Dark Souls 3 is in Humble Monthly this month for 12 dollaroos. Should I buy it? Sup Forums seems to be divided between claiming it's a 5/10 and 9/10 game.
DaS is my favorite game from the last 15 years, while DaS2 SOTFS was a pretty good 7.5 game.
Dark Souls 3 is in Humble Monthly this month for 12 dollaroos. Should I buy it? Sup Forums seems to be divided between claiming it's a 5/10 and 9/10 game.
DaS is my favorite game from the last 15 years, while DaS2 SOTFS was a pretty good 7.5 game.
You'll like it.
Youll like it. I didnt enjoy Dark souls but im enjoying 3 right now
Have you played Bloodborne? If not, are you interested in it at all/do you like anything that it seems to do differently from 1/2?
If not, you will probably hate 3 because it has a massive Bloodboner.
Only BB fags and DS2 apologist hate this game.
Haven't played BB, it seems great, but I'll probably never get it because there are no other worthwhile games on the PS4.
What's this talk about poise being fucked in DaS3? Does it mean that enemies never stagger?
it is 0/10
Remember how in DS1 you could put on Havel's armor and be able to drink estus and swing your weapon uninterrupted, no matter who is attacking you?
You can't do this in DS3 anymore.
Oh, so the change is actually great, and the only butthurt ones are lagstab shitters? good to know
Pretty much, but it means fast weapons are bitches to fight against. It's still leagues ahead of DaS1 as far as PvP is concerned.
This. Clunky console trash.
It's a good game, but the pvp is awful. 12 bucks is a steal
Poverty user here. Anyone got extra code for Max Payne 2?
Poise is tied to your weapon now. If you're not swinging a huge greatsword or axe, you will be staggered.
Most enemies are in a similar boat where you can just mash attacks on them and stagger them until they die or you run out of stamina. There are some strange exceptions though, like the fat clerics with candlesticks who never seem to get staggered.
This. By far the worst souls game.
easiest dark souls game
I've never played any of the Dark Souls games but I wanted to start with the first. When I play it, it shits the bed whenever any enemy attacks, even DSfix doesn't seem to help.
12 buckaroos is a steal, not even considering whatever shovelware they throw in there.
>be me
>played das3 way before bb
>finished bb recently
>started a new playthrough of das3
>still enjoy it a lot
Not sure what you mean