Name a better game
Name a better game
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pro tip: i cant
Diablo 1
*blocks your path*
The only possible good answer
I'd join
diablo 1
you fucking pleb
Unironically this.
2 was great but it was the beggining of the end in terms of loot pinatas and christmas tree effect.
Also I prefer the slower pace and darker atmosphere but that's just personal preference.
I can replay diablo 1 every year, I can only replay diablo 2 every few years.
AFAIK vr used to have one but host was a faggot and it died. ATM im playing EU ladder since BLIZZARD BTFO ALL THE BOTS
the optimal way to play diablo 2 is to play only 1 week at ladder reset
It's impossible. There have been so many pathetic pretenders to the throne and all of them fail miserably in one form or the other. Diablo II Lord of Destruction is lightning in a bottle and we'll never see something as good as it again when it comes to ARPG.
Path of Exile
i can't replay diablo 1 ever because it just feels super clunky compared to d2
i barely made it through d1 once desu
Diablo 1 is fucking boring. The only people saying it's better either are retarded hipsters or have dementia.
yeah i played for 2-3 weeks. Had to sell all my gear on jsp because I was addicted
Path of Exile is a better game in my opinion but something keeps dragging me to Diablo after all these years while I can only play PoE in bursts.
Diablo 2 is trash
torchlight 2
Yes it's the best game because I don't know any other game that aged so well and every time I delete it it's because I am too addicted not because it's boring
The only thing I despise are the Bots and Hackers. Remove them and the game would be perfect.
PoE is fucking great and they keep releasing stuff, the whales must be big tho
they're removed now actually
Is Diablo II the perfect game?
I'm not saying Diablo II is perfect (it's not) but I am saying it's the perfect "game". I've been playing it for nearly 20 years and I'm still not bored of it.
They're gone, you should come back.
So it the remester ever comes you think it will revitalize the game? Or just a passing curiosity like Brood War?
Personally, I doubt PoEfags woud switch, and normalfags are not probably interested either.
Balder's gate
Gotta ask.
Do you farm for anything in Normal or just grab Leaf and Stealth and whatever and just run until Hell ?
I don't understand the appeal of these types of 'grind for bigger numbers' games.
Diablo II doesn't need a remaster.
>Graphics still look beautiful
>Gameplay is solid (if lacking a little wiggle room for more builds)
>Music/sound is good
>Community is still active if small (more than most can say for a game that's nearly 2 decades old)
>People who play PoE won't play it
>Normalfags won't play it
>People who play Diablo 2 will just keep playing Diablo 2
unplayable for me now desu
the low res hurts my eyes too much.
Din's curse
Are there any widescreen fixes? If there were to be a remaster that's about the only thing I'd want from it.
>normalfags won't play it
They won't, retard. They won't touch Oblivion or Morrowind with a 10 foot pole. They won't touch anything that's more than a year old.
d2 would've been shit if it didn't have all the dupes/bots/hacks to help you get all the impossible item drops
I think GlideWrapper works
It's skinner box 101 with the added spice of dick measurement.
Diablo 3
Autism / no gf
Spent two years trying to get into it on and off recently, I'm 100% sure it's a mix of nostalgia and too much time
Visual novels are the only thing less of a video game than aRPGS
The darker atmosphere is pretty rad. I wouldnt say the gameplay is better though.
I still recommend people try playing Diablo 1 with Belzebub mod.
Don't get me wrong I love Diablo 2 but I wish the release of LoD didn't overshadow Throne of Darkness because it had some really neat qualities that could've been adopted by competition.
Maybe Generation X, every fucking asshole and his girlfriend played that shit for like 5 years after release and many a normie still remembers and plays D2 once in a while.
Diablo 1 is pretty boring if you play a warrior or rogue. Sorcerer is fun though. I just finished a game with one a few days ago. I like that D1 is more roguelite than later titles in the series, but playing anything other than a sorcerer does get boring pretty quick if you're experienced with gaming at all.
As much as I love the visuals of Diablo 2. I really would like to see what it would look like if all the assets were rendered in a higher resolution.
naw most normies were really young kids or young teens when D2 came out and if they really are normies they didn't play video games back then anyway unless it was on a console
How do you get addicted to Diablo 2?
>many a normie still remembers and plays D2 once in a while
The soyboy speaketh
What has normie to do with age? You think normal people were at most born 20 years ago or something?
making fg while mfing
it's a matter of reaching lvl 24, after that you teleport all the way to hell. usually dont even farm for stealth/leaf as im playing in a party
In hell where do you farm runes? Redoing big bosses or countess first and then Duriel?
Been playing this for a while now. It's pretty much Diablo 2 in 3D and with a shitton of nice character classes.
Lower Kurast
age is an important factor considering the popularity of video games and other "nerd" things were much different even 18 years ago when D2 was released. You think some boomer normie would be playing D2?
TC87 areas.
whatever area you can clear the fastest. my mf run are usually : andy,pit,meph,chaos,cows
you mustnt kill the cow king in order to do it again right?
diablo 3
If i put MF armor on my merc will it work?
Only if he's the one to kill the monster, it will add your MF to his MF.
guess ill just wear some shitty topaz armor then since im kiilling mobs faster than him
A game with terrible audio reverb. Another proof that everything they touch goes to shit. Made for people with an exquisite taste.