ITT: Games that are straight upgrades of their predecessors
ITT: Games that are straight upgrades of their predecessors
You mispelt downgrade
honestly super paper mario made me never buy nintendo again.
$50 of christmas money as a 13 year old down the drain.
mechanically, with its 60 fps and upgraded combat, it's undisputable.
the individual chapters, however, tend to be worse. boggly woods is universally seen as a low point. the excess express is just walking left and right with no combat to break it up at all. while glitzville is cool, it's just an extended arena section with annoying combat objectives. rogueport itself despite its tight design is visually uninteresting.
pm64 fags falseflagging as usual.
>He thinks TTYD is better.
>Loved Paper Mario as a kid
>Got into the series late sadly so I could never find TTYD anywhere
>Got SPM when it came out, but never finished it while I was a kid because it wasn't very good
>Eventually get Sticker Star a few years later
>It's not good either
>Finally find TTYD for a cheap price and begin playing it
>Get halfway through the game, didn't really like it that much
>Haven't touched it since
It's such a shame I never found TTYD as a kid, because as a somewhat jaded adult, it feels kind of boring to play. I don't know what made me dislike it. I don't hate it, and it's got all the Paper Mario charm, but there's just something lacking I can't put my finger on.
Maybe I should emulate it and try it again? Since I played TTYD over months instead of constant sessions when I was a kid, so maybe it had something to do with that. I don't hate the game or anything, I just feel something was missing when I played, the slow start didn't help either
>upgraded combat
Whoops, looks like you misspelled downgrade. Partner HP trivializes an already easy game, and what “high level play” exits boils down to mastering the broken superguard instead of any actual strategy. Let’s just have the stage and audience throw random shit at you too.
Only thing worse about it is backtracking. Everything else is a straight upgrade. Also the standard fare of grassland, desert, forest, ice world, fire world etc. is nowhere near as interesting as the locations in TTYD. The only exceptions being the toy box and the cloud meadow. Only chapter 1's location in TTYD is par for the course for Mario.
PM64 and TTYD are both 10/10 you cunts.
Uncharted 2 is better than the original in almost every conceivable way. Elena's reduction in cuteness is the exception.
I agree
from a straight gameplay, map and difficulty it's a straight upgrade (sans hard mode of course which is basically as bad as Lunatic +)
Of course Suppports are butchered which goes a long way to characterizing units, Crimean units get fucked by availability, and while I far prefer being able to remove and add skills rather than deleting them but one can make a case for it adding more depth to certain units you may not use if it wasn't for that handy Paragon or Wrath he has on him
of course the opposite case can be made as well but why sup up a mediocre unit?
for the topics sake
exact same shit happened to me i only recently got TTYD but man i wasn't in to it at all
You can't say the "only" thing worse is the backtracking when that's half the game.
TTYD's locations is a downgrade though as most of the areas in the game are straight lines with a certan backdrop and theme to match the areas theme. Boggly woods isn't a forest to explore, its a straight line between the entrance and Flurries House and the dungeon is just placed in the middle of the line.
PM64's levels are actually designed like the places they should be. The Canyon has ramps and different levels and the desert is a vast set of screens. The Spooky woods are a maze. It doesn't matter whether the themes are standard, the effort in making them feel like the places they are shines through in PM64. Whereas in TTYD it's just shallow eye candy.
Backtracking is a massive problem when it invades most of the game. Also PM64 did the detective/murder scene better than TTYD.
Needs more base conversations, but yes. I don't like third tiers, though. Caps get nutty at that point.
if you're anything like me then what's lacking is your not having a chemical imbalance in your brain, or you just don't like kids games anymore
same here, grew up with PM64 and loved it
though I can't say I still enjoy most of its OST still.
Got TTYD a couple years ago and despite sounding a lot better
there's something that puts me off in that game.
I tried to pick it up like 3 times. 1st time I dropped it after the rawk hawk boss
second time I dropped it after the 2nd chapter and recently I couldn't even finish it.
I love RPG's, I even enjoy going back to Superstar Saga, BiS and PM64 but TTYD bores the fuck out of me.
It's probably the partners not being very cool except yoshi
Slice of life changes, tactical options, skill management, battle system(AP system was total trash), battle transitions and speed, the addition of background music, cutscenes(dem swordfights and E.S. battles), E.S. inclusion over shitty goddamn A.G.W.S. units, MOMO's utility in battle, overall character uniqueness, Jin being playable-- plenty of things. Carries the plot right along as well, while providing some backstory.
>but I don't like the battle system
Oh fucking well, it's a hell of a lot better than the first game's.
>but I don't like the character redesigns
See above. While I understand some complaints(KOS-MOS' VA sounds less robotic), it's still an overall improvement.