Nintendo fucked up.
>stop liking what I don't like
>Two days after Bleem! started taking preorders for their emulator, Sony filed suit against them alleging that they were violating their rights and that providing access for PlayStation games to run on non-Sony hardware constituted unfair competition.[3]
>Ultimately Bleem! won in court and a protective order was issued to "protect David from Goliath".[1] Sony lost on all counts, including Bleem!'s use of screenshots of PlayStation games on its packaging. The court noted that Bleem!'s use of copyrighted screenshots was considered fair use and should be allowed to continue.