Show me a better looking game.
Go on I'll wait.
Show me a better looking game.
Go on I'll wait.
Why do you care about graphics?
Good graphics ≠ Good game
Good game with good graphics > good game with shit graphics
subjectively this
That's the console version. The PC version is the real thing.
not an argument
art direction >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graphics
The Witcher 3
The PC version is the same downgraded shit + pointless nvidia bullshit that rapes your framerate
That looks like shit
that looks like shit though
still worse than advertised, the PC version looks better but it's still downgraded garbage.
Painfully obvious samefagging
BOTW looks like total ass though.
ah yes, the eternal nintendo drone argument to excuse his giant corporation of choice for being behind the times.
Hey is this the GTA?
you are retarded
can you run it?
You are samefagging.
Nice bait kai
FFXV is garbage
t. underage kiddies who grew up with call of duty
>posts less than 40 seconds apart
Newfag detected
>What is Sup Forums pass
>Soytendrone calling others kiddies
>calling others newfag while being one yourself
How new
you chose the worst part of the game to take a picture of. The scenery in that game is absolutely beautiful, the urban area not so much.
This entire game is a hideous muddy blob of low res shit
I am older that you, never play call of duty and hate FPS
>playing gay roadtrip simulator 2018
i was honesty quite surprised that my 1050ti was able to run it on standard on 60fps. it had a bit drops during the the battle part tho
Yeah but is it fun
My computer said that it was "poor" on High Quality but it ran at 60fps without any lag. I wonder how accurate it is
well to be fair, the cardboard they use does have great art direction
Got aprox that score on 'standard' graphics (with a GTX970), which is insane because it looked like crap, it froze 2 times, and I had to switch the windows config for sound to stereo (from 5.1) to even hear anything.
Besides, it's a Final Fantasy, which means walking simulator, boredom, unoriginality, a group of teenage fags, more boredom, insane amount of grinding, and well, anything not how i'd describe a 'Final Fantasy' to be, unless I was being ironic of course.
gta v looks better and its 5 years old
>nigger games
no thanks
>older that you
you just proved yourself wrong, kiddo
Back to pol with your unnecessary racism
>FFXV will be well optimised on PC
Barry wrong again.
One of the worst art directions I've seen in my life
>dude i said nigger LOL
No matter what you do, you can't out-newfag yourself now.
I hate nigger games
look at this badass
>Sli not supported
I hope for your sake the shadows in the finished game won't 'pop up' 1 meter before you're there as I saw today in the windows edition benchmark.
I for one would kick my dog out of pity for trying to hump something as disgusting as FFXV on PC.
So you play games with no violence huh, you only like puzzle games i take it
is that watch dogs 2? It looked ridiculously good on ultra. Fucking demanding though.
modded nfs most wanted 2005 looks better than this lamoa
if thats watch dogs 2 i hate ubisoft for not including a good aa solution. Either you get a blurry image or you use MSAA which halves your fps even at 2 samples. Like god damn.
looks like GTAV to me
it's GTA
GTA V, soys
pretty sure it's GTAV
>those fucking trees
el oh el
b-but user, that IS beautiful picture whats wrong with you
>FPS limit 30
>Taking the time to argue with a retard
2 nukes just wasnt enough
Keep your graphics 15 is shit you know nothing about ff 90s kid trash millennial.
gameplay matters not how shiny you can make a car or how many layers it has.
Kindly kill all your fellow millennials buddy's who buy the following
type zero
You have killed and butchered the series. SquareSoft for life
>talking shit about 11
>while not including
I'll kick your fucking ass, bro.
while not including 10*
niggers aren't the only violent people, but GTA promotes nigger culture
you got me hard.
10-10+tactics u just mad
You're taking the time to respond to one goober
>implying russia doesn't exist
>implying GTA3 wasn't about the Mafia
>implying niggers invented crime
Graphics ain't shit if the art style is garbo, you can fix most outdated games with some ENB/Reshade, but you can't fix a game with a horrible art direction, and by the looks of it looks like Watch Dogs all over again.
>they've even got a cable carl
12 doesn't belong there, user. It was honestly made with love but should have not been a mainline FF game, to prevent retards like you hating it for trying something new.
niggers invented crime, there is no doubt about that.
It's honestly way worse than WD downgrade was, like in every single way and then some.
nah 12 is shit too
In that picture at least it isn't that muddy brown looking which is the worst kind of look you can get in your games (Fallout 4 had it worse because most of the textures looks like covered in baseline) but if it looks like in those three screenshots comparison often i must say it looks like shit.
2015, and still one of the best looking game from this generation along side AC:Unity.
>soupy green and brown
>fog out the ass
>no dark tones, everything is grey
>even close up trees look like LODs
shadow of the collossus pulled that look off, BOTW really doesn't
I didn't liked the game that much but i admit it looks really good and most of those are in game engine cut scenes.
Why the fuck is this game so bad? I finally got a PS4 and rushed to grab this with MHW, got ~3 hours in and then couldn't make it any further. I fucking hated the dumb hold square can't tell what the fucks going on combat, the stupid fucking driving, the stupid boyband shit, the terrible way the story is presented, the fuck awful fetch quests which leads to more driving shit. Does it ever get good?
i was told to run the test 3x to get an accurate score. i was at 6400+ my first runthrough
Not fair because it's always dark and wet. Very easy to look good when it's dark and wet. Show me the same engine in dry sunshine and it'll look like dogshit
nice PS2 drawdistance
>Does it ever get good?
I didn't like the early bits but liked the later bits. Probably the best bits are the middle bits. It doesn't ever get "good", no, it's a final fantasy game. You either tolerate how shit it is for the story/music/art or you don't, just like always
Did you only play Fallout 4 on console? It looks good for me on PC.
>You either tolerate how shit it is for the story/music/art or you don't, just like always
To be fair, this game hasn't impressed me in any of those regards, not even a little bit. I'm a big FFVIII fan and will go back through 4 and 5 sometimes but that's about where my fond memories of FF end.
>bought a game doing literally zero research on it
Played on PC, im just a sharp texture fan, and Fallout textures looked smudged, weapons specially.
That was a cool map.
I want to play MK8 now. :(