This is a japanese Holy Grail™

This is a japanese Holy Grailā„¢
as you can see, she is pretty cute
Please consider helping her reach Paradiseā„¢

Is it ok for me to say that I want to show her my penis? I don't care if she laughs or not but I REALLY want her to see it

Her breasts are big and cute by the way

I wish her Sister didn't' lose all importance after she appears. Although i haven't beaten the game yet.

once you max her affinity the red sister will be useless even during gameplay
in fact most people end up hating her because she brings a fire combo thus not allowing fire blades to shine, in NG+ you can swap her out supposedly

wtf is a holy grail??
also dont you get enough of worst girl threads? the last one just died

>Please consider helping her reach Paradise

Can't too busy with best girl.

I want to lick Brighid's armpit and sideboob!

>that one scene she opens her eyes

should i buy this game finally or should i still wait
did the patched improved anything till now`?

Patches are being dolled out around once per month. It's mostly QoL stuff that helps alot.

Core Crystal load times and other things are annoying as fuck still.

They still haven't improved some of the shitty unbalanced boss fights.

Which is nice.

I'm just crossing my fingers that the Challenge Mode is something beyond just stat-punishment. Maybe new mechanics or an arena mode with remixed boss fights and new hidden bosses

There is not a single difficult boss fight in the game

I think Mythra gets two major scene after chapter 4, and both of them are her turning Dere and by virtue being more or less the same person as Pyra (which she ultimately is). The rest is all Pyra and Pyra blue.

>new mechanics

Wishful thinking, user.


>Using bonus exp
>Game even calls you a casual for doing so

Everything after you get Xenogears is easy mode but until then most bosses are pretty well balanced.

Dude, I still haven't beaten Jin in the world tree.

I used some until I realised how easy it was making the game. I don't recall it calling me a casual - how does it do that?

>This thread again

The tutorial for bonus exp goes something like "you can use it whenever you like or don't if you like a challenge"

Are you actually equipping your team with gear and blades that suit them and have synergy?

The only difficult part is Elpys because they take away your ability to get good combos going.

It's the first time I ever made it
buzz off homosexual

half of february

>Rex gave this up

Dumbest nigga