Why is this piece of shit to slow and clumberosme to use?

why is this piece of shit to slow and clumberosme to use?

I miss over half my fucking swings because you can turn as well as a fucking pick up truck.

how does Dark souls get UGs right but they suck in this game?

>why is this big sword so fucking slow

youre supposed to sheath the sword inbetween attacks. rookie mistake to keep it pulled.

>being unironically bad and blaming the game

charge blade and switch axe are just as big

When people make complaints like this do they ever bother go look at gameplay from skilled players?

Its you, not the game. git [gud

So a MH thread? Gotcha.
So Anons, what old monsters do you want back in World via DLC? I want Zinogre and Tigrex. Just doesn't feel like MH without them.

Gravios, Steve and Shaggy.

Real question, is the zorah set any good ? (just want to know if i should redo his mission to farm his shit or not, and his stage is a fucking chore)

When they are in Large sword mode both those weapons make you move just as slow as a GS user.

that fucker.

YO first time Mh player here.

when the fuck can i upgrade my jargas weapon? I cant see the option and what i need.

It carried me to my Nergigante set.

The required materials show up when you have fought and killed/captured the monster in question that you need to upgrade the weapons with.

In other words keep killing new shit.

this the game encourages you to explore discover and kill/capture/gather new shit, so you can get access to new shit etc etc

Your timing is shit. Practice and you'll get better.
You aren't seriously blaming the game for your lack of skill, are you?

handler-chan a cute A CUTE

>Casual filter
Git good

>b-but in dark souls!

git gud you bandwagon casual

They're for babies who can't handle Greatsword but still want to use a big weapon.

This. Best thing to do with the heavier melee weapons like the Sword and Hammer (unless you're charging) is to keep them sheathed so you can move around quicker and position yourself into a spot you can then mash a combo into.

Been trying to farm nergi gem, no luck. Figured using a gold wyvern print to meld one, but i cant create it. Anybody know how to get the melder to add it to her shop?