So wtf exactly happened?
So wtf exactly happened?
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When you try to compete with Overwatch this happens, unless the game is actually good like Paladins
someone tried to compete with Blizzard on their turf. remember the nonstop torrent of all the failed shitty MMOs that tried to copy WoW?
Between a hero shooter coming out every month like they were ARTS a few years ago and the growing popularity of battle royal shooters, it was doomed to die.
>Yesterday had more cars launched into space than matches played in Lawbreakers
would you believe me if I tell you that that was actually me in the main menu?
The game had bots or something like that ?or its conplety dead?
>billion dollar franchise
How many threads do we need about this?
They let a team of streamers cut in line at E3 and shit stomp me and my friends. My dad, Gabe, made sure they failed for humiliating me.
No marketing, ugly characters, decent gameplay with bad art and UI design, core demographic already invested in other games of similar genre, couldn't establish it's own niche playerbase because of these things.
The only thing that could bring people into the game at this point is a total overhaul of everything, but I doubt the payoff will be enough to justify the cost.
Better off closing it down and trying something in a totally different direction.
No bots. Matches don't start until 10 people are playing. There's only been a single hour in the last 44 that's had enough players for a single match. And that's assuming they were all logged in during the same time within that hour. There's a good chance there's not been a match for several days
>Cliffy B hypes up the game's edgy over-the-top violence as some kind of innovation even though it's been done before millions of times
>While the movement system is solid, the game tried to be a hero shooter and an arena shooter at the same time leading to several irreconcilable elements. Should have picked one or the other.
>The moment they decided to say "Overwatch is for anime-watching losers" the comparisons started and never ended.
>Published by Nexon, aka the "we don't give a fuck unless it's a mobile game in Korea" company
>PUBG began to gain gratuitous momentum around the time LawBreakers launched
>What little fans it had were soured when they removed the elements that made the game 'hardcore' (health regen was added, damage all around decreased, and movement slowed down)
>No bots
>Game has pretty steep rec specs in comparison to the competition (Overwatch and Paladins can run on toasters, Lawbreakers needs 16GB of RAM)
>No tutorials at launch
>No marketing
At least we know what Cliffy B was playing while mandingo was ploughing his wife an hour ago.
You think that's bad? Peep this
>The only thing that could bring people into the game at this point is a total overhaul of everything, but I doubt the payoff will be enough to justify the cost
This is Nexon we're talking about. They'll probably force it to go F2P, cease updates, and then shut it down next year.
I guess Cliffy launched the game lol
Lawbreakers tried to make Arena FPSs (an already unpopular genre) while combing it with Hero Shooters as well (a genre dominated by Overwatch). They tried to cater to two totally different audiences and created something that appealed to nethier.
If it goes F2P it might find a playerbase of people who hate Overwatch and Paladins. But I doubt it.
>unless the game is actually good like Paladins
How are they still allowed to keep selling the game? The 30-day number of average players is less than the amount required to start a match. Surely that should qualify the game as legally unplayable.
more like LawBreaker
there are several games that are completely unplayable yet are still being sold on steam
Most people probably buy it, sit at the matchmaking screen for 45 minutes, then mash the refund button
Nobody is going to sit in a queue for over 2 hours, people most likely buy it, can't get into a match after 5 minutes, look up the number of people playing and then refund it.
There are other games that you can buy on steam right now have 0 players online, shooters even.
Elon Musk should make a video game company.
Literally double the players
The game actually looked kinda fun. They should make it free for a day or two to get the player base back up. At this point it doesn't seem like future purchases are a possibility, but if they get a bump in players, they could be.
Can we stop making this thread every day? The fact that this shit is stuck in my library forever is painful enough.
Why are the servers still up for this shit? The infrastructure costs have to outweigh their income costs, right?
Unless they're purposefully leaving the servers up to farm sales from idiots who don't realize the game is dead?
>want to compete with overwatch
>compete with battleborn instead
prepping for the inevitable f2p
Wasn't this the youtube darling game for a while? Saw it everywhere.
What happened?
Holy fuck, I had to look it up for myself to see that OP wasn't bullshitting. What a disappointment.
That game is really bad though and everyone knows it because of the free weekend.
It's not worth retooling and marketing the game to go free2play. Evolve had much higher numbers when it moved to f2p and it still only kept the game active for a month or so afterwards.
Patches making core gameplay worse and bugs that probably aren't fixed to this day.
S4 League was better
Fucking kek
zimbabwean dollars
It was PUBG but better, and less random. Rewarded skilled play a lot more, making it really bad at player retention. It's main flaw was it lacked proper matchmaking and ladder for too long, meaning people who no-lifed the game were dominating people who just started hilariously easily. I remember killing 8 people and winning, using only wooden tools, because I got really good at the melee combat.
It also never garnered as much attention as PUBG or Lawbreakers. These games have to hit a certain population level or else they die off due to player loss. When you have incredibly low win rates, it scares new players off because they don't like being killed every single match. That's why PUBG made it more random and made it easier to get higher rankings. Better player retention.
>all those people who liked that neutral gender bathroom tweet didn't buy the game
>all those streamers that quit the game immediately after their sponsorship was over
>has a hot wife
>puts ugly fucks in his games
Fucking double standards.
Evolve still gets over 100 players. Lawbreakers can barely sustain 10
The combat is rock paper scissors at this point, you know. You can get dominated and still have fun if the gameplay isn't boring. It needed a much greater emphasis on traps and a much, much bigger crafting list.
>Compete with Battleborn
More like get destroyed by Battleborn.
I never took in any media about this game, but seeing as the trailer uses "af" I wouldn't have ever bought it anyway. I'm sure the game is full of that kind of crap and tries to pass it as humor.
The melee was mostly about prediction and baiting. You couldn't guarantee you'd win every fight, but I got close to 90% success rate in fights, usually only getting dominated by better players. And there were certainly ways to mitigate making one or two mistakes, like picking people off with a bow before the fight, or throwing a gas grenade behind them.
Traps only really had one point where they were good, sadly. I wish they were better, too, but there really was no way to make them good, other than the time you could stack punji sticks to OHKO someone.
>Gas is coming
>Getting shot at by 3 scumbags with bows
>One person in the building, crouching in the corner
>Run in
>Stub my toe on 300000 punji sticks
>Immediately ragdoll through the door
>yfw they make Lawbreakers PUBG
>Last man standing wins
>Log in
I played the free weekend, I know the combat. I'll at least admit that I played it for longer than any other free weekend game I didn't end up buying, but by the time I stopped I was sick of it.
>destiny 2 will go down this road next.
I got good enough at the combat to be consulted by the devs for balance changes. It really was not rock-paper-scissors anymore than, say, Pokemon, or Smash, or Overwatch.
The biggest problem is that the devs failed to have all the necessary features in the game when they opened it up to the public. If they waited until it was a little more complete, or had a proper ladder, or proper matchmaking, or proper bot matches and training, then it wouldn't have died. The final nail in the coffin was PUBG.
Game is bad, people don't play bad games.
What a surprise.
Are you saying you're partially responsible for the patches that made even the fans reject it?
I guess? The only patches that were really bad were the ones that removed the perks. I told them specifically to buff up the other perks instead of nerfing the good ones out of existence. But the devs wanted the game to be competitively viable, so whatever.
Bow nerfs were entirely justified. Compound Bows dealing as much damage as a pistol with 3x the range and much cheaper ammunition was horseshit.
God I fucking hope so, fuck Destiny 2 and fuck Bungo.
t. maxed out file.
>haha, hashtag you're dead bro
>There are more people playing my shitty indie solo project than this 7 months old AAA online game
It's been about a year since I played, did they ever fix being able to get stone from hitting your starting pod?
Yeah, but the game died like 2 months later, when PUBG came out. Then the devs released it and abandoned it.
At least they can shrug it off as a cool smiley.