Gal*Gun 2 banned in Germany

I'm not an expert on this, does Germany usually ban fanservice games?

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they're cucks so yeah

Germany is infamous for censoring or banning games in their country. I know Sweden can get a lot of flak for being cucks who keep trying to push for this shit, but the fact still stands that they haven't banned shit compared to the Germans.


Welp, no anime tiddies for them, I guess.

It's not banned

You just can't market it or sell it

Good heavens, better declare state of emergency/WW3/UN sanctions/pretzel/BWM/Merc/Audi boycott because some obscure, shitty paedo-weeb garbage was banned.

Oh ye gods! Oh the humanity! It's another holocaust!

>Germany doesn't want their economy to crash because of cute anime girls

>can't market or sell game in certain region
>literally the definition of a product ban
is english not your first language?

Okay, the cops won't arrest you if they find you in possession of a copy you legally obtained from another country. It's still banned from sale in Germany.

Are you okay user?

I don't get why the USK is trying to fuck with us again. Is it 2005 or wut?

What does this mean?
Can i go to jail if i pirate it?

You're comparing free speech to jerking off to children?

>can I go to jail if i pirate it
well piracy is illegal so I'm not quite sure

cartoons are a form of free speech.

Isn't that exactly the point? why does the government has to wast time on some obscure videogame?

Fucking cucks
But horror games and war games are fucking ok
Wtf is wrong with the humanity???
Killing and selling weapons nobody cares. But if the issue is underage girls they go full retard
WW3 when??

What are European laws like anyways? Is Free Speech a generally universal thing? It's parroted a lot in America because it's the First Amendment, but how is it for the other countries in the world?

>jerking off

It's not even an adult game.

At least do some research before discussing.

But if it is not allowed to be saled here then the owner has no right to complain in the first place?

Little girls do more damage than guns ever will

I don't think Sweden has actually banned any video game. Dead or Alive which is usually brought up as an example was never banned in Sweden.

Isnt it the right to say ones opinion? Like this law is stupid it need to be like this?

Just order it from a neighboring country on Amazon, will take one day longer to arrive, if even that. Makes no difference as long as it's not actually banned.

yeah, but a judge or person of law won't care, especially since you're under sharia law

Fuck you
That is not even funny

Actually Germany has always been ban-happy on violence as well.

USK isn't the government, for one.

Crimal girls (vita) and any shooter horror shit is available here as well

It is almost the same but it is heavily under attack from both sides of the political spectrum, Rather than getting down and dirty and actually solving problems they skirt around the edges and put band-aids over them in attempt to get rid of the problem usually in the form of banning or making even vaguely related things illegal. All it does is mask the problem so they don't have to disenfranchise their voters by taking a position and it fucks over decent people.

>Oh the humanity! It's another holocaust!
That can get you in jail, in Germany.

It's NOT BANNED. It "merely" must not be sold/shown to minors. That's it.

>What are European laws like anyways? Is Free Speech a generally universal thing? It's parroted a lot in America because it's the First Amendment, but how is it for the other countries in the world?
No, this is one case where America has a right to make a big deal about it and feel smug and superior. The 1A is unique worldwide in the scope and power of its protections, not just in terms of the core constitution either but in terms of jurisprudence and general cultural and political acceptance. Sure people try to challenge it all the time, but thats a niche position and doesn't succeed, it has strong bipartisan and organization and corporation and non-profit support.

Most of the world (by landmass and population) has zero free speech protections even in principle. For most of the West where there is a liberal order and they at least give lip service to free speech, its still a lot more restricted.

Try to get Rise of the Triad or Valkyrie Drive, then. Or uncut Wolfenstein. There's a whole bunch of video games where you can only get a "violence reduced" version but I'm too lazy to look those up, especially since I don't buy games anyways.

germans only let the jihadists they import fuck little girls, german men arent allowed to even play a cartoon game with them. totally cucked beond existence.

Fucking kek.
What a joke you faggots are.

Germany is literally an Islamofascist state

Why not replace the girls with robots?

Can they be cute anime robot girls?

Criminal Girls got preemptively fucked in localization by NISA.

Why don't they just change all the girls into robots?

This. It's not the first time something similar has been done anyway.

>As with all early Contra games, the European release was renamed to Probotector—in this case, without any subtitle, meaning it shares its title with the NES game—with its sprites significantly reworked to turn human characters into robots, ostensibly making the game less violent.

>Underage can't play games with underage as the focus
Aye hol up

Don't console manufacturers require ratings as a policy in order to be able to officially sell the game for their consoles? No rating would mean no console release. If the game doesn't have a PC version then it is effectively banned.

I remember several games that did not get a USK-rating get released in PAL territory.

No rating does not mean no console release.

fictional children*

>cant separate reality from fiction
burgerclap education