Dying at an alarming rate

>dying at an alarming rate
>dead pro scene no one knows/cares about
>developers pumping cosmetics in just to keep people playing
>terribly balanced, few playable characters are viable full time
>shitty community full of raging homosexuals
>a strictly casual experience that still manages to bring the worst out of players
>ridiculously low skill required to succeed
>developer who doesn't even make games - makes it worse every patch
>terrible, unlikable characters
>terrible, unlikable gameplay

>simply not an enjoyable game

That's right it's a Dota thread!
Pic not related.

>>dead pro scene no one knows/cares about
>>terribly balanced, few playable characters are viable full time
These ones is straight up false for DOTA. The others are debatable.

Dying games general?

>dota nowhere in sight

They could easily save this piece of shit too. They just choose not to

wow dude those are some hot opinions

>Motherboard gets fried three days before Dragonball Fighterz and one day before Arcade Edition, just when I was playing Dark souls 3
>Reinstall DOTA 2 on the laptop because that's basically I can run about right now
>Population now consistently boils down to children of age 13 to 18 being faggots to each other and crying at every single possible event that doesn't go according to their way.

It's a shame because I truly do like Dota, but man is it draining to play it.

There's no dota scene on Korea

Dota2 has become shitter and shitter only Reddit defends this game now, go to their subs any kind of negative criticism is downvoted, and any kind of casualisation is highly upvoted and aproved by Valve. Sad state, but dota2 is over.

I really don't care honestly, just as long as I can build meme builds like pure spell caster Arc Warden or Carry Elder Titan.

dotards blown the fuck out

Dota 2 offed itself before it could reach korea.

6.85 onward was a god damn mistake.

Bro League is far from dying it is one of the most popular games right now on top with PUBG. They're constantly posting updates.


No real sources but Riot is throwing millions of dollars into their new LoL League.

good riddance

>Not even reading the whole thing

so can they make un-HL3 now?

>wanting anything from nu-valve

>he's still not playing hots

i'm laffin

Literally even more casualized than lol, that and the obvious bias toward the ow heroes.

Why play HOTS? They're about to introduce voice chat which is going to allow bullies to harass women and other minorities, HOTS is dead

Whats with hots constantly adding Overwatch heroes? Is it because they want those sweet shekels?

ftfy OP

They literally just released a hero designed to fuck over mobility-based heroes such as the OW ones.

>one hero

Wow user, that really fixes everything.

It's their most popular franchise at the moment, so it makes sense for them to do so. They still regularly add heroes from their other franchises. The last two heroes were from Warcraft and Starcraft.

Eh i just want to league experience that amount of players loss as dota.
Sure league might have tanked a bit with players, and eu lcs are literally who? Nobody watches it and if player get recognized he moves to na instantly.
But idk what should happen to make all that 14 years old yasuo players to quit? Probably not gonna happen anytime soon.

and that's why they're called riotdrones

Complain all you want about Hirez, but as far as MOBA goes, Smite is solid in terms of gameplay and balance