Fun and exactly what I was expecting when I purchased it, didn't let me down.
Pretty solid once you look past the visuals. The second episode has some particularly great moments.
Looks like shit.
>le retro indie pixel shit
fuck off
graphics baby, gameplay is good
gimme a torrent, i don't want to buy another strafe
This. I'm not paying 22 cucknadian dollaridoos for visuals like this. I am in no way a graphics whore, but this is just disgusting.
i literally have no opinion one way or another
take it to /vr/ you fucking nusoy
It's allright.
strafe is shit, dusk is actually fun.
Multiplayer is pretty good too. Was sceptical at first, cause it looked like another noastalgia cashgrab, but had a good time with it so far
shit game that was pushed back and placed into early access. fuck you dave
i didn't know you where allowed to discuss games released past the 00s on /vr/
shit game that tries to be a quake/1990 something game but has worse graphics, level design, lighting, enemy variety and is worse than any mod for quake. shilled to hell and back and even tho its some retro shit that one guy could make in a week or two it has taken a year and is still in EA
it's fine
>PS2 still isnt considered classic yet
its been almost 20 years since it released
classic? sure
retro? no
>early access
>pixel garbage graphics
wow another winner picked by the finest Sup Forums has to offer!
Sliding is such a good mechanic in that projectile based convention.
Also nu-superhot powerup is fun as hell
how many years untill something becomes retro?
It’s very fun. I do wish the levels were longer but then being short gives easy replayability.
i don't know? i didn't make the rules for the board.
Fast and fun
Looks worse than some recent quake 1 maps.
yup, i just tried it and played for half an hour and i see where this is going.
boring enemies and shitty maps, the movement is alright tho
Looks like complete shit
Whoever made it should probably kill themselves
I'll buy it when episode 3 is released. Shouldn't be too long.
kill yourself
>I am in no way a graphics whore
yes you are. Can you not play quake or doom either, faggot?
>low poly is bad meme
and yet literally every low poly thread has someone ask "why dont people still do this"
quake and doom are 20+ years old and yet still look good compared to this piece of hot garbage you're relentlessly shilling for
Looks like we got ourselves a Blood player.
>babby who was born in 2000 detected
dusk feels like walking through cg backgrounds
>babby who pretends to be old
quake's so brown that it didn't even look good when it came out
>00.02 dollarydoos has been emailed to your paypal account
name even one level of quake that actually looks better than this
Really good. Fun and satisfying gunplay, and a lot of movement options to go fast as fuck. Solid and varied level-design as well.
Its crap, better replay quake1.
the second episode was much better than the first
And yet here we are again, criticising the graphics, which ultimately doesn't matter when you really should be looking at the gameplay.
>graphics are fucking shit and brown but also worse than the shit and brown game that came out 22 years ago on shit tier hardware
Gameplay is good, but its nothing new.
>still cant give a single example of either doom or quake having a single better looking room
>muh gaymeplay
>muh no one cares about le grafix
At least try the game before you come here to shitpost, pirate it.
Yes it's good, nothing more nothing less.
Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.
this game is way too easy except on the hardest difficulty where enemies are bullet sponges and you can only take one hit
the definition of artificial difficulty
Oh no, it's worse than the best fps ever made what a travesty. Do you only play Quake?
Fuck's sake, if you're gonna enforce a low resolution, be fucking consistent with it.
Dropped, I'm gonna pirate it 20 times and not even play it just to spite the dev.
>DUSK Shills out in full force
ehh. most of the posters here are underage so if there's no bloom or lens flare they don't give a shit about gameplay
>liking a game means you're a shill
Better a shill than a shitposter, anyhow
If you like old fps buy Dusk and Immortal Redneck. They are both fantastic and much better than Paranautical or Strafe
>admits he is a shill
Amid Evil is looking pretty cool too
look at that image and then the op, it doesn't even look like that at default. its an optional feature
>STILL cannot post a better looking quake map
By Sup Forums's retarded standards yes because I recommend new games I enjoyed
Why does that name bother me so much?
Shouldn't it be Amidst Evil?
Amongst've'd Evil
Because you're a huge fucking nerd
>recommending nu games
>not shilling
>game is objectivley shit
You realise you are just giving the game more publicity from your shitposting? It is you who are keeping the thread alive.
>market is oversaturated with hd remakes
>but what if we make copy of old game and make it look even worse?
>what is sage
go back to 8 chan
>Amid evil sounds stupid
>Amidst evil sounds better
>somehow im a nerd
meh fuck it I guess I am
Something nobody replying to you is using lol retard
>comparing doom and quake with this shitty game
>2018 the year of our lorderidoo
I don't think the defendants use sage, it's them you are fueling, and there are always newfags that don't know what that is
its not a downvote
Anyway shitposting aside, I liked episode 1. Fast and fluid gameplay, beefy albeit generic guns and the levels flow fairly well. Also surprisingly atmospheric, the catacombs level was really cool and I appreciate the STALKER influences later on. It is quite janky though, can't quite figure out how to dodge the scarecrow guys consistently at longer ranges and some of the movement is awkward like falling through the holes in the church. Rat enemies suck dick too. It could use more weak enemies like the soldiers, the cultists are a tad too spongey to be the most common enemy. The levels are rather barren and uninteresting. It's also way, way too easy on anything but the one hit kill mode. Felt like it needed 3 difficulty modes between the second hardest and that.
>7th gen is almost old enough to be considered retro
>doesn't jump a SINGLE time
Crouch sliding is faster than jumping
Wish more people played the multiplayer
wrong, initially that is true but as soon as it is over you go back to the default speed then even below it if continued held. bunnyhopping is still much faster
Pretty much agreed on this.
I don't think you can avoid the scarecrow at long range becuase of weapon spread. I guess the rats are there just to troll you at times, don't know what it's about old-school shooters (thinking of Blood mostly) and their love for small annoying enemies.
Difficulty definitely needs some tweaking, second hardest difficulty is alright for someone like me, a bit of a scrub, but it feels like the go to difficulty.
Some levels might have been a bit empty, I'm not sure. But at least theirs a lot of interactivity a la Duke.
Short range dodging feels a bit wonky too, he shoots too suddenly after the little aiming animation, so you gotta really memorize that timing since the visual indication isn't the best. But hey at least it's not hitscan. I felt like the rats were there just as a tribute to those kinds of obnoxious enemies, but yeah they are never fun. They feel even worse here because I guess their hitboxes are too small? Feel too hard to hit.
I played both and loved them, but your game looks like shit.
>37 ips
>you are the only one sperging out
his game