Episode 45
I don't want to remember that game at all, both the events in-universe and in real life, it makes me feel pain. Remarkable honestly.
>Sahelanthropus died on the way back to his home planet
Quiet and Joosten were such a waste of money and resources for the game.
>Can't be a female
Shit game.
That was the plan all along. A phantom pain for years to come about the most disappointing game ever made
it's sad that's all we got from the game. The trailers were probably the best the industry had to offer. MGS4 is a better game.
>3 years later
>virgins who only consume video games, capeshit and star wars are still mad about the game not being their edgelord fantasy
this is just sad
Not sure what you're expecting of a board dedicated to the medium.
you mean a good ass game
Triple digit IQ's but I guess that's too much too ask for on Sup Forums.
If the game is so bad why did you spend over 200 hours playing it? :)
while the phantom pain for the players was kojimbos plan all along, but the game being unfinished was not.
Phantom pain that quiet left after you got used to her, the kids and sally gone for the mother base you had built, phantom pain that it was medic all along and you weren't even playing as big boss.
Not a phantom pain because the game is unfinished and feels like the ending was just slapped on.
but you can? you just can't make Venom a female.
where did you get a 3d model of Amanda and Cecile?
Clearly they didn't have time to retool Kingdom of the Flies before the fallout. The "NUCLEAR SCREAM ON KNEES" was used in Mission 43 instead
Reminder the game isn't actually as unfinished as people want to believe, and almost all of the cut content and missed potential was due to Konami insisting on a PS3/360 version.
That's what I mean.
I want to be able to make Venom a chick.
but the medic in the ground zeroes chopper was a guy voiced by Kiefer Sutherland.
You acknowledge that it has cut content, but say it's not unfinished?
One of those things is not like the other.
Consoles or not, the game is very clearly unfinished. That excuse isn't good enough quite frankly
Not him but the cut content was always supposed to be DLC. It would've never been in the base game at launch, even if completed.
>that one fanfic that's really well written about Quiet POV
>10:59 minute recording of Strangelove slowly dying in the AI POD
Fucking jews
Name one (1) game that has no cut content ever.
Pretty much every game has content cut because of technological restraints. This doesn't mean that they're unfinished, because even if they had theoretically infinite time and resources they wouldn't have been able to make that content work on the technology available. Same with MGSV. The content was cut not due to time constraints, but because of technological constraints from having to do a PS3/360 version.
Am I the only one who thinks that Quiet was an annoying and pointless character?
>it wasn't edgelord fantasy
But that's exactly what it was and it fell completely on it's face because of it.
that was one of the best moments honestly
great acting, unexpected from a Kojima game.
>but that's exactly like it was
I literally have not played an MGS game since playing that chapter.
If she was more connected to the game they wouldn't have given you the option to kill her.
From a gameplay standpoint she was about as well balanced and well designed as the rest of the buddies.
mods my friend
I hate using D-Dog because I don't want him getting hurt. He also has a habit of triggering my sleeping mines and getting into grenade smoke. I don't like using Quiet to scout because she takes awhile. I don't like using D-Walker to scout because vehicles are so fragile in this game. Just a few bullets and they explode.
>thinking anyone here watches capeshit
the fuck are you smoking? Sup Forums is more normie than Sup Forums