ITT: Games that deserve a remaster that will never get one

ITT: Games that deserve a remaster that will never get one

>biggest baddest villain, hyped up throughout the play through
>can be talked out of a fight
Maximum weenie

Why the fuck do only games that aren't older than 10 years get remasters. That's fucking bullshit.

Get a pc and fuck off


new vegas is one of the only games were a remaster would actually be a good idea because frankly the game looks and plays like shit

man that game was shit, but i loved it

>not realizing that a diplomatic character build needs to be viable all the way through
At least it made a lot more sense that FO3's charisma choices for the big bad

Metal Arms: A Glitch In The System.
It won't even get its proper sequel, much less a remaster.


This so much.

I figure if Capcom could rerelease this series, they would have by now.

Imagine a remaster where they give you an option to stay with UNATCO/Majestic 12.

whats the best way to play this now? Always wanted to try it


Fact: if you haven't played this game, it's because you're too poor to afford it

It was a nice touch that the dialogue options change if you don’t meet the skill requirements to succeed.

So instead of saying things in a way that Lanius would accept, your character goes “well uh that’s not how it works because logistics and stuff”.

So yes, he can be talked out of a fight, but only by a wasteland messiah.

doesn't need one

the remaster would be bare in terms of modding too, since the likelyhood that the modders from 2010 would come back to create all the great mods FNV has for a remaster is basically none

I don't think New Vegas could ever get a remaster, it would need to be on a completely different engine and I doubt any developer is going to spend time building the game from scratch again especially after all the work they did in the first place. The game is also very stable nowadays, I just don't see a reason for it.

>dialog in FO4

new vegas doesnt deserve a remaster because it's perfect

>The game is also very stable nowadays

Modded or Vanilla? Because if the latter, then yeah I don't think so, and I'm currently doing another run as a Cowboy again.

Say what you will, at least the gunplay is great, and Far Harbor is one of the best recent DLCs I've played.

I've heard it doesn't emulate so well but you can try Dolphin. If you have a GC or Xbox though you can probably find a copy off Ebay or secondhand. It's a great game though, a real hidden gem.

Garbage taste

I did mean vanilla, it's very stable for me. It honestly varies from system to system because of how prone the engine is to bugs I guess.

Fallout 4: It Actually Works This Time Edition

Would be really nice to play this with modern tech

I played it like 10 years ago on an emulator

I don't really like how short the gunfights can be. The guns are satisfying yes, no mods required. But the damage system is fucky.

It will never again be the Crysis before Crysis for current PC systems.

This got an OST rearrange just a while ago for the 20 years anniversary, if anyone cares.

Still, it's a shame SEGA wont do anything with this series anymore.

You dont understand how much this post hurts me

I wish Capcom didn't kill this series. Still love it way more than DMC.