Dragon Ball FighterZ

Which one is better?

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Android 16

>one has an interesting design of a biological robot based on a cicada that grows progressively more human as he absors other androids until he turns into the perfect being

>the other is GOKU BUT EVIL!!!! also he has pink hair

Gee, I wonder...

You're right, Black is much better

the best has yet to come

That's not /ourguy/ broly.

That's weird, i think you meant to post Jiren, and i'm not talking about Jiren the grey, i'm not even talking about Jiren "using only 1% of my power" the grey, i'm talking about 4 stacked Auras full of Justice asshole mode Jiren the Ayy

The one who BTFO the Cell fags

Cell is both visually better and higher on the tier list.

Is this you, Sup Forums?



Left looks absolutely perfect. The right one looks like a mess.

Post YFW this happens.

>my own clone, now neither of us will be virgins

>Goku Black is just "GOKU BUT EVIL"
It's almost like you have no clue what you are talking about!

Stop using Black.

I've never used black

Goku Black players are the worst

>Never much of a Cellfag before FighterZ
>See how much the first arc shits on him and feel kinda bad
>The absolute banter he has with Frieza in the second arc
>His VA work is absolutely amazing too

FighterZ turned me into a total Cellfag. When did everything become so PERFECT?

Best way to grind Zeni?


This is the face of the future meta.

Fuck vegito least interesting dlc character to come in the dlc

The one not designed by a Chilean on Deviantart in 2009.

>yfw Broly is announced and people go crazy and foam at the mouth from the excitement
>Broly wins EVO 2018 final with Cooler
>They end it with announcing Hercule Satan

Is Ginyus supposed to be the frog?

That guy clearly had good taste. stop hating faggot.


why is he so handsome

how the hell do you get settings that low?

Stop posting your video.

Make me.

Beautiful chad genetics

i just realized how long his neck is

>he doesn't work neck


I think i like 17's super outfit more than his original.

He effay af. What does mir mean?

He looks like he belongs in Jojo

Is there somewhere a DBZ cut without 10 minutes of screaming/standing around etc. ? I Think I have only seen the majin buu saga 10 years ago.

What a handsome lad.

Cell only got more human because Toriyamas higher ups were constantly displeased with his villain choices throughout that arc. Dont kid yourself into thinking there was any effort behind him.

Read the manga instead

UI is the lamest form in DBZ ever

SSJ4 + Fusion dance makes blocking unnecessary.

You can maybe watch Kai, but seriously, read the manga. It's the definitive Dragon Ball experience.

DBZ Kai removes a lot of screaming and standing around.

is super buu strong than kid?

cell only needs one finger to scratch his head but black has to use two
so cell is better

There is. It's called Kai

There is far more effort put into his design than Edgeku for sure or just about any garbage from Super.

Absolutely. Super Buu is Kid Buu but with Fat Buu's power absorbed so he already is stronger. Add in Goten, Trunks, Piccolo and Gohan and its not even close.

I don't even like Mystic Gohan but I admit I like what they did with his gameplay. Killing people just by powering up is never not funny.


That's a big Buu.

If assists become overused she'll become top tier. She has very unique mechanics and solid normals. Her grabs are risky though

You were there?

I want pic related in but I fear it will never happen.

Kid Buu is best boy

Cell Dorado has the best lines
>I'm quite confident in my speed you know
>Enjoy Oblivion!
>You and the Earth shall be destroyed!

only watch kai subbed since the dub is awful. Or you can just read the manga

Educate yourself.


"Toriyama: You’re terrible to say that, Torishima-san. Right around then was when Artificial Humans No. 19 and No. 20 appeared. You weren’t my editor or anything anymore, but you specifically called me to say, “I thought that the enemies had finally come, but aren’t these just a geezer and a fatso?” (laughs) In truth, I hadn’t had plans for anyone but No. 19 and No. 20 to appear. But there was no helping it, so I brought out No. 17 and No. 18. Then you called me up and said “What, this time it’s just some brats?” So I brought out Cell. (laughs)

Takeda: So you hadn’t planned on Cell appearing at all?

Toriyama: That’s right. I liked No. 19 and No. 20 just fine. And I liked the initial Cell fine as well.

Takeda: The bug-like one?

Yeah, but Kondō-san said, “He looks ugly. Of course, he can transform”, so I had no choice but to transform him into his second-form.

Kondō: Was that how it was?

Toriyama: And then you were really awful, Kondō-san. “This time, doesn’t he look like a moron? Hurry up and make him into his perfect-form” you said.

Kondō: But he really did look like a moron. (laughs)

Toriyama: With second-form Cell as well, I liked him well enough. Actually, I had wanted him to play a more active role. But since I was told he looked stupid, I had no choice but to change him. (laughs) So I made him into his cool-looking perfect-form, which was to Kondō-san‘s liking. "

I'm still so fucking mad Cell isn't in the tournament

Holy FUCK we're lucky the Android/Cell arc turned out good

I think my favorite instance of the second line is when he started saying that and got interrupted by Hit's counter.


i dropped everyone for hit

i only like playing him

makes sense why dbz became a souless scream fest.

jesus christ they really saved the cell saga

However much anyone likes Cell, it would be hard to deny his introduction was awkward. I think we might be better off if he stopped at 17 and 18 as the threat.
Sure, it would be just one more threat solved by making friends with them, but it would also give them more involvement in the story.

>disliking imperfect cell
Shit taste Kondo but at least you knew 2nd form looked retarded

one of the few times an editor improved it
>implying it wasn't that from the first arc


Then why was Cell still the worst of Z's big three?

I'll never understand why people like Perfect Cell so much, Imperfect Cell was cool, but once he achieved his goal of eating the androids he became so dull and boring, and his motive is just "i want to see people suffer" and then he dies.

because Frieza is god tier and Buu is actually the worst

Zamasu is Sup Forums

Is Cell top tier? Might wanna make a team with him and Black on it. Maybe throw Tien or Yamcha in.

it's probably just because TFS's fandub is amazing that he has so many fans

ridiculously cool voice and design, and responsible for one of the greatest and most iconic fights in the series.


naw you're right it's fucking sick, I need a webm of gohan walking towards cell with one hand stretched out doing the kamehameha

What's the best arcade stick set-up?

I spent years with the MvC set up but I'm having issues with the Dragon Rushes

Black and Cell both are.

Spoken like someone who truly hates fun (and has a lot of forgiveness for inconsistent time travel).


i don't care. im fucking loving the unique fighter openings with the right characters and levels picked.

fucking lost it with the SS goku one vs frieza

l m a1
ki h a2

To be fair he's an immortal god that had to live with barbarians that will perpetually kill each other

>hates fun

Even with all the story faults, I still love the big green bug man

Real talk though, I don't think Goku and Vegeta will be able to defeat Jiren, and Universe 7 will only win by having the most contestants left when the timer runs out.

this. every single time, they always ragequit. Just give me the points fucking hell

Buu is like a reverse of Cell
Fat Buu starts off stupid whereas Imperfect Cell starts off great

Super Buu looks great but he's there for too long whereas Semiperfect Cell looks terrible but doesn't stick around for too long

Kid Buu is all action no talk, Perfect Cell never shuts the fuck up

ranked is a struggle. I've had better results playing casual

17 out next episode
Vegeta out the next
Episode after that is Goku mastering Ultra Instinct and 1v1ing Jiren

But Zamasu is a prissy crybaby faggot

Frieza is still in the tournament too, floating on some debris somewhere but not eliminated.

funnily enough Cell is unironically the closest thing the franchise's ever had to an evil Goku, even including Tullece and Black

I'll take anything that isn't "GokuWinsLol", i have a bit of hope because no one saw the ending of the Zamasu arc coming where everyone loses, so i have a tiny faint hope that this arc wont end in the most predictable way possible, but you never know. But i don't see Jiren losing other than through an asspull, or some Frieza master plan.

but that's because people aren't worried about
>muh w/l ratio

16's death is probably the only well written scene Toriyama ever did from a pure story telling point of view.

Cell wished he had half of the top notch characterization quality given to Goku Black.