The great debate.
The great debate
bull dicc
House > NCR > Legion > Yes Man
Fuck politics.
If I wanted to do as many quests as possible for all factions which path should I take?
Misc Factions -> NCR -> House -> Legion -> Yes Man?
Well a lot of the main story quests are mutually exclusive or basically the same thing across factions
honestly I never care about stuff like this in video games. its all smoke and mirrors
the house always wins baby
Yes Man. The other three breed weakness.
Legion > House >> NCR >>> dogshit >>> Yes Man
You can say alot about the faults of the legion but it doesn‘t breed weakness
And what happens to any individual when the leadership role is removed? They can't shit without their war leaders telling them to. They're still tribals in the bone.
The sam structural weakness applies to the yes man route as well tho.
Take Yes Man or the Courier out and the whole thing crumbles to dust. Ofcourse you could argue that both Yes Man and the Courier are virtually invincible but still, there‘s no structure beyond the two.
get out.
The most stylish faction for sure. Sadly the BoS is much more reasonable (mostly).
House>=NCR>Legion, and Yes Man is a wild card that depends on the character in the playthrough
What made you think this was approprate to post on Sup Forums?
>implying Yes Man route is Postman Pat becoming a leader or Yes Man being able to take any position of power
So I guess No Gods, No Masters and the anarchy symbol painted on the dam means jack shit then.
Legion. because i'm an edgy bad boy. also because Roman larping is cool. and i get to crucify Benny.
>guy who has kept everything under control forever
>guy who can run and shoot good
Yes man is for self fulfillment fags, house always wins baby.
I could understand picking any of them but Legion, and if they had had time to flesh them out I'd probably understand that too.
Compared to Fallout 4 where none of the options feel rewarding and it doesn't feel great killing factions you disagree with.
Erm depends on how you do the quests.
If you don‘t upgrade the bots its your anarchy cenario: Anarchy ruled the streets. When the fires died, New Vegas remained, assuming its position as an independent power in the Mojave.
But If you upgrade the bots Yes Man and the post man kinda just take over Houses place: With Mr. House out of the picture, part of the Securitron army was diverted to The Strip to keep order. Any chaos on the streets was ended, quickly. Chaos became uncertainty, then acceptance, with minimal loss of life.
If you're an edgelord. People only like them for their aesthetics.
not really in New Vegas...
>Yes Man and the post man kinda just take over Houses place
Vegas becomes independent. It doesn't really say who's in charge. All the slides that talk about the Courier just say they broke the hold of the NCR and the Legion on the Mojave and removed House. If the courier has good karma House even gets called a Tyrant. You don't topple one tyrant just to put yourself on the throne unless you're a communist.
>actually defending being an errand boy
Yes Man is the only way
>Compared to Fallout 4 where none of the options feel rewarding and it doesn't feel great killing factions you disagree with.
If i can commend FO4 for anything is when you choose the Minutemen or the Institute and shove the Prydwyn up the BoS rectum it felt really good, actually one of the best moments in the franchise in my opinion.
I don't know why, but blowing that airship with artillery and then having the BoS Vertibirds approaching the castle felt really fucking hardcore
how come the NCR has a shitload of quests compared to anything else? I hate those assholes.
I prefer the beauty of my chaos over anyone else's perfection.
>You don't topple one tyrant just to put yourself on the throne
Nearly every revolution in history has done just that, actually.
>early every revolution in history has done just that
All commies. Every single one of them.
>You don't topple one tyrant just to put yourself on the throne
Watch me.
Regardless If you upgrade the bots there is a army of them and Yes Man / You are in charge of them. Sure you can tell em too fuck off but most people that pick the yes man route would use the army for their own gain.
>most people that pick the yes man route would use the army for their own gain.
In the face of the conflict brewing I think it makes a lot of sense for Courier to ready those securitrons.
Google Velvet Revolution you meme spouting faggot.
I hated every faction. Why was there no BoS/Boomer alliance route? Wipe legion and ncr from existence and allow house to keep vegas, or if he wants to be an incessant cunt level it to the ground.
>say everyone who does something is a commie
>person say's I'LL DO JUST THAT
>get called a commie
>cry about it
Please tell me you have autism and aren't just this thick.
They're both a bunch of xenophobic retards that are probably inbred from being isolated for so long not interacting with any outsiders.
House has only been a major player in the Mojave for 7 years. His control is tenuous at best, considering all three of his Families are misbehaving in some way by the time of New Vegas.
>be me
>fucking hate NCR
>kill NCR as much as possible, they "villified" me in responce
>send a group of rangers to kill me
>"y-you better kiss our ass o-or we'll kill you!"
>ok let's get it the fuck over with
>"n-no you have to wait, well be back in 3 days"
>kill the anyways
>wipe out the mojave outpost
>Wipe out Camp Mccarran
>wipe out hoover dam
>walk into a casino with intent to kill because I despise criminal family scum
>Once thats done, walk out
>NCR babby approaches me
>Ambassador Croaker has a message for me apparently
>Go there
>"Y-you're forgiven"
>Bad choice
>Bad choice
>Bad choice
>Bad choice
Kill them all and jump in Lake Mead
Every faction does this.
Do you become dictator in Yes Man end
Yes Man or bust.
What debate? Independent is the best.
People go with Yes Man because they can't fucking take a choice, let's be honest here
>Legion attacks on sight, actually kills you if you overstep your bounds even id you're neutral to them
>Legion AOS at all times if you're villified, Assassins do not warn or give time to improve relations
>Caesar himself grants forgiveness, but not before questioning you himself first
>Brotherhood dies in a hole, Veronica gets butthurt
Hmm really makes you think
Independent > Caesar's Legion > House >>> NCR
No I mean they all have a rep waiting for you that absolves you of your status. You know, so the story can work and you can change your mind. It's all literally the same. Clearly I'm not talking about minor factions like brotherhood.
>people go with the route that has the most choices to make because they can't take a choice
Everything besides NCR is dependent on one person, if that one person dies everything goes to shit. If you don't care about humanity then yes man is the best because once everything is destroyed you will already be dead, but if you care about the future then ncr is the right choice.
>Learn Scribe Counter from Veronica
>Beat her to death using the skill she just taught me
I do this every playthrough. Fuck Veronica.
On another note, attaching unarmed special moves to four different factions is total horseshit.
>tfw NCR looks like two bears fucking
>not waiting until you can get Elijah's Ramblings from her
It's a Melee perk, sure, but it's God Tier
Yes Man = House >>> Caesar's Legion >>>>>>>> NCR
Fun wise
pseudo democratic corruption
virgin Sup Forumstards
>yes man
pure capitalism
You need to lay off the bath salts, they're rotting your brain.
excellent bait, where did you get this?
>controls the entire market by himself
so what if not communism?
House doesn't control anything. He collects taxes. The Three Families have to negotiate their own trade deals with merchants and have free reign to run their businesses however they like as long as they don't jeopardize the profits of the Strip as a whole.
NCR - america. wants to look like that good guy but is riddled with problems and will fall sooner or later.
Legion - essentially Europe. you can hate it, you can kick and screan, you can bitch all you want, but in the end it's the best way for long term prosperity and peace
House - literally ancap
>There are people that unironically spared Benny, sided with him, or even slept with him.
someone post the fixed version
>bunch of dumb retards larping as romans
>best way for long term prosperity and peace
I speech checked my way through that, then punched him until he died, unarmed combat is fun.
>dictatorship maintained by robot army
How can there be no State when House IS the State
And he ends up clamping down on them hardcore.
Their ways are crude, but are in-universe proven to be optimal. You just gotta remember, Rome wasn't built in a day
>but are in-universe proven to be optimal
>provides zero proof
huh good point, more commie than ancap really
>wah wah google is too hard ;(
>he fell for the ceasar can't be replaced meme
>i can only express myself in mspaint comics so if anyone asks for proof ill just reply with some cool meme instead
The Marcels did a better version of Blue Moon than Frank Sinatra did
>sperg projects his own emotional instability to others
just because i call you a retard doesnt mean im angry user. it means youre just a typical retard
cry some more
no u xD
Whats with underage edgelords and accusing others of crying when they run out of things to say?
Sup Forumstards think that every argument can be won by using the right memes at the right time.
if they run out of memes they will just start spamming some stupid shit out of nowhere like "LOL YOURE MAD CRY MORE TRIGGERED KEK XD" even though they are the only ones who are upset
>another sperg angry that he can't follow a reply chain or understand humour.
What is it about this time of day that turns Sup Forums into pure autism mode?
>i wasnt being dumb its just humour XD
yes man is the reddit option
House > Yes Man > Legion > NCR
House actually has plans, Yes Man is dependent on a massive army, but I doubt its/Courier's leadership potential, Legion are dicks, but at least they're honest about it; they protect allies and dissuade raiders, NCR is filled with lying, greedy, incompetent assholes, you're just rebuilding the same governmental structure that started the Great War.
Sup Forums got Trump elected
It never ceases to amaze me how angry spergs get when they don't get a joke. I could call you people faggots and it wouldn't phase you, call your waifu a whore and only get a little under your skin, but make a joke you don't understand or misinterpret and you chimp out.
Mostly just disappointed in the shitty banter.
Is this what image board culture has declined to, the same 6 reaction photos and face saving accusations of making someone cry.
I nuked both fuckers first, then rendered their presense to that of a bloodstain.
NEITHER faction should forgive the player after they've done that, it completely dissolves any story immersion. After 1000+ hours in many, I realize now thay the only hard part of any real-time RPG is 'roleplaying' that shit makes any sense, cause they all do it (excluding Morrowind and Daggerfall).
And that's a good thing. We'd be living in Fallout under Hillary. She was threatening a nuclear power, her cronies still are.
>The other three breed weakness.
And Yes Man doesn't?
>hurr imma get rid of the guy who lived for centuries and knows how to rebuild Vegas to how it was because I sed soo
Although the Courier might be the smartest man on the wasteland, he's still just another person born after the war and only knows about the wastes.
Trump was also threatening a nuclear power, but it seems he forgot about that.
>knows how to rebuild Vegas to how it was
Can he rebuild the entire world too? Because Vegas can't exist in a vacuum.
>rebuild Vegas to how it was
have you learned nothing from the expansions?
>let go, begin again.