Best visual novels?
Best visual novels?
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VA-11 Hall-A
Any Semi;Colon game
It's cute but I wouldn't say best by any means.
>No actual character routes or romance options
>Branching paths are pretty minor
>Story could've been stronger
I don't regret paying for it though, the characters were fun and the atmosphere and soundtrack was top notch. I hope the devs get around to making a more fleshed-out VN in the future. Or maybe a more fleshed out version of the game itself. Ideally with a full Dorothy route.
not video games
I really liked Steins;Gate.
>Needing a terribly done "romance" shoved into your game
You are what's wrong with VN's
Is there any Visual novel with focus on fit/muscle girls?
Will this shit ever be translated in english?
It was great by western standards.
I don't see why it wouldn't have worked in Valhalla, Jill spent half the game being desperate and the other half moping over her dead girlfriend, it could easily have extended into her developing her relationships with any of the other characters romantically. As it stands it doesn't really go anywhere.
>You are what's wrong with VN's
There are plenty of things wrong with VNs, such as the ones that think they're too good to be conventional VNs or have botched endings, added romance is the least of all problems.
Clannad is pretty good
Subahibi, Umineko, Tsukihime, the list goes on...
>As it stands it doesn't really go anywhere.
That's because it's a VN about the daily life of a bartender. It never really intended to go anywhere. You go to work, you serve drinks.
Is Chaos;Head worth 20 british bongs?
I kinda want to read that since Melty Blood is kinda fun, but the artwork just looks terrrible. Heard that there was some remake in the works, is that still a thing?
It's been a thing for the past ten years, it'll come out soon(tm)
>is that still a thing
Nobody knows.
If you're ready to sink over 50 hours and you're ready to be emotionally drained, Clannad.
It's popular because it's fantastic.
Daily life can include romance, m8. I mean not on Sup Forums, but Jill was actually interested in finding love.
A few days off for dates wouldn't have been out of place at all.
Are the ratings from vndb reliable?
>Waiting for the remake
Functionally vaporware, just read it. The art really isn't that bad, if you already like Meltan you'll get used to it.
How much do you trust the opinions of the Chinese?
>Daily life can include romance, m8
Maybe if you're a fag. You're not a fag are you?
it's a decent ballpark estimate
Compared to what? Opinions on Sup Forums, /vg/, /jp/ or Sup Forums? You're not likely to get a sound assessment anywhere, frankly.
I haven't heard of any.
Jill is bi, not really seeing your point.
Fuck no.
Just look at the themes and tags and pick something that sounds like your cup of tea.
There are some gems in there:
this and Umineko have excellent concepts put into them
vndb overrates >muh serious psychological shit
/vg/ overrates nukiges based on the amount of memes they have
/r/visualnovels overrates everything with "cute girls doing cute things" plots
/jp/ hates anything that can be read in English (even if they liked it before it got translated)
best VNs on steam? I want all my friends to know I'm an enormous faggot.
This and it's various sequels, etc.:
Be careful what you wish for.
videogames are truly the best form of art
Kara no Shoujo
I was being facetious.
Is Ef any good?
Is there a story summary around?
Fucking knew it. Never change, /jp/.
Nekopara 0, 1, 2, 3
Doki Doki Literature Club
Subarashiki Hibi (make sure not to get the patch though, it just adds useless H-scenes)
house in fata morgana
muv luv except it's removed from steam right now for some reason
Nonary games
Degica left the Muv Luv project, so they had to re-release all the Muv Luv games under a new APPID + make new trading cards, achievements, etc.
I figured as much, but I just wanted to be sure.
Bible Black
>Only the first 7 chapters are translated
What the fuck. I thought TM was popular.
Zero was pretty shit.
not gonna bother ranking them but here's a basic list for you if just want some good recommendations
Fata Morgana
Zero Escape series
>remake in the works
>is that still a thing?
Long ago, Mirror Moon translated Tsukihime, MB and Fate/stay night.
Beast's Lair translated Kagetsu Tohya, Fate/hollow ataraxia and Mahoyo.
>What the fuck. I thought TM was popular.
Only Fate/Grand Order.
Love Remember11 just because of the setting. Any other vns set in an isolated location (other than other 'ever' ones or uchi written ones in general)?
Don't be scared of the autism of the general, Katawa Shoujo is an amazing dating sim
>Dies Irae went from overhyped holy grail of NEVER EVER EOPs to completely forgotten in a couple of months
God bless the internet
And now it's just ammunition for shitty powerlevel threads, just like before.
So much for that.
Which one will be next? Baldr Sky? Muramasa?
Never listing to JOPs again. Both dies irae and subahibi were way overrated
I personally separate my life to pre-Subahibi and post-Subahibi periods, as reading it has completely changed how I view the world.
Obviously. They're only praised so highly for never ever circlejerks.
Mahoyo isn't even fully done.
Chaos;Head? It's not even localized
Yes and no. Stuff that is highly rated is never usually truly awful but i find a lot of it is overrated. Wouldn't be a bad idea to read some of the top rated ones so you can develop your own taste and find out what you like/don't and go from there.
>mods deleting VN threads
its official, VNs arent videogaems
What's wrong with Dies Irae?
Mods also often leave up porn threads and blatant shitposts until they hit the bump limit.
PC-98 ones. Setting up the emulator is a Payne in the ass though
There's nothing wrong with it, but it's just a pretty cool chuuni battle VN. It's really not as amazing as people said it was back when no one expected it to ever get translated.
This, Steins;Gate and Chaos;Child are two of the best VNs out there
Based Mod
It's in the top ten best, I'd say
Well, what's good about it in your opinion?
Muv-Luv if you want a roller coaster of emotions hitting you.
>tfw read most of them
I guess that's what i get for only knowing english
I’m retarded I meant chaos;child
Is it still worth playing if I know all the memey death scenes and who they happen to
Anyone into Suda51's works? This looks interesting but is it a remake of The Silver Case already on steam or is it a sequel? Where does Flower, Sun, and Rain fit into the lore?
What are your favorite short ones? I'm sick of 50+ where half of it is filler
aka 2 shit vns that lead to 1 decent
The Silver Case is a remake of the old one, I think you can switch it to the original in the options menu
It has a great OST and visual design, but the lack of backlog and the 3D "gameplay" sections are pretty awful. It's cool and original like most of his work, but it's not something you can easily get into
For short VNs, both Planetarian and Eden are good, but they don't have any choices in them.
>/jp/ hates anything that can be read in English (even if they liked it before it got translated)
which is weird when they have vn translation status threads
Ultimate is decent and Alternative is pretty good. And even then, Extra isn't really any worse than a lot of the moege that many people actually enjoy.
Yes. Oddly, I read despit knowing the memey deaths, thinking, that I won't be getting them but damn just the shit that Takeru goes through makes you really feel shit, since Muv-Luv has great inner monologues
The same thing happened with Steins;Gate 0. Japanese readers love to lavish things we can't read with praise, even when they are incredibly flawed. The way the "10/10 BEST GAME EVAR" screaming almost immediately dies out when these VNs come out in English is very telling.
I was not prepared for Alternative.
Even if you think you are, you're not.
FSR is a sequel to silver case. it was translated before silver case was though, so figure that one out
Extra and Unlimited was a set up for Alternative though. And if you finished Alternative, then reread Extra which would make you notice how much of foreshadow and sick jokes were there
>Still no TDA last chapter
>No LAST STAND in the salty deserts
>no Kurogane RIP and TEAR to his death
fuck me just give me the last chapter so I can move on from this shit
Oh, I paid full price for it and don't regret it.
It's fantastic. Worth 20 bongs
Owo, what's this?
Still not an excuse for being bad. They could have still set up alternative but actually made extra good
Nice characters, interesting setting and plot.
Nice music