oh fuck my bad i already did
Post the best silent hill game
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i actually agree
Great game
I wish something like this would be made today.
Was a decent Silent Hill game but the beginning of the end for the series. Those fucking ghosts are annoying as hell.
>not team silent
you gotta go back
how do you even exist
no seriously faggot why do you play/enjoy non-team silent games
you are so fucking right
It's far from my favorite of the series, but I did end up enjoying Homecoming more than I thought I would. Partially because I went into it with such abysmal expectations.
For all the unsubtle horror moments, action segments, and blatant fanservice, I actually did like the details regarding Alex's relationships with his parents and the lonely atmosphere of exploring some of the environments like his childhood home.
Helps that the Yamaoka was still on the soundtrack.
Come at me.
I feel like if The Room got a remake that fleshed out the characters a little more and fixed up some of the mechanics then it would be a solid contender for one of my favorite horror games ever.
As is it's a list of good ideas that gets kind of bogged down by the repetition of its gameplay and environmental backtracking.
Oh my how people can be so wrong.
Pic is clearly the best in the franchise.
>tfw I unironically liked the theme
This and the one for psp, i don't remember the name right now
I genuinely thought Downpour was okay.
oh hi mark
>Sup Forums used to unanimously claim SH2 as not only the best SH, but one of the best games of all time
>So far nobody has mentioned it ITT
Where did the people with good taste migrate to?
3 and 1 were better anyway
I love the original trilogy, it's my favorite piece of media, probably, but I just can't get into Silent Hill 4. I've played it all the way through twice, and I just don't enjoy it at all.
I really want to like it, and agree with everyone else calling it an underrated gem, but it's just irritating to play for me.
Best game after the first three, desu
Ive played silent hill 2 for the first time a while ago and it was fantastic. Is 3 worth a try too?
I'd say it's better than 3
play 1 first, then 3.