Is there a less competent developer?

Is there a less competent developer?


not one that sells that amount of games, no.

can you do it better? right, that's what i thought

You sound like a fag

Can you make a better post? Thought so.


>Make games to my exact specifications or you're incompetent no matter how many people like them

Several fan games have done it better


Only about 300 million of the Pokemon franchise's 55.15 billion dollar sales come from the actual games, the rest comes from the anime and merchadise.

>Hey chef, uhm, excuse me... but this clam showder smells and tastes like actual poop.

The third party pokemon games were better than anything gamefreak has produced for 10 years.

Step aside

pfff eazy

Bethesda by a longshot.

I really feel bad for them because its one of the few developers who make shit because they are incompetent and not because they are evil greedy fucks. Also because their social media stuff is fucking hilarious

Plenty. At the bare minimum they put out mostly functional games. Some devs can't even manage that.



Real talk, haven't played Pokémon since gen 3. What exactly have they done and why are they so bad?

Every answer in this thread is wrong, which is odd considering how close the OP is to being right.

Damn, you guys actually took the bait. Has Sup Forums finally gone to shit or is it because all pokéfags are retarded?

See you later, loosers.

I am probably less competent.

I finished coding a game engine without bugs and never backed it up. And then I ended up formatting the only hard drive that had the rest of my assets on a totally different computer and the only reason I formatted that hard drive was because I needed it to get the first computer running again.

Of course, no one cares about me, but my point is, there are a whole lot more incompetent aspiring game developers that you can't rightly call a company that actually manages to make a game and sells millions of units incompetent.

Well when we consider competency. it would probably be someone who makes a buggy, unplayablke mess.

In terms of game developers whose games sell a huge number of copies, Game Freak is probably the worst. They struck gold with a great concept and they're able to half-arse their games because there is no real competition to Pokemon and the fans will buy whatever they shit out.

>finally gone to shit

Its like you've never been here before


PoGo sucked on every aspect, technical or gameplay related and it let down every single expectations.
And their previous game was the same.

AHAHAHAHAHAH what an delusional moron

Stop using this rebuttal you fucking dolt.

But Sun Moon were GOTY 2016
They innovated

I'm a Pokemon fan and I'm not this deluded.

nice damage control fagget

>I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!

Every gen has been 1 step forward, 3 steps back and whenever they're asked why the answer is usually 'lol we can't be bothered' or 'sorry it wasn't casual enough'

They made new monsters. People hated that, especially genwunnerz. I'm half joking but if I have to hear people whine about Vanillite one more fucking time...


People didn't think Pokemon were running out of ideas after literal alphabets?

all they have to do is revisit gen 4/5 for inspiration and they will be making top tier pokemon games again


Black & white 3 when?

>See you later, loosers.
>replies again here
What did he mean by this?

Surprisingly no.

Phoenix Rising and Sage, while not done, are both obviously better from the videos and demos we've seen from them.

Newfag please

>tfw they managed to ruin Paladins with their retarded greed
I don't get it, all they had to do was add more characters, maps and maybe add a couple of new cards every once in a while to keep things interesting while trying to keep the game as balanced as they could, how did they manage to do everything wrong?

Vanillite is bad. When you have more than a thousand monsters a great many of them may as well not fucking exist.

From a technical aspect, they're a disaster since Gen 4. They either can't code for shit or are working way above their limitations to their hardware.

What the fuck is Vanillite anyway?

To be fair, the 3D models were all handled by Creatures

They've done very little to advance the series since gen 4. They remove good features from previous games because they're too lazy to re-implement them properly in the later games. The regions are dumbed down and just become a linear path with no areas to explore. The story still remains generic, except now they force it on you with unnecessary cutsenes every 10 minutes. They would rather rush a game out on to the shelves instead of delaying it and creating a polished game at the end of development.

Rather than evolving the series, they've rounded out the games until they become a generic lump that does nothing interesting. The only thing they deserve praise for is not going down the full-jew route of microtransactions and DLC.


Pokémon should have waited until the Switch game to switch to 3D. The 3DS games all run like horseshit and look awful. I don't understand, at this point, how they can get a pass on making such ugly, unoptimizabed, unfinished games on a console that has Monster hunter, resident evil revelations, and SMT 4

I should also add that the number of features they added per generation has slowly decreased. Gen 2 added things like shinies, gender, time-based events, hold items and weather. Gen 3 added natures, a revamped EV/IV system, a graphical interface for PC storage and abilities. Gen 4 added Wi-Fi capabilities and the Physical/Special split.

Game Freak's games are at functional though, they aren't like Sonic Team or Bethesda who put out buggy messes.

Probably a lot. You've just never heard of them because they are so incompetent.

Digital Extremes

I beg to differ but that's just how I think.

That's a good point I guess
They used to be that buggy though

EA, Bungie and Square Enix are the only 3 worse than GF that come to mind.


Future-proofing, might as well get the models made now.

Reminder that the first post wasn't bait but this one is.

Bad how? I like how stylistic it is. It only looks like an ice cream cone. It's not an actual one.

I did not understand what was going on with this as a child, and as an adult I still think it's weird.

What a fucking failure of a dev. Literally missed on a billion dollar opportunity.

It's incredibly difficult to fuck up a JRPG like Pokemon because the player has relatively few inputs into how they can control the character. Also Pokemon has plenty of well known glitches (Missingno, cloning glitches, that glitch that could brick your save file in Lumiose City, etc.) There's also a glitch involving Sky Drop, rather than addressing the issue Game Freak just banned it from tournaments.

Remembered a couple more:
Sonic Team

Last time I played was when they introduced Seris or whatever, what happened after?

>Only about 300 million
>SM sold about 16 Million for the price of 40€
>16Million*40 = 640 Million

Fucking Red and blue sold around 30 Million

So, on this basis, is there any hope for Pokémon Switch? It is the only reason I want one, and it decides whether I get one. I really wanted Pokémon Switch to be good.

>while not done, are both obviously better from the videos and demos we've seen from them.

So literally nothing.

Without a doubt it's the guys behind Pokemon GO. How do you fuck up after having literally everyone on earth being hyped for your game

Genuinely I think most amateur gamedevs could.

Not at the moment. We're likely looking at a game that looks like Sun and Moon HD, with no content, one feature that, while being good, will basically cause Pokedrones to defend the game without question, along with a multitude of features that are either useless or actually bog the game down.

Also, despite looking like an upressed 3ds game, it'll run at 20 fps.

Sky Drop glitch was in gen 5 though, they had no way of patching it out

Posting objectivity.

>gen 1 above emerald
horrible opinion


Don't get your hopes up

Probably not, gen 6 as a whole was shit, S&M had really good ideas but flawed execution and US&M didn't do much to address said flaws, and it sounds like Game Freak is going the route of remodeling all 800+ Pokemon AGAIN instead of reusing the existing models that had such abnormally high polygon counts that most people believed they were futureproofing them for HD titles, meaning there's going to be less time spent on the actual fucking game and more time spent on pretty graphics.

Iwata could

Gen 1 when it actually was new and exciting and a revolutionary concept vs the first overly safe Pokemon game -the intergen connectivity

Objectively the correct answer.

> create an interesting method of finding pokemon that requires exploring every nook and cranny of the real world
> it’s too hard on servers

> live in a less populated area
> pokemon are both worse and harder to find
> pokemon rarity and population will never be inverted
> you’ll never explore the deepest woods at night searching for rare ghost-types

Nostalgia googles are strong.

Other than that I agree


It's an ice cream Pokémon,and according to genwunners it's the only Gen 5 Pokémon ever.

The best part is that all of the shitty bugs and connection problems were in their previous game Ingress, but they did nothing to fix those and instead just slapped Pokemon on top of it.

Basically perfect aside from the Hoenn and HGSS reactions. Emerald is right up there with Plat, imo.

g/s was great when it came out, but HGSS honestly didn't fix anything wrong with the games(unless you count the pokewalker as somewhat fixing dex distribution)

Admittedly, once you get a simple romhack that does nothing but fix those issues, it's amazing. There are still some issues, like some of the music remasters being meh and the colors not being as good, but it's still fantastic.

Would you if you had 2 billion dollars and a 100 million dollar mansion?

It still gave me one of the most bizarre experiences in my life.

>live in Warsaw, Poland
>going back from work around 11pm
>always walking through a park because I like the sights
>boot up Pokemon Go
>see Blastoise is nearby
>oh shit nigga
>see a pack of around 30 people literally running in one direction with their phones in their hands
>follow them
>hear cries of joy and loud "KURWA" when someone fails to catch one
>some fat dude wearing cargo shorts helps me catch the Blastoise but the nigga kept getting away and eventually ran from me
>everyone goes in their own direction after

Nothing to advance since Gen 4?Yeah,removing the most annoying feature,replacing gyms,moving to complete 3D,adding lots of useful features and improvements,all the other fucking shit they have done that I won't bother typing because I'm a fag is nothing at all.

Cry more. They are responsible for some of the greatest RPGs ever made.

The transition to 3D was a mistake.
Everything since gen 6 has been trash

>tfw you're both a pokemon fan and a sonic fan

>wants money
>but is the slowest fucking AAA developer
>has superiority complex, wastes millions of dollars and years developing and learning a new engine
>game looks like shit while running on own engine
>corporate meddling up the ass

It's amazing, you manage to get the mainstream hype Pokemon hasn't got since the RBY days and you don't have the brains to step back and tell yourself "hm, maybe we should try to improve this"

>greatest RPGs ever made.

Game Freak is incompetent as fuck, remember when they couldn't fit gen 2 inside the cartridge?

>overly safe
>the generation that dropped connection to the previous ones
>the generation that added the most new mechanics
>the generation that added the first challenging thing in the series (battle frontier)