When the fuck are they going to nerf this OP bitch?

When the fuck are they going to nerf this OP bitch?
>Can heal through shields
>Beam that does high damage at 20+ meters
>Highest healing and mobility in the support category
>can duel with genji and come out on top

Why the fuck did Blizzard thing this shit was okay? It's not.

>He plays overwatch


>I suck, i'm shit, wipe my booty for me!
Assblasted Genji mains always throwing shitfits over characters who can semi-reliably deal with their weeb asses.

Why should no aim no brain heroes like Moira counter the highest skilled heroes like Genji and Tracer, huh?

>why should characters have counters?!
Your waifu and husbando have been must-picks for the game's entire lifespan because of how strong they are, stop whining that they're getting people who counter them.

Only 1 character in the game can't heal through shields so I don't see how that's relevant.

Because they're too busy babysitting the fanbase by auto banning people and then trying to find new ways to nerf Mercy so people quit crying about her.

>Can heal through shields
Everyone can do this except Ana?

>high skill = have to press a lot of buttons really fast
If you were really skilled you wouldn't be getting caught by a fucking Moira. If you think skill allows you to ignore the positioning of your teammates and the enemy team on the map and just charge through chokepoints with your dashes, you're just a shitter.
If Genji and Tracer could beat literally every other hero in the hands of a skilled player, then the metagame would be 6 genjis vs. 6 genjis.

good job dodging the question

Fuck you OP. She and Zen are the only fun supports.

>They're fixing the healing bug, I agree, it's silly
>Beam does less damage than Winston's tickle cannon
>Healing in bursts only, and makes you neglect DPS, which you need to restore your healing capabilities
>These are bad Genjis who relied on Deflection tricks, and took fights in the middle of nowhere for some fucking reason

>23m range beam
>skilled players would dash into the entire team
might be considered skilled in gold elo.

>playing overwatch
consider suicide

>support with a nuclear ult
She's literally OP.

>playing Overwatch

Jesus fuck how can you be this retarded

>still playing overwatch

>20m beam that requires you to keep the crosshairs on the enemy to work
>does a paltry 50dps, less than Winston
>stopped by barriers
Just how bad are you that you constantly die to Moira?

by playing overwatch

>so as mercy, lucio, ana and zen...
>if you can't kill her in the time she kill you you are just as useless and I bet you thing the Indian chit its also op
>lucio and zen outperform her
>vs a blind 10%heal Genji maybe
just gif gud scurb

>being this mad that people are playing a game you don't like
You have to be 18 to post on this site.




You faggots complained when Ana did 80 damage and could competently 1v1 flanker fags, but you whined enough so she got nerfed. You gonna say she was op too?

>replying to shitposts

Stop being a faggot that doesn't understand how counters work.

Let me know when this game is on sale.

It shouldn't still be 40 fucking dollars.

t. soyboy

if you cared about the rules that much you wouldn't be posting

>Can heal through shields
not really a huge deal since mercy can do that too.
>Beam that does high damage at 20+ meters
her beam is useless if your healers are around.
>Highest healing and mobility in the support category
Her healing is big but it is't much compared to mercy's numbers.
And her mobility is limited by CD
>can duel genji and come out on top
don't fight a moira alone as genji. You should wait for your team to get rid of the frontlines before going after the backlines.

The only nerf moira needs is a range nerf and and adjust her self healing.



Lucio's healing is blocked by it and i believe zen loses his orb.

Think about this, Widowmaker is one of the high skill characters in the game and her counter is Reinhardt, one of the lowest, does this bother you or do you accept that it helps balance the game?

Enjoy your ban

Post ids never ever


>Support hero
>Can counter almost everyone except tanks

This bitch needs a complete revamp, not just nerf


They'll never give you a real reply. They couldn't hit a jumping Genji with Ana without her piss bottle, so they complained. They won't complain about Moira because she isn't the most competitive healer for the team, but I do agree that she's cancer in QP. If you think anyone on Sup Forums plays anything other than Genji, D.Va, or Mercy, you're mistaken.


t. Toxic kiddos who just started browsing Sup Forums.

>mercy outheals moira
o i am laffin. have you ever even used moira's ult?

>you faggots post in TF2 threads to derail them
>"you can't do that to us!"
Fuck off. Overwatch sucks.

If 3 overwatch is an absolute shit game and tf2 will return.

>implying it isn't the same guy

o i am laffin

>can duel with genji and come out on top
This is bad how?

>he joins an overwatch thread when he doesnt play

>still playing overwatch

My 8 says otherwise

Shut up Mercy Main.

reddit pls

>The only nerf moira needs is a range nerf and and adjust her self healing.
20m and a whole 33hps needs nerfing? Jesus you people suck at this game.


To me the ball is the most OP. Increase cooldown and make it do less damage.

Maybe a range decrease




It only does 200 damage and if you're smart and paying attention you can easily escape it. If you're with your team then none of you will take much damage as it splits it between everyone. also Genji Deflects it and D. Va eats it.

Just shitposting /vros/ it's just a joke chill!

Are you retarded? Just it passing by deals like 30-40 damage.

Does Ana still not have an ult? Literally every other support has a selfuse ult except her

Have YOU used Mercy's ult? it does a ton of healing for basically just finding where's the center point of the team. Moira's Beam is good for saving tanks but it won't save the DPS or the other healers.

>megasalt genji's



The nintendo fan is one caught in perpetual childhood. those same simple symbols of cartoony adventure with their caricaturized proportions, expressions and movements eagerly anticipated year after year, generation after generation. The unchanging symbols and their fans are punctuated by the irony of an adult clinging to their youth by roleplaying as a character that never seems to grow, and never faces a new challenge save for rescuing peach in a new generation of console and for a different (see-increased) sticker price. As the backlight fades from the gaming tablet, perhaps these young adults will notice-despite the best efforts of denial, projection, and neglect, the face reflected in the black mirror. Patched with sporadic instances of the hair denoting manhood, the visage may elicit the emotion and expression everyone else has had upon seeing an adult cowered over a toy displaying cartoon animations, which emanate, with every spastic movement of the grotesquely protruding joysticks- comical, unrelenting, and inappropriate repetitive sounds known to assuage the emotions of the autistic: disgust

That's it? Junkrat and Pharah do 120 damage with a single shot.

What they made it so the ball has same total dmg but reduce dps, i just hate how she can throw it and get free random bounce kills

I checked out around centaur robot. Who is this Ziggy Stardust looking guy and why is he in this game?

>he plays overwatch

Because women with penises rule you shitlord.

>Genji and Traces mains crying their eyes out and calling for nerfs
Every. Single. Time.

Like how Junkrat can fire his grenades everywhere and get free random bounce kills?

Ball is good when you refuse to acknowledge it as a team. you give the moira ult charge and that makes it harder to win team fights. if the ball is giving you trouble d.va can eat it and shields blocks the auto target damage.

>he shitposts on Sup Forums all day

>mercy's 60hp/s
>1:60, 2:120, 3:180, 4:240, 5:300
>vs moira's 140 hp/s
>1:140, 2:280, 3:420, 4: 560, 5:700
>entire teams not focusing down tanks
>being this retarded
Moira's ult makes 2 tanks beside each other unkillable and heals for only 20hp/s less than Mercy healing the entire team with her ult.


>it's a no one wants to heal or play a hero that can hold a point episode

Im gonna practice to be a widow one trick.

>it's a everyone insta-locks dps and cry for tanks and supports

on a different note when is tracer getting nerfed? she's so overpowered sombra might as well not exist.

>main healer
>matched with team of healer mains
>get a good comp because support mains are naturally supportive
>enemy team never dies
>next match
>5 dps 1 healer

>playing several games
>keep getting matched with and against the same people
>one opponent keeps going widow and shredding my team
>no one will counter them
>I'm stuck healing so I can't give her the hot monkey dick

>play comp
>get a team with a bunch of people with mics that try to coordinate everything
>get stomped
>get a team that instalocks dps, has no healers, I'm the only tank, and the only person in voice chat is a Mexican Hanzo main with An extremely thick accent
>beat the enemy team so badly that everyone except one quits

>Why the fuck did Blizzard thing this shit was okay? It's not.
because they fooled you retards into thinking new characters are a good addition when the game is just a clusterfuck of balance issues and poor mechanics

if mcree flashes you when you're moira then you're a terrible fucking player

>Using toxic unironically

There is nothing OP about the character, other healers except zen just need a buff.

This desu. Game was better without Orisa, Doomfist, Moira

but mundo couldn't proc colossus, kind of dumb when grasp is pretty strong on him

>healers are a problem in a blizzard game
shit, where have I seen this before?

How desu.

>Complaints about heroes being unbalanced, unfun pieces of shit

Like complaining about rain being wet.

Orisa isn't a bad solo tank whereas nobody else can, so when you get 4 instalock DPS they expect you to go Orisa and someone to heal. Doomfist is just an inferior Genji, and Moira is the new "I don't want to heal but we don't have a healer so I'll compromise but not really because I'll never take my finger off RMB anyway" pick.

Surprisingly the only skill a Moira needs is to win a 1v1 with another Moira. Since her release I have played her almost exclusively to the point I forgot how to play other heroes and my aim went to shit, but she's so fun. If you hate her, play her, and figure out how to beat her from being in the situations where you would lose as another character - oh, and enjoy shitting on the entire enemy team, being able to 1v1 a Winston and come out on top with damage balls and constant self healing, fucking every Genji, and being against stupid D.VAs who don’t absorb the damage balls. Best character.