Want to play this game so badly

>Want to play this game so badly
>want to play it without savescum
>start a game
>unbelievable shit happens
>2 100% shots missed in a row
>soldier die
>quit the game
>return again after weeks
>start again from point one

Help me play this fucking game, i really want to fucking play it but i fucking cant. FUCK

>all the missions are timed, literally taking away the beauty of carefully planning your moves.

Fuck this shit.

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Soldiers die, shots miss

If you can't get used to it, lower the difficulty.


> teleports behind you
> heh, nothin personnel, xcom
> stabs you with a katana
> stunned for 24 turns
> summons a mech
> runs into the tallest building away from reach

>>all the missions are timed, literally taking away the beauty of carefully planning your moves.

>turtling is now "beautiful"

Git gud


95% isn't 100%

this. if anything, timers help with making your moves carefully planned

the timed missions aren't an issue if you actually know how to play this type of game, but sure, get mad about it as you pass over the timer while playing on easy mode, as you overwatch in the same spot for 5 turns because you don't want anyone to get shot ever.

You probably just need to git gud.

Go watch some people playing the game on the hardest difficulty. You'll be back here whining about easy and casual the game is in a week. Then you can give Long War a try.

if only there existed an easy to use hub for mods that could help tailor the experience to what you want

I really got into this game a few months ago, but then life got busy so I stopped for a bit. Now I have time again, but I don't want to jump in all rusty and endure a squad wipe.

But i want to play the game how it was actually intened
I know.......

just do save scum or the game is fucking retarded. I personally limited myself to 1 load per mission, challenging but still prevents bullshit like that.

I miss a majority of shots that are around 60-80%, I sometimes miss 6 shots in a row that is 80%..

it feels like such bullshit

Limit your saves like Or take advantage from PC modding

The game actually rigs odds in your favour the worse you play.

You only have yourself to blame for playing the inferior nu-xcoms. UFO Defense and TFTD will always superior to what ever trash firaxis shits out

why do they even display the percentage then? It really makes me not want to play the game when I can't reliably take shots that are 70-80%

How can shoots above 70% be so unreliable?
Thats my problem.

Shots that are 70-80% are actually more like 80-90% once you lose a squadmember. It's an anti-frustration measure.

Don't play RNG-heavy games if you can't deal with the RNG biting you in the ass once in a while, or play accordingly, as safe as possible while keeping mind of the objective and the turn limit. (Explosives and melee attacks are your friends)

Get gud? Idk, game is easy. Missed shots is a meme. Actually the beginning is hardest part, so just keep playing.

Those aren't reliable odds.

Most people would say that a greater than two thirds majority is reliable odds

It's always 50%: you take shot or you don't.

>all the missions are timed, literally taking away the beauty of carefully planning your moves.

There's no active clock, just a turn timer. It pushed you to play both aggresively and conservatively as opposed to what i'm sure we both do, which is crawl forward and set up overwatch traps for the aliens. It makes it harder for sure but if it's really bothersome you can mod it to give you a little more time.

It's pretty poor odds when you need to take that gamble over and over again.

>shilling LW2
It was a failure, just move on.

taking 80% shots over and over is not poor odds

you are the kind of person I dislike the most

user LW2 was fucking amazing. It's a damn shame there won't be any official WOTC release for it. Seems there is a group of folks working up updating LW2 for WOTC, however.
Long war is the best way to play xcom.

What classes are you playing?

Cause ranger is absolutely brutal if specced and given the right mods. You just need to keep moving.

So? Kys, faggot.

Just git gud, lad. Move your first soldier as far as you think it's safe to go this turn, yellow move two to just behind the first one and blue move one to keep out for defense (if you think it's needed, in the early game it won't).
Learn what each enemy can or can't deal with (pectoids are weak to melee, mutons can counter you, etc.). Yeah, 70 / 80% shots miss, I missed like three 95% shots in a single mission yesterday, big deal. You should remove cover with nades then go for the easy flanks (specially considering you're playing without mods, so you're using XCOM2's retarded dice roll, I won't pretend I understand it or try to explain it to you here, but the good fellas at /xcg/ can help you out).
Weapon research is extremely important but you should rush both resistance comms and faction contacts (if you're playing WotC).
Swords are good but usually worse than just flanking the ayy and going for the shotty shot. Bluescreen rounds + gunslinger sniper = god.

If you want any other advice just explain to me what dlc you have on, what are your specific difficultires and etc.

i would like this game if the way the aliens worked wasn't fucking retarded

>have a class specialized for close combat

>3/4 of the time when you move into close combat you essentially spawn a shitload more aliens who get free walk to cover

>aliens eventually take multiple overwatches to kill, can obliterate your whole team in one shot, have two lives effectively etc. (bullshit creep)

i wish the game was a real tactical game without all the snowflake abilities. make it a little larger scale and have it handle some light armor or something, remove pods or rearrange how they work thanks

why even have % then? might as well have it like FO4 speech checks and just color code them

2 Rangers, 2 Grenadiers, 1 Assault, 1 Specialist specced in Haywire protocol. Replace the Assault with a Gunslinger Sharpshooter on zombie missions.

What is risk fucking management

Tech specialists aren't as good as they seem, you should invest AP on them so they can have shit from both trees. Ranger and assault are the same class, do you mean you use three assaults? If you do, switch one for a sharpshooter, they seem kinda whack in the early game but once they reach sargent they become death gods.

>can't melee xenos without triggering another pod

You seriously need to get better at the game, man. Also, using overwatch wastes an action that could have been used more efficiently, unless you have no other option whatsoever, never use overwatch.

>why even have dice in RPG then, just flip a coin
There are abilities and mods altering the chances on both sides lad. If your warrior needs anything from 3 to 20 to hit the orc, he can still roll 2 or 1.

Someone's clearly not using his battle scanners

play UFO Defense, sounds exactly like what you want.

>gun straight for the objective and hope you don't activate more than one pod or else you lose
real tactical gameplay there

I feel like Sharpshooters get completely eclipsed by Reapers desu man.

Reaper's permaconceal also allows you to cheese Alien rulers as long as you have a Sharpshooter with Squadsight, they're honestly broken.

Drop one grenadier and add a right specced sharpshooter to do long range. Stick the one grenadier to one ranger. They are battle buddies. The nader to strip defense bonuses and such a and ranger to clean house. Those would be your first attack team. The other ranger can be used to play scrap man and clean up for stragglers. Pair them with the specialist for the second team. Have sniper take up overwatch, long range.

>not using reapers and rangers as scouts, or hell, battle scanners so that you never pop more than one pod at a time


How do you get this on a PS4?

classes were a fucking mistake
pods were a mistake
2 actions per turn was a fucking mistake.

Too much shit going on under the hood. Game requires an inordinate amount of time to understand how it actually works. Over watch shouldn't even be in the game if its so fucking unreliable.

And I don't understand the percentages shown are not whats happening.
>4 dudes with a 70%+ chance to hit
>all miss
>retard runs up and one shots my guy

Yeah nah fuck that

Both the expansion classes break the rulers in half. Ion-jack skirmishers can easily take off half their health and keep them stunlocked until the rest of the team finish the job.

Is the expansion worth it? I mean I know it's good, but it's 40 bucks.

>pod patrols right into you
>unactivated pod purposefully patrols right between you and the objective so you literally can't avoid them
game is rigged

Sharpshooter + Reaper is my OTP. I actually always try to do covert ops involving ambushes so I can send a Reaper + Shooter + Phantom Assault squad - for me, the ideal squad (+ a Psi)

>Fire 3 sniper shots on the same turn with the hunter rifle at a ruler
>He's dead and didn't even move

If you even KNOW where the pods will be why the fuck do you keep running towards them with your rangers? Are you retarded? Is it really the game's fault? Do you realize there's two of classes that stay hidden and can scout for enemy position? Have you thought of maybe sending your ranger ahead and then have him melee the pod BEHIND him? Have you ever thought about G I T T I N G U D?

I'll have to try that shit.

I never really invested in Skirmishers or Templars, they come too late in the game, and their early kit is too weak to make them worth leveling up. I suppose I could simply send them on missions until they get enough promotions though.

Wait until it's on special. It's great, but honestly not worth the asking price imho.

If you can't take care of a single pod, that game ain't for you, man, sad to say.

Unless you are moving towards enemies or away from them you should be casting overwatch after your primary action turn to avoid that.

You do realize that it's literally programmed into the game that patrols will get between you and the objective when you're close enough, right?

I often use my skirmisher for the resistance missions until he's got some experience under his belt. They're also fairly situational because flying across the map to falcon punch people isn't always a smart idea.

>Skirmishers or Templars, they come too late in the game
You should have both factions contaced before the second month is over. If you get lucky with soldier promotions, you should do your best to have them on your first month actually. It's easy, you'll usually have a sergeant but he'll probably be tired, but if you can even send them before the end of the month to get them on the first week of the second one you're good. Also, I recommend you prioritize chosen before rulers.

Actually, I'm not completely sure but I believe pods will follow noise, and there will ALWAYS be a stationary pod at the objective, in a lot of mission types there'll be another one just behind it. Out of all flaws XCOM 2 has, you pick one which is barely a flaw, more like a standard thing. Even UFO Defense / TFTD have stationary group of ayys around the ship, or one patrolling around it.
Also, if you think this is bad you should've tried the borefest that was 1.0 LW2, in which you could (and had to) zip through every pod for 10 turns in concealment then run away. Not even /xcg/ guys (myself included) could bring themselves do play it.

The problem isn't killing the pod, but the fight taking up too much of your time and missing the objective. This gets easier in the late game when you have more tricks up your sleeve.

No shit moron but that doesn't mean you blindly stumble into them. You have skills and items to scout ahead and take advantage of the pod before engaging them.

Unless you like playing that way, there shouldn't be situations were most pods surprise you.

I do but overwatch misses well over half the time, even when they're right next to each other. It's retarded.

To add to that, always use overwatch instead of having people just sit and wait.

100% shots missed in a row
why woudl someone nsjjust slie on thi interftaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Overwatch gives heavy penalties to your to-hit score

Trust me buddy I noticed

unless you activate more than a pod or are behind weapon schedule, this shouldn't be happening. The game gives you - almost forces you - to alpha strike pods, which mean you should spend one turn killing them (and by killing them I mean advancing on the map AND killing them). I mean, I'm doing a classic campaign with increased pod size and still alpha striking most pods.
You're probably using overwatch too liberally and not thinking about the position of the lads. A sniper with high ground bonus and at least a advanced scope will almost always have 100% in his shots, overwatch or not. The same goes for a lad with a shotgun and close to the activated pod (>5 squares)

There is a mod specifically meant to fix that pods patrolling straight to xcom once you've been discovered. You'll have to check the workshop for it, i haven't played xcom2 in a while. I've been stuck on the mission to defend from an invasion. with LW2 it's fucking impossible and i may have to restart because i'm going to lose everyone.

Overwatch has no aim penalty from concealment and is equivalent to a full shot without cover. Outside of that situation you should be endeavoring never to use overwatch.

Your turns' actions should be spent trying to gain flanking shots on your enemies while remaining in cover. Overwatch is only for when you've failed to make good strategic decisions and the only alternative for that soldier's action at the end of a turn is taking a shitty shot at an alien in cover.

How is that a 'fix'? Once you've been discovered pods SHOULD be patrolling in your direction to back up their buddies.

dunno desu. doesn't really matter with the size of LW2 pods. You're fucked out of the gate, what's a few more to the party

This is a game that right off the bat tells you that legend/ironman mode is not for beginners and you will get your shit rocked.

Unless you are playing that you shouldn't have a problem ultimately winning. Yeah commander is tough but if you take the time and don't rush you should ultimately win. Sometimes certain missions will fail but fuck it, shit happens.

Unless you are legend/ironman moding if you don't like shit going fucked occasionally play at a lower level and git gud or don't play.

how did they fuck up so bad on lw2?

who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have pods spawn literally on top of you with no warning whatsoever

Not that guy, but I fucking loved skirmisher. He did need weapon mods to start rolling but after that he was a fucking beast. I played on commander difficulty, maybe in higher levels hes more unreliable, but the guy was laying a thousand bullets per turn no problem.

Don't worry user-kun I unistalled once I lost a mission because my sniper missed 3 95% chance shots in a row

Which mods did you use on him? I've never quite been able to figure out an optimal loadout.

Thats exactly what the original ufo was and why its still much better than the nu-xcoms

>melee charging headfirst into the fog of war and expecting anything other than bad things

Boy I'm not gonna say it's wrong to get pissed when a surprise pod activates but you really gotta consider reevaluating your approach to combat if you're rushing into the unknown

Also just get the mod that causes the timer to go off -after- you've been detected. It's a good compromise between staying true to the game's mechanics but still allowing you a chance to recon or set up an ambush before things heat up.

Who the fuck at firaxis greenlighted this shit? If you have a sniper with death from above and the rifle from the hunter chosen, congratulations, now he has permanent serial. Also comes with a pistol that penetrates 5 armor. My sniper became the #1 threat to aliens anywhere after i got this shit. I couldnt even stop using it because I love the sound the thing does when it fires.

Same here. I love the old Xcoms. After trying to like this for far too long I have concluded that there are some design decisions that sour me on the whole experience, they are the following:

* Too big a gap between difficulty levels. Normal is so easy that a baby could win it, the next step is frustratingly difficult (for me)

* Too gamey. What I mean here is things like shooting always ending the turn, which makes it so that you HAVE to kill the enemy you are shooting at because you can't run away, leading to "alpha strike" tactics that are boring and unrealistic.

* The pod-mechanic sucked in the last game and it sucks now too, accidentally uncovering too many pods also feels gamey and unfun

* I really dislike the cover-mechanic coupled with the "shooting-ends-the-turn"-mechanic. The fact that cover isn't really cover does not gel with me at all, that's the main thing making the game feel like a RNG-simulator rather than a tactics-game for me (coupled with the gamey elements discussed above)

* I hate savescumming, so I really dislike that the game is designed with saving/loading in mind. If you get a squadwipe you are pretty much fucked, two squadwipes and you might as well restart the campaign. Compare to the originals where you could throw meat at the enemy as long as you had the funds to do so

I've played many tactical squad games and I really like the genre, and I don't know what it is with these fucking games, but they are so frustrating. I've never been so frustrated with any tactical games as I have been with the new Xcoms. The RNG feels really strange, the match can turn bad on a dime thanks to one or two bad rolls, and the enemy always have secret aces up their sleeves that fuck you over automatically the first time you meet them (lol snake tounge, lol melee-enemies running from outside the screen across the screen and killing your guy in one turn, lol codex duplicates and the duplicate gets a full turn, etc etc etc).

>Xcom 2 will fuck you unfairly, And why thats a good thing

Because the intent is to get it lategame. It's always been the case in XCOM where you become overpowered at lategame and the fights become a joke because "humans are the real monsters" or some moral shit like that.
Same with meks and powered armors in EW or weapons that allowed a whole squad to level entire buildings and the xenos inside in older games. It's what makes the slog of getting to lategame worth it.

I disagree completely. In the original Xcoms you could use more realistic squad-tactics due to the time-unit system. Aliens were already spawned and walking around in fight-mode, so you could accidentally spawn a squad of enemies by walking too far.

Also, lives were far cheaper. Like that gif, a wipe like that is a setback that you would learn from, and would impact your rating negatively, but you bounced back. In the new one you'd have to load or restard the campaign because that's a game over right there.

i don't get what you are arguing about, thats exactly what i was pointing at, the original ufos where much better because of those things, ai freely going around the map, no pods, better tools to deal with the risk management, etc

Expanded mag is a must, and I like to use scope too. If you can get another slot im a fan of the repeater, but hair trigger is probably better.

>still no nude snek mod

I like TFTD more then UFO Defense.

>all the missions are timed, literally taking away the beauty of carefully planning your moves.
You're a moron.
Timers FORCE you to carefully plan your moves instead of cheesing with overwatch creep.
And even then, War of the Chosen has so many things that just trivialize timers altogether.
If anything, the timers should have been shorter.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with the Flamethrower? The range isn't good and the cone is far too small to hit several enemies consistently - Rocket Launcher seems like a way better choice. Is there something I'm missing?

i can see why

Vanilla flamethrower is kinda shit, specially considering you won't 100% burn everyone. In wotc, it becomes more useful in dealing with chosen, but you're still better with literally any other heavy weapon, including the removed ones.

Units on fire cant use most abilities. Still pretty shit, but it has its niche. Personally I love shredder cannon, used to be a rocket launcher fan but that shit its too good.

The new XCOMs aren't the old x-com, fascinating discovery.

My nigga. So goddamn satisfying to use.

>Setting up your angle so the shot pierces turns three goddamn walls into pure rubble and turns a whole pod of Ayys into a combination of shredded armor and a fine meat mist

xcom 2 doesnt have any such mechanic, only EU/EW did

Don't waste your time trying, lad.
>When your shredder cannon so brutal you accidentally wipe a unseen pod with it

>I hate savescumming, so I really dislike that the game is designed with saving/loading in mind
It's not though. You're just not very good at the game, which is fine, but alot of this stuff your complaining about somewhat boils down to that
I love x-com, but it's too easy, actually to lenient and completely solved.

>xcom 2 doesnt have any such mechanic
Nope, xcom2 has the same mechanics pushing the rng in your favor. Pretty big bonuses at normal and lower, only a very tiny bonus at commander.

This mod sucks. The "true concealment" one is better for this. It means you can sneak around and plan your attack better THEN the timer starts.

It has, but it only kicks in if you miss x shots in a row (2 or 3? I don't know)
Most of your issues are solvable by learning how to play the game. Also, how the fuck isn't alpha strike realistic, it's more realistic than uncovering ONE Reaper in your first turn, using your whole squad to shoot it / nade it and still not kill it.

You could try saving before/at the beginning of the mission. You can reload as much as you like, but you have to sink the time, so you can't just load until you get the perfect play, you'll have to settle.