oh shit, thats pretty neat. legit question how does the hardware handle the OS?
Recover from what? I can't wait until a good hack for the best console.
They'll probably get the homebrew first before an emulator pops up, and then grab all the games they want for free
thats sounds like a nice recovery honestly
>homebrew on an under powered piece of shit that'll end up being nothing but snes emulators and a few am radio stations
Pretty sure there's also a ps4 exploit for 5.xx in the works. Pirates must be rejoicing
What is this?
So do I have to buy a switch to install switch homebrew or can I run a switch emulator on my pc and install the homebrew to that?
Throw it in the fucking trash.
doesn't look like it's doing very well
If debian works then I assume you could use devuan as well, mr. autismo
Oh no. Not the potential of getting free games like we did on the 3ds. The fucking horror.
>gotta buy a modchip
>gotta risk destroying $300(+ tax) on-the-go game machine
Literary every Nintendo device since wii
>Literally every Nintendo device since N64
There's a reason SNES is remembered so fondly.
>need $1000 worth of hardware
>35 minutes battery life
Gotta keep moving between power outlets?
How do you say shit like this after DS, psp and 3DS homebrew was great?
Like how much of a fucking fanboy do you have to be? Are you this seething the Switch is breaking records worldwide?
Yeah I'm probably not gonna go modchip unless I get someone to do it for me and they guarantee they'll pay me for my switch if they fuck up. And even then it's risky cause there's a chance it'll work for a while and then die on me later, which is $500CAD down the drain.
I'm just gonna give it a year without updating my Switch and hope softhacking has improved enough to be as safe and easy early-ish a9lh.
minutes battery life
>hard mod
No thanks.
What's nice is the PSP port of Quake actually runs very, very well, full 60 FPS, native PSP resolution, and full console support. Only reason I stopped playing it is I can't figure out how to change the stick's keybind config.
>Physical Chip Mod
>Implying a vast audience will even try this
>Implying the 3DS didn't boom after Homebrew
This is weak bait. But I'll believe it.
the Dept of the retardation of the shitposters
The vita port runs 60fps native vita resolution because the dude who made it made his own implementation of openGL for the vita.
That's pretty cool too. Sometimes I wish I had a vita for the homebrew.
Financially, since they don't have to pay $80 for cardboard games anymore.
>first someone founds a PS4 kernel exploit compatible with v5.XX
>now this
Things will be more interesting in the next months.
source of the ps4 exploit:
Wow dude I'd hate to have a hack for my console how will I ever recover.
the ironing
I think you're confused.
This is call for celebration.
By saving money?
Only the retarded switchfags will cry. The smarter ones will hack their Switch and benefit.
The faster people can pirate Switch games the better. I'm sick of seeing it do well and I hope this makes the handful of third party drop off.
>Literally able to hack in any game/emulator
>Being able to take it on the go
Where do I go hack my Switch
It's a fucking rebranded Nvidia Shield complete with the crappy Tegra X1 they made a shitload of and couldn't sell just a few years ago.
Several tech websites found out the software is JUST as fucking mundane as the hardware. This thing is going to get its back broken quick as fuck.
Why do people even care about homebrew? It's all just a bunch of shitty fangames worth no merit, or emulating ancient games. But nobody actually does that, truth is 99.99999% of you fags are just looking to pirate.
More importantly, why do people think they are entitled to luxuries for free? You roaches need to be exterminated. Death to the poor.
Can't wait to pirate every game on it for free.
You monster
Why do you think you're entitled to create a limited market and call it free?
But there are exploits without modchips in the works
The homebrew launcher releases in a week
I've been wanting to play Quake since I saw the first ad in a game magazine. I should probably get around to it.
It's called a free market because those with money and power that created it, also get to make the rules, and opress the weak and the poor for entertainment. Survival of the fittest.
I know it's a shit post, but honestly the Switch is a shit on the go gaming device. It's great once you reach your destination assuming you have a convenient outlet, but can't compare to the golden age of the GBA. It's really more of a console that has a portable function than anything else even if soyboys won't admit it.
I have a modded Wii and 3DS. I can backup my saves even if they don't support it (happened with AC wii), I can play games from other regions when they weren't released in the west, I can patch untranslated or censored games, I can mod the shit out of smash bros and Mario kart. There's more than pirating games.
what are the chances of PPSSPP getting ported to the switch?
They confirmed its not even a modchip. Full hacks coming Spring.
I will recover from free games, Android ports, and home brew
>Tfw gzdoom on my switch
I fucking cannot wait
I would have a problem with the hardware if they weren't charging such a premium for it. Fuck the joy-cons. They're completely unnecessary and do nothing but drive up the price.
Now wouldn't that be something.
Anything that runs on Android can run on the switch but better
That's called corporatocracy or mercantilism, a free market has no rules. Hence the free.
Now where or not a free market economy is self defeating like most forms of anarchy, is a different issue entirely.
I'll probably play games on either my Switch or my PC, just like I did before your thread. You little console warriors are silly.
PS2 required a physical modchip and was/is one of the most pirated consoles in history.
Not an obstacle.
It's too early in the Switch's life-cycle. You will be locked out of future releases if you adopt a cfw.
WHo is this
I dont get it what's happening here
Buy using this to run all games on switch thus making it the ultimate portable emulation machine
Such a lust for revenge!
By pirating all my games now?
>THINK ABOUT NINTENDO, LET IT GROW IT'S JUST A BABBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Implying that people won't want it more as the ultimate portable emulator after this
Sweetheart, I know you hate Nintendo, but if you really want to steal games from them, you should at least wait until they're released.
what do you even mean by recover? Hacks/roots are literally what god-tier handheld devices are made of. Stock PSP's were basically trash, but once you installed custom firmare it became the greatest handheld device of its time (maybe all time). I seriously feel bad for those of you who didn't have original 1.0 or 1.5 psp's during the golden age of homebrew.
Ugh, come on guys. The Switch just came out! Let is have a decent lifespan FFS! Think of all the Nintendo staff just trying to make a living when bigots like you come along. I'm going to go buy my wife's son another Switch and make another 20 metacritic accounts to boost BOTW's score.
God DS homebrew was amazing. Playing Quake and Quake 2 on DS was wildly cool.
I know you're probably just trolling for (you)s but honest question, why?
It's longer than that, silly.
DS was also god tier homebrew. Tons of great stuff. That whole generation was amazing.
It'll run nudoom... but will it run doom?
That's true but it didn't really take off until later, and I thought the psp was a better platform for it just because of its better hardware. But yes, that generation was amazing.
t. Butt blasted so(n)ydronie mad that the era of the Vita is over
I'm guessing it will be on a very early firmware, right? I want to be able to play Gamecube games on it.
I miss climax heros
I was pretty active with really early DS homebrew circa early '05. It was the wild west. You had to take apart and solder a game into a passme to let the system run unsigned code through a compact flash adapter in the GBA slot. Gave you 8 MB more RAM to play with, though.
I trimmed and dumped a bunch of ROMs and apps back in those days. God I feel old now.
>PS4 and Switch homebrew on the horizon
Feels good. I should probably hack my PS3 because I can too, but I care too much about trophies. What do, Sup Forums?
>linux on Switch
I must say, I'm genuinely interested in this. Possibly the only reason I'd get one, since I don't care for kids' games
Hopefully you know math unlike everyone else who usually replies to this image.
Now here's the same chart with the only reasons someone would buy a Switch
Holy shit I've been shitposting about the Switch's battery life since it release but this is even worse than I thought it was.
Yeah, totally safe and easy to do. They are doomed for sure.
You really are a special type of stupid man
We know from scene hackers that the fw is swiss cheese, there's exploits all over the place and even emunand is possible. Switch will be 3DS by the end of its life in terms of piracy. But even the 3DS didn't get there overnight. GW was the only option for a while and even that took nearly 2 years to come out
>and a few am radio stations
I wish. Phones nowadays need data connections just to imitate tech from the 1920's
>switchfags boasting about linux
>when the ps3 could do it more than a decade ago
wew lmao
Don't cut yourself.
>tfw hacked Switch and PS4 Pro soon
Never have I been more excited for CFW. I really really don't want to give my money to SE or Gamefreak.
>5.xx hacking
Yeah right, the exploit only reads the kernell, thats like trying to open a safe with a dorito
Any confirmation if the firmware matters for homebrew channel? Wouldn't there always be an exploit due to the CPU used?