Best Music
Best Music
That would be 2, actually
But is it the best game?
The music went to trash after the first three. The first game has the best soundtrack.
Damn nigga did you just say EO music?
But you are wrong user
All EO games have the best soundtrack
>still haven't finished EOV yet
>new games keep coming out
>Anything but FM synth
I don't think I'll ever finish EOV
I hit the last floor of the crystal stratum and I am soooo bored
>FM synth
So what stories do you made to your party?
pure autism
my party members are just numbers to me
Objective OST ranking:
3 >= 4 > 1 >= 5 >>> 2
The entire party works at the whorehouse while they're not exploring dungeons because they can't make ends meet.
Seconding this
Why is 5 so boring? I hadn't played an EO game for years and I was so excited for it
My opinion >>>>>> your opinion
Because you have shit taste
good argument bud. you sure showed them
When I'm battling, I have a bad habit of thinking of characters as their functions (Linker, Tank, Healer, etc) than their names or portraits.
However, I do try and come up with backstories for them; but the usual story is that one of the party members is an heir of the local royalty who journeyed into the labyrinth to make a name for themselves, and brought along a friend and some hired chucklefucks.
On that note r8 my party
The first stratum is a shore and the music is lame.
I'm this close to just buying some of the EOV dlc just because I don't have time for this game with university classes.
Its fun as fuck but what was I thinking, EOU2 took me like 80 hours.
Shit, that image is outdated
I settled on blue eyes for Alice
All the stratums are a chore
uh, which new games?
I think he means other games
i've been playing a bunch of fighting games and monster hunter
I thought V's first stratum was great. The boss was pretty clever too.
IV has the most boring one, and its only 3 floors too.
>implying it's not the best stratum 1 in the series
>implying its not the second best stratum 1 music only behind 4
git gud
It has nothing to do with getting gud, it has to do with me just praying my bind spells land and I don't get butffucked by the dive attack.
There is a new one for switch for this year. Not EOVI
That one's on the 3DS
Nothing confirmed for switch or any other console actually
>has the dumbest boss in the series
>"best stratum 1"
The Amalmagolem? What was wrong with it?
Hol up, i heard people saying it was on Switch and it was something about festival.
>literally a bunch of asses glued together
>he doesn't know how to defend
That's a 3DS game
My bad then.
i said the boss was dumb, not hard. fucking idiot
Is that greentext supposed to convey what's wrong with the boss?
Still better than EO4's
A fucking FOE recolour
What's the problem?
We can all agree the best first stratum boss is Narmer if only for the rocking music, right?
Boss music applies to all of them, not just the first one
You're right though
>my only experience is 2 on the DS
It's good but I'm having a hard time getting into it.
True, but EOIII has the best boss theme imo (V comes right behind, though, love that buildup).
1 and 2 aren't that great
The lack of getting experience for killing FOE's murdered my desire to go farther, but I think it really picks up once you hit the first stratum boss. Hang in there user.
What would make the later ones better?
I think what turns me off a little right now is having to make a survivalist team to gather stuff. They always get pounded.
Yeah its pretty obnoxious. I would only try to farm stuff near stratum exits, or if I knew the loot would offset the cost of a warp wire.
And honestly I would say U1 and U2 are better due to quality of life improvements (more info available about skills), more skills customization, more classes, more dungeons, and in EOU2's case you can actually get xp from killing FOE's.
Now I've been playing the series since EO1 and I don't think its a shitty game by any means, but if you feel like EO2 is a little clunky you may want to consider looking at EOU2. Honestly EOIII is when things started to get a lot easier for people to get into the games, imo.
For one you don't need a survivalist team to gather
Other than that there's a lot of quality of life improvements and the game plays faster in general
Happy endings
Alright, thanks a lot guys. I'll try out Untold 1-2.
Remember to play classic mode because you can't make your own party in story mode
>I'm too lazy to create a proper story even though it has become a key feature of the genre
>I have to roleplay in my role playing games? wow wtf
FF7 was a mistake
Deduce a minus
The nice thing is that the games have free demos on the eshop (although I think the demo for U1 doesn't really do it justice).
Still have fun user, you really can't go wrong with any EO past III.
git gud
>I don't have time for
yes you do. it took me over a year to finish Untold 2 and I'm not even halfway through V yet.
Cry Soul doesn't have 0% hit rate so you're always at risk of someone getting RNG'd even if you deal with her mechanics correctly
>he attacks the adds
Never had a problem with, but then again my party comp was really good becuase I used stuff that was shit early game
>dumbest boss
>when generic wolf, cowardly catfish, and generic bear exist
Don't talk shit about my goofy wolf and catfish.
>helpers cast Gale
>good fucking luck idiot!
>flat chest with belly bump
source me up fampai
At least the generic enemies had well drawn portraits instead of those ugly 3d models
Generic bear was a 3D model though
God just give me a EO3U with a Deep One class, Atlus.
i am not referring to anything made after the jump to 3d
Leg binds, my dude. Or grimoires with blind.
why does everyone want this? You know Atlus is just going to cut corners and reuse assets right? Oh, and you can guarantee there will be a heaping scoop of DLC too.
Don't let them tarnish the memory of the last good EO game. Let it exist as it is
EO5 has the cutest girls. Engage in combat with me.
Low INT post
>implying 3 doesn't already have cut corners and reused assets
>>the last good EO game
High INT post
Girls aren't supposed to be smart.
Because unlike autists I thought EOU2 was fantastic and would love to see 3 get some nice benefits like improved menues, as well as balance upgrades like making Yggdroids not suck ass.
>durr EOIII was the last good EO game
Its my favorite title in the series but fuck off with that nonsense.
I can't refute that
Low TEC post
It's funny because they already said the next game is the last of its kind (with mapping) on 3DS and that's it's not going to be EOU3.
>bunny centaur
the only way they could fuck up an eo3 remake is to either cut out the multiplayer or keep it local only
molesting bunnies
That's just the tip of the ice burg baby.
Not when there's potatoes instead of lolis
Poofy pants
I still remember the guy who was having lots of trouble with this boss.
EO3 had multiplayer?
The potatoes are cute.
Yes, for the ship missions.
>destroy the soundtrack
>dlc out the ass
>dlc FM option
>ugly as sin 3d models
>REUSED 3d models
>overpowered new class
>easily exploitable grimoire system
>half-baked new stratum
The list could go on, user...
>deep one class
>DLC princess portrait
>grimoires in a game with subclassing
They'd probably just reuse the forging system from EOV for choice oskills
yeah, you could take on sea quests with a friend but it was local only and the other person needed a copy of the game
the obvious choice would to make it online, but knowing atlus they'd likely butcher it