Brought your Switch to any parties yet, Sup Forums?
Brought your Switch to any parties yet, Sup Forums?
The switch brings the parties to me
I love Karen!
>ywn have an autistic gf like Karen
>ywn make sweet love to Karen as she plays her Switch
it hurts, bros
I applaud Nintendo for using a transgendered individual in their advertisement.
it broke new ground
don't talk shit about my wife ever again.
get off of my board.
In boring as shit parties with some friends and enough alcohol, impromptu kart is somewhat fun.
Playing single player mario though.
i would if i got invited to any parties but i never will
Didn't you notice there was something funny looking about her privates. Im sorry you had to find out this way
Yes I often play a switch with a friends, while ours wife are out in town the switch keeps as busy
drunk hangouts with friends are always amazing with smash or mario kart or other fun vidya
I was disappointed when i found out karen was a spic
that's even better
Never change Sup Forums.
Karen jumped up, arms outstretched and struggling to hold back tears, looking up at her Chad coworker holding her Joycons high above her head. "G-give them back!", she heard herself cry, ignoring the bloody nose she now sported from earlier, having tripped onto the road while trying to grab her Joycons back. The muscled stud smirked and complied, throwing the devices hard onto the ground. Karen felt her heart drop. It would cost $90, a whole day at her minimum wage job, to replace those. She bit her lip, fighting the urge to cry, as her assailant gave her a smug look of normalfag superiority and began speaking to her in a mocking tone.
"Really Karen, what were you thinking? Bringing your stupid Nintendo thing to the party. We're trying to DRINK here. Have CONVERSATIONS. Think about that next time you come to one of our get togethers."
With an upbeat chortle, he turned to his drinking buddies who had filmed the entire thing, and the group walked away leaving only a now openly sobbing Karen behind.