I really hope that this didn't kill the franchise.
I really hope that this didn't kill the franchise
Nope apparently theyre still going on with it after big layoffs. I wish it were dead honestly.
fucking hell, yeah nevermind kill it
Deadrising 3 already killed it user; this was just the final jail in the coffin.
I've always wanted to like the Dead Rising games but it has three of the things I hate the most in games: time limits, degradable weapons and AI escorts
4 pandered to you and it was worse for it.
>he didn't like the time limit
Im sorry
It's okay bro, just look at the flowers user.
At least we still have the first one
So uh dead rising 3 is never coming to ps4?
I know its shit but it would be nice to have all of them physically. I already have 2 and otr on ps3, plus the original on PC and soon on ps4 along with 4.
MS probably owns the rights to 3. I know they do with the Expansion for DR2
If Capcom Vancouvers making the next game I'd rather the franchise be dead honestly
serious question? is the first Dead Rising fun? i played it a little on release and didn't progress to much for some reason
This Faggots who complain about the timer don't seem to realize that without it, Dead Rising is just another shitty standard zombie game with no substance. The complaints about the timer don't even make sense because the game is balanced around it. The two most common complaints I hear are
>It's too strict, I hate the timer
It's lenient as fuck if you're aiming to complete the main story. You have plenty of time to do every Case. If you're trying to go for 100% completion or a rescue everyone Saint run then the timer is strict, but it's nothing you can't handle if you know the layout of the mall and have a plan. This is why they made Frank's levels carry over from each new game, so you can learn the lay of the land and which survivors appear when and plan a strategy to save everyone over several playthroughs and leveling. Besides, who the fuck goes for a 100% run of a game blind?
>I just want to kill zombies, I hate the timer
If you ignore the story you get SIX FUCKING HOURS of zombie-slaughtering mayhem. Once that's over, you can restart and do it again and again and again.
Seriously, all the tension and setups/payoffs in Dead Rising come from the timer. The braindead AI is a much more substantial complaint.
>He bought DR4
You disgust me...
Personally the only problem i have with the timer in dead rising games its that when going for 100% its nearly impossible not because theres not enough of it, but because the AI is so incredibly retarded and uncooperative that it makes everything so much worse.
Without going for 100% theres literally no reason to complain about the timer.
If anything, theres too much dead time between story cases if youre not doing any side content
i said soon. Also of course
You're not supposed to do everything.
>You're not supposed to do everything.
Get a load of this guy.
fucking hell what the fuck is going on with my keyboard
The AI doesn't make it easy, but there are strategies to work around them. Mashing the Y button makes them beeline for Frank, and setting a waypoint and doubling back to follow them as they go can help you manage a group of them. Give them shotguns and they do reasonably well when you need to leave them for a second. I always make sure to have healing items on hand because they do like to take damage, though.
Maybe not on a first playthrough, but it's entirely possible to do everything if you're level 30-50.
More so it actually feels amazing if you DO end up doing everything.
is the ps4 version of the first game a good port?
well it cant be any worse than the PC version
I care less about the timer personally and just want an option to turn off otis
It's almost as if adversity breeds success.
I fucking hate what they did to Dead Rising with 4. Especially with all the "BACK TO THE ROOTS" shit they lied about in interviews just because they brought back "Frank" for muh sales.
RIP Dead Rising you were too good for this shit world
>Once that's over, you can restart and do it again and again and again
Well I don't fucking want to watch the same fucking cutscenes and go through that whole gay ass beginning of the game every fucking time. You're defending traditional gook way of overcomplicating simple things for absolutely no fucking reason. They give you an interesting open world filled with zombies and a shit ton of tools and ways to kill them but they give you a fucking timer so you would constantly be reminded that you're about to fail and can't fuck around at your own pace. It's the most retarded fucking mechanic ever and fuck you for defending it, I bet you have a poster of Kojima next to your bed too, you filthy piss rag. I hope Jamie Oliver comes into your room at night and waterboards you with olive oil and not the good kind but really bad oxidized one.
I had no problems with the PC version aside from the special moves being kinda hard to pull off.
>Well I don't fucking want to watch the same fucking cutscenes and go through that whole gay ass beginning of the game every fucking time
Nigga if you press start you can skip both the helicoptor introduction and every single cutscene you fucking retard
Dead Rising is a game for big boys. Sorry you can't handle it.
>its a capcom outsources a potential-filled/cult-beloved franchise to western developers
RE:Umb Corps
Lost planet 3
>They give you an interesting open world filled with zombies and a shit ton of tools and ways to kill them but they give you a fucking timer so you would constantly be reminded that you're about to fail and can't fuck around at your own pace
Except you can you fucking retard.
Ignore the timer and you can do whatever the fuck you like. You won't progress the story and miss side stuff like psycopaths.
They're skippable. Don't worry, those traditional gooks kept your ADHD riddled brain in mind when they designed the game.
>You won't progress the story and miss side stuff like psycopaths.
The funny thing is, you won't miss the psychopaths. You'll still get survivor calls and scoops, you just won't unravel the truth of the story I think
I really hope that it did, if they plan on fucking it up every time.
>you won't miss the psychopaths.
Psychopaths also have a timer
I really hope they realize that no dead rising 3 was going in the wrong direction and doubling down was not a good idea.
I gave dead rising 4 a quick attempt at comic con when it was demoed and when I saw you can not use any punches after picking up a weapon I knew this game was not for me. They do not want to give you fun moves like disembowel or lariat they want you to use their lame wacky weapons.
Fucking Capcom
Well, yeah, but if you're just fucking around at your own pace and not following a schedule it's easy as fuck.
>fucking around
>get call for psychopath
>go there and fight them
>kill their survivors
>continue fucking around
Yes, it's fucking excellent.
>Lost Planet
Fuck you, I still in the recovering phase from that bullshit.
its a 360 kidies in denial their childhood game was always shit thread
>they actually supervised DR2 and it turned out decent
>because of that success, they gave westerners full control over 3 and 4 and they turned out to be shit
not only supervised but based on some old ass interviews it seems like they basically used capcom vancouver, which at the time was blue castle games as cheap labor to make the models and include stuff westerners think is cool.
I saw it at Wal-Mart the other day when I checked out the games. Did this just come out? I loved the first DR and I played the second one but nothing after that. Kinda thinking I should leave it that way.
>This is why they made Frank's levels carry over from each new game
I feel like this right here is the single most misunderstood mechanic about the entire Dead Rising franchise. Not only do you not HAVE to do everything in your first try, its not even remotely expected of a new player to be able to do it. The games were meant to be replayed, you're meant to use your first few playthroughs as scouting runs, learn the maps, the spawns, level up and get new abilities. I feel like people that complain about DR's time limit went in, expected to 100% everything their first try, then cried when they couldn't because they didn't have the necessary knowledge to do so their first time going in.
Going by the rumors next Dead Rising is a return to the roots
I liked DR3
its been 5 years user
Shit like this encourages the belief that the people who shit on DR for the time limit never actually tried playing it. You can skip the intro and all you have to after that is walk up the stairs and into the security room.
Don't. 1 & 2 are all you need. If you absolutely need more 3 is decent, but lacks a lot of what made the first two so great. 4 is trash.
I used to think the timer was stressful until I realized the game was designed to be played over and over again. I think one hit the sweet spot with this design philosphy. 2 was a little top big and having to drop off Zombrex every so often was retarded.
I actually like the setting of 4 and the game has some neat stuff, but I don't like Frank's redesign AT ALL and that almost kills it for me. 3 at least had Mexican Andrew Lawrence as a new character. But bringing Frank back and pissing on his character like they did crossed a line for me.