Best android games?
Best android games?
PAD is the only game worth playing
Layton MJ is the worst layton game but it's better than its 3ds equivalent.
Other than that literally nothing of value on the thing.
ask /lgbt/
they're extremely accepting of alternate lifestyles
any good tower TD games on android?
YUGIOH DUEL LINKS is almost okay.
Everything that isn't an emulator is going to cost you though.
>almost okay
Inferior to a free alternative is almost okay in your book?
CATS: Turbo
emulate the gameboy
there are no good mobile games
>free alternative
Brave Frontier is pretty fun, it's basically like ff exuvius or however it's spelled gachashit. I just mostly auto battle and grind the quest mode for "Diamonds" with pretty bitches since it doesn't have a big diff curve. But pvp is for my heavy hitters, (pic related, of said team of heavyweights) that you summon on random rates, you kno. regular bullshit like fgo but the summon cost is usually 5 Diamonds, unless a certain event, or etc. Lowers that cost or sometimes free. Idk op, maybe im a fag but it's fun to play. I work mostly, so only handheld consoles for me really.
Protip: if you wanna lvl up like me just autobattle the Karma dungeon on Mondays
Final fantasy Dissidia Opera Omnia (this fucking name) is actually a good designed, challenging and lacks a lot of your typical f2p shit
there's no stamina system for the majority of the game, you only get equipment via gacha, to unlock characters you have to play the game and the battle system is pretty fun and well designed, also, for some reason, it barely consumes battery , at least on my phone
yeah this one kinda good
but mobile game are mostly shit
this one just a bit better
>playing a dead mobage
if you mean ygopro then kys, new yugioh rules are gay
Clash Royale is pretty good.
Wait, this game is still going? I remember the introduction of 6 stars like in 2012.
Trick question, there aren't any.
Best you can get are ports of PC games like XCOM but even that has it's own faults.
Since there doesn't appear to be any good games, what gameboy games should I emulate? Something that isn't platforming or action, where I can take my time. Obviously getting Advance Wars 1/2, but what else?
You stupid nigger, you probably didn't even try every game in the thread first.
turned based games work well, get a DS emulator and play B/W2 hardmode, best pokemon game
>someone actually is recommending clash royale on Sup Forums ion the year 2018
If I could murder through hate, you would be dead.
enjoy spending tons of magic stones on a flavor of the week lead just for it to be hard countered in every dungeon
Serious answer to OP: Alchemist Code. It's the closest a mobile game has gone to replicating FFT if you like those sort of games, units have a vairity of different job classes so its possible to have some really customized units to mess around with
I played PAD years ago, played Clash Royale years ago and don't care to try the other gotchagames.
Wib Wob
Danmaku death is a free android exclusive bullet hell that's really good.
>gaming on a massively flawed, overpriced, underpowered, botnet-filled, spying pile of shit with laughably inaccurate touchscreen bullshit
Stop. Mobile devices are fucking horrible and should fucking die.
Where did it touch you?
bleach brave souls
Android games suck.
Ios has better quality games if you don't mind spending a few bucks.
I build ww2 aircraft for a flight simulator and designer called simpleplanes
The community is a bunch of 13 yr olds, I don't know why I keep pouring so many hours into those designs
I didn't think this game would even run on a Galaxy S5, let alone perfectly smoothly. I know there are only so many things to load, but I'm still impressed at how crisp it looks.
Meanwhile, PoGo chugs and freezes every other day.
>turn based
literal dog shit
Pokemon TCG and the Dragon Warrior games are much more tolerable at 3x speed.
Except DW2, that's still kusoge
Since magic stones aren't a rarity it's perfectly feasible to be top-ranking without iap.
Potion Maker!
I like emulating Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and TCG games such as Yugioh Worldwide Edition. Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge also works for mobile controls, if you like that game to begin with.
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is ok for a diet AC.
Duel Links as mentioned.
Those Sonic runner games are ok too if you're into that.
tried to play it before got to lvl 11 emission upgrade and made my phone lag like shit
no thx
asphalt 8
whats this called. i remember playing something like that ages ago on pc
>shilling brave frontier
fuck off, gumikike
Pocket Tanks.
t. pad reddit mod
the only way to be remotely successful in pad without loads of magic stone spending is to be a massive namefag
Emulating some of the GBA games on android has been one of my comfier moments , and while certain utility functions such as save states make it a hell lot more appealing ,sadly it doesn't beat the feeling of the actual physical buttons. Touch is so annoying.
>alchemist code
>playing games by scumi
I wonder who's behind this post
Pixel Dungeon
80 Days
I am an automotive technician for a living, sir. Fuck you and your family. A thousand misfortunes come your way. Hopefully car related
FFX on droid when
The ZENONIA series
It's an alright ARPG series that doesn't need microtransactions to complete it or does it have any gacha elements. Which makes it leagues above typical your typical garbage mobile games.