Xbro thread
What're you playing m8s?
Xbro thread
What're you playing m8s?
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ff 15 comrades aka hold b button: the game
Funny how not even console wars happen in xbox threads, it's that dead
Monsta Hunta with my niggas
Nothing. Fucking Phil Spenser gave away all our games to PC.
Battlefield 1. I hate flying planes so much.
>think everything is all going good
>suddenly wing clips something and we all die
>havent played xbone in 6months+
>buy monster hunter world, so psyched
>xbox wont read disc
>now have to wait 3 weeks for them to fix it.
on top of that those microshits tried to get me to pay $115 for the repair. spent an hour arguing and being transferred around. they finally concede and agree to do it for free. feels good and bad at the same time
Skyrim. Although I've been playing for a while and I'm getting bored. Any mod recommendations for fun game play or quests?
Monster Hunter World, on the Xbox One X. Sadly all my friends are on PS4. Seriously, why can't Sony just support crossplay already?
Fellas should I get an Xbone,been playing my backlog on 360 for now
it would be simpler to buy a ps4 you know
Honestly, what games could sell you an xbox? Any ideas?
forza 7
Phendrix magic
Alternate start
I only own an og xbox and 360. No need to own an xbox one since it has a no exclusives and Microsoft doesn't care about single player games.
I did the alternate start and it just spawned me in some random location. Am I missing something?
I'm not buying the console, ps plus, and a copy of Monster Hunter World. Waste of money. I'll get a PS4 when Death Stranding comes out. Otherwise, I ain't buying a PlayStation. I dislike the dualshock, and PSN is much shittier than Xbox Live.
almost bought an xbox one yesterday on OfferUp (like craigslist but not)
it had 10 games and 11 360 games, 1 controller, for $250 obo
apparnetly it sold for $200.
im mad cuz i was gonna offer him 250 today but it was 40 miles away drivig but totally worth it.
its too bad, i wouldve got it for that price
They'd have to lure me with a sequel for a franchise I love, like what the PS3 and PS4 did with MGS4 and Bloodborne
Thing is, I can't think of any franchises Microsoft is in position to do that with
Battlefront II and Monster Hunter World.
What's the name of the mod you used? I know there's a few, some let you choose where you spawn and your backstory
Radiant silver gun maybe later I might play pubg
? How would a game existing on pc stop you from playing it and to be fair it’s windows 10 who games on that?
Why is xbox wojak so fucking based? He always brings a smile to my face.
The only reason why Sony wont support crossplay is because they want YOU to buy a PS4, on top of PS Plus. Their excuse for not supporting it? Because they want to protect the children. Bullshit, because Nintendo and Microsoft both support crossplay. NINTENDO OF ALL COMPANIES!
Also, who else is playing Xbox One X on a 4k TV? I do and its glorious. Games like Forza Horizon 3 really shine on the X.
Bloodborne is great mgs4 is a garbage pile.
The backwards hat maybe?
Monster Hunter World, and shinobi
Maybe it's because he always looks like he enjoys video games without giving a fuck.
halo gears forza
>Friend has XxBoneXOnexX
>Only uses it to play indie games
And he tells me I'm silly for building a PC because I have to replace the heatsink coolant every now and then.
>on a 4k TV
It really is very pretty.
Playing Halo Wars 2 coop. I'm fairly shit at RTS but having it with a Halo paint and playing with a friend helps me out a lot.
Battlefield 1.
Sonybro undercover detected, please ignore.
>Waste of money
like the xbone?
Gigantic and Gears 4
The X Box One X comes shipped in an X Box One X Box, so if you lost your packaging you would need to ask the games seller for "One X Box One X Box", please
I meant it's a waste of money because Xbone and Ps4 more or less get the same games. Only difference is exclusives and weeb games. I'm just not into Sony's walking sim games like Uncharted or TLoU. Even God of War is a TLoU clone now.
On top of that I just have too many games to play through. Last thing I need is to blow $600 or more on a Ps4 Pro, PS Plus, and Monster Hunter World Just to play with some friends.
>Sea of thieves
>Forza Horizon 4: Japan
>Crackdown 3
>Ori and the will of wisps
>Halo 6
>Killer Instinct 2
>Dark Tide
>Fable 4 by Playground games
>new Perfect Dark
>new Crytek game
>Age of Empires 4
>Recore 2
>New Coalition IP
>State of Decay 2
>Gears of War
>Phantom Dust reboot by Electric Square
>Banjo 20th Anniversary
Dishonored DotO
Correction: Electric Square = Perfect Dark game
YouTube and MHW
For Honor. Got hyped with dedicated servers and bought it.
Besides from that DBFZ.
ps4 pro runs monhun like ass. one can hope capcom doesn't fuck the pc port or else the xbonex is the only way to enjoy this game with decent graphics
desteny 2 with One friend and halos on legendary.
he hates GoW... but i still play it some times once in 6 months or so.
this console is doomed... i love it, but it has nothing exept old excluseves and some indies
Xbox always wins babes
Gears 4
Overwatch occasionally
BF1 occasionally
H5 occasionally
you could always sell your xbox. take a great deal off of that lump sum and you wouldnt miss anything of note now that halo and gears have come and gone.
just got asscreed unity for 69 cents (thanks cdkey) and the valley. Is unity okay to play solo? i'm the only guy i know who bought this turd
I thought the xbox version didn't have first person?
>halo and gears have come and gone
What are you talking about? They're both active with a healthy population.
Been a struggle but been playing PUBG.
What gave you that idea? It has third person and first person servers, and in TPP you can switch to FPP at any time. They also just implemented ADS with the left trigger to make it a lot more intuitive for console controllers. It still isn't KB/M efficient, but it works pretty well.
Unplugged 2018
I bought an xbox One day one and a year later i bought a ps4 for bloodborne. then I built a PC. Safe to say my xbox sits on my self collecting dust. It's fucking useless and memes aside it LITERALLY has no games. whats the appeal of an xbox one? If you own a pc and ps4 you can play nearly anything on xbox.
I don't know, during release i saw some comments saying it was TPS-only with a FPS patch coming down the line.
Good for you m8, we both get the same games, we both play together, we both win.
i will most likely buy MonHun world tomorrow. i also like to play Forza Horizon 3.
I play Rainbow Six Siege mostly - literally only multiplayer game since CS Source that I enjoyed for so many hours
But the grind to get all better operators is huge.
Yeah it was TPP only for like a week or two. They seem to be rolling out the updates pretty quickly. It runs a lot better than it did at release, although sometimes texture pop in can be crazy when skydiving still. Hopefully they're putting out the second map soon.
>Xbox "anime month"
>They're just masturbating over shitty DBZ and Naruto games instead of adding Vesperia to BC
Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, and Rare Replay
Can we just talk about how much better the menu/social interface of the Xbox One is than PS4? It's literally a night and day difference and it enhances the Xbox experience so much more. The PS4 menu layout is fucking awful, Microsoft is at least king of the home console online space. They do that and do that incredibly well, at least have that going for them.
Any would be good
Japanese games
Going back through the first Horizon game now. May check out some older games like NGB and the ultimate gears 1.
so I own a Xbox one x and my controller constantly disconnects. is there a fix for this?
>Mistwalker now makes horrible ios games
If by same, you mean you get inferior versions of the game, then yes. Also, there's plenty of games only on PC and PS4.
What's great about PC games is that you can run all the good ones on a laptop. The PS4 is good if you like Japanese games, but it lacks in multiplayer games and features.
Connect it with the charging cable make sure that it’s updated and if not just go through the pairing set up again
>inferior versions
You mean the pro right ?
I have to keep reminding myself that xbox isn't just a joke like the ataribox and that there are real people out there who bought an xbox one unironically.
Hilarious joke grandpa, you may fuck off now.
Is there anyone who bought it ironically?
Stay away from the blimps user. they have cables that run down to the ground
This will more than likely sell out soon.
I bought one and was having fun with it, but once the games were all ported to PC, the fun I was having became artificial fun.
I remember buying a 360 for a couple of exclusives and it didn't come with rechargeable controllers or even fucking wi-fi support lmao.
Not to mention that if you move the 360 while it's turned on it'll fuck any disc inside it. Friends lost a couple of good games to that bullshit.
So put it in your bedroom and cross play or sell it and buy more games for your pc.
MonHun World. Going through it slow so I don't burn myself out in a week. Really miffed at how little there is for games on either platform that's a decent exclusive. Still really want another Mistwalker game. Hell, i'd also take a good co-op shooter. Also I need some good advice on petite black pornstars. I'm tired of my usual and need to mix it up. Came back from a long road of trannies and furry porn and gotta try to clean my system.
How autistic do you have to be to enjoy games less because other people are playing them too?
>having to make a circlejerk thread to null the pain of buying a shitty console like the Xbone
I can't wait for Halo 6.
Honestly, these Xbox threads are some of the best on this board. Most of the discussion is actually informative and engaging. I think that's due to the older fan base for the brand.
>How autistic do you have to be to enjoy games less because other people are playing them too?
you know what he is trying to say you shill; he could have been enjoying those games on the PC too if he hadn't been conned into buying a glorified brick.
>still can't pull myself away from Halo 5 and it's multiplayer
The single player may be meh, but they hit it out of the park with the multiplayer. The sound design is fantastic.
Same. I really hope 343i doesn't botch the campaign this time around. The 2013 e3 trailer for Halo where Chief has the tattered robes and cracked helmet probably has more to do with Halo 6 than 5 anyways.
He never said he had a PC.
>unique ips: 0