I quite like these Souls games...

I quite like these Souls games, it's a shame in Demon's there's no Waste of Skin or Deprived class so I can start off as a naked nobody with only a trusty club!

i like starting off like that and just equipping whatever random shit I find

Barbarian is close enough.

>ds1 gets remake
>not demon's souls

barbarian is literally that

I played all three DeS runs in Fluted with a longsword and matching shield, most of the time Dark Silver.

I too, like playing the game in no particular special manner.

I played Demon's souls when it came out and I feel like half the people saying its better than ds1 on this board are just hipster contrarians pretending.

no you didn't.

Played 3 and liked that mostly for the boss fights. Was thinking of getting remastered on the switch because I like playing in handheld. How do the bosses from the first compare to 3. Also I didn't hate 2 but it felt like it was more quantity over quality

Shit your right.

Should I play this while servers are still up? Is it still laggy when playing online?

t. Hipster contrarian

DeS is my favorite game of the "series", and I got into the series in 2016 playing in release order.

I am genuinly curious as to why?
I enjoyed the gameplay atmosphere and story of ds1 and bb so much more than in demons. I feel like the faster pace served the game much more and the level design was way more interesting.

Use what you see is a very popular form of challenge run tho


That said, I borrowed a PS4 to play Bloodborne and holy shit it's fucking incredible. I still prefer DaS1, but Bloodborne is very fucking close.

more or less the same shit except easier in general and they don't all follow the standard "DUDE SECOND PHASE LMAO" every single boss in 3 has.
I like des more because the combat is faster and I like the setting and aesthetics more. Also unlike das1, the exploits were never patched out. Not to say I don't like das1 because I actually think both are very close together and I think they're both the best games in the series still. BB being a very solid 3rd place to me.

I love DeS, DaS1 and BB and my opinion over which one I like the most fluctuates because they’re all very good.

That said, 2 and 3 are trash.

DeS is better. Feels like a slow and meticulous dungeon crawl. Archstones are also much better than one interconnected world.

>Also unlike das1, the exploits were never patched out.

almost all of the glitches in DeS exist in DaS1

In terms of polished mechanics it is worse than Dark Souls, but I think Demon's Souls is still the best game in the series by far.

Demon’s Souls has some of the best movesets and weapon upgrade paths in the series. It implemented hyper armor frames perfectly too.

well I'm still mad about the bottomless box glitch being gone.

yeah, they patched that but you can still mule

they didn’t patch things like dead angles, toggling, moveswapping etc