what makes it so great?
What makes it so great?
Other urls found in this thread:
play style variety, level design, "enough cheese to make the french cry" dialogue, good art direction, great soundtrack, plot that takes conspiracy theories and goes nuts with them, bugs that make the game actually more fun (unintended new game+ is 10/10 stuff), quotability
balance, replayability, interesting setting, these three things can make any rpg stand the test of time
Nothing, it's just the kind of game you have to claim to enjoy, or nobody takes you seriously. Just like how in your top 10 games list, you have to put Ocarina of Time in there.
let's hear your complaints then
except ocarina of time is garbage and deus ex is good
music, writing, openness of the levels are godlike. gameplay is meh. better than mankind divided, bioshock, new vegas. worse than alpha protocol (it's close though-- alpha protocol has fucking awful writing but it's better as an RPG and as an action game).
they're both good fuck off
its cool
Number 1: An elite super soldier can't aim a pistol without standing still for 10 seconds.
Number 2: Your choices don't actually matter. You can do everything wrong and still get to the next mission, and the next mission is always the same, and until the very end, none of it makes a difference.
That's not even everything.
Terror that so many people like this shit.
>An elite super soldier can't aim a pistol without standing still for 10 seconds.
JC isnt actually an elite super soldier, in the first mission he just got out of training
>Number 1: An elite super soldier can't aim a pistol without standing still for 10 seconds.
upgrade your pistol skill
>Number 2: Your choices don't actually matter. You can do everything wrong and still get to the next mission, and the next mission is always the same, and until the very end, none of it makes a difference.
yes they do
I never completed liberty island: the post
This better not be a joke
The reason that aiming is the way it is is to encourage builds like in rpgs so that you can't be just good at everything. This helps add variety to playthroughs and allows players to express themselves outside of dialogue choices.
I think you have to take another look at the game
What a shame. This was a good thread. What a rotten way to shitpost.
what are the shit weapons
You could stick with the prod
That's terror. Terror built into the system.
Immersion and story. The gameplay being fairly well done and the controls being moderately smooth both help as well.
flashlight using battery was stupid
backtracking is retarded the few times it happens
when the guy who sabotages jack is literally right there and I didnt knock him out,
but thought he was suspicious as fuck
felt like I skipped ahead when I got to hong kong and wandered into that chinese womans house and found that sword, was just exploring a shit ton
still a fun game and miles better than the other deus ex games, actually tackles difficult issues
Your appointment to the White House should be finalized within the week Ive already discussed the matter with the Russians.
I take it they were agreeable?
Oh yes
why is the morpheus conversation so damn good?
Old men
Electronic old men and their flexibility allowed us to make progress on the mystical city on the hills
dat comfy piano music...reminds me of wandering around the house of that french chick who vaguely wanted to fuck you...good times
Comfy engine
Memorable Levels
Amazing music
Sometimes smart dialogue
Cheesy voice acting that you grow to actually love
The memes
RPG Elements + FPS = Addicting
Cyberpunk if you're a fan of the genre
Bob Page's voice actor is the best in the game
It's because it's the same music
Why is Unreal so comfy? I swear, I could spend all day just walking around the UNATCO offices.
This probably helped.
detail texturing made surfaces look good in an unreal sort of way
It certainly didn't hinder it. Deus Ex is one of the most atmospheric games I can think of, with hugely limited resources. An on-screen poly count you could probably manage on your fingers at any given time, textures with pixels the size of your fist and sampled music, but that's all it took.
Also, post the PC version. That track is the PS2 one, I'm pretty sure.
>Also, post the PC version. That track is the PS2 one, I'm pretty sure.
I think so, there's a bass or something that isn't in the original.
Stick with the prod
Prod with the prod
I was thinking more about this one
Jock's apartment was super comfy. Wish I could just stay there and live in hong kong for the rest of the game.
You can open the music as tracker files and see all of the instruments used, its pretty cool
do you guys consider it the greatest game of all time?
I do, at least it's the best western game
>jocks apartment
Ive beaten this game 4 times and i had no clue this was a thing
It's locked until quite late in Hong Kong, but you can break in early from Maggie Chow's apartment by jumping across
Of course not, lol. How could I consider it the best game of all time when I look eye-to-eye at the gunplay, the melee, art direction, the stealth, and the overlap of so many augs? I think the game is great but it's absolutely not he greatest. It's not like the RPG elements are PnP tier.
I always find something new in every playthrough. Mostly minor things like hidden loot or alternate routes to a certain area. The exploration in DeusEx is probably my favorite thing about it. Makes me wish there was a game with similar atmosphere and graphics but focused on exploration.
>when you open the medical closet with a lockpick
I think part of the reason that this whole era of games is so comfy is that you're at the crucial point between enough fidelity to properly represent the world while also not so much that it begins overriding the player's imagination. A more modern Deus Ex like Mankind Divided is at the point that every little detail has to be accurately portrayed or it takes you out of it. A desk with a computer and a beer on it in Deus Ex looks like an office or a battlestation. The same thing in Mankind Divided would look sparse and under-detailed in an uncanny fashion. Due to the higher detail present in all things, you mentally fill in the blanks less.
the GMDX adds more shit to explore
>It's not like the RPG elements are PnP tier.
yeah, they're better, immersive sims are the logical adapation of freeform RPG style gameplay to a video game instead of games like Fallout full of dice rolls that you can just savescum
"PnP" means "Pen and Paper" and I'm referring to actual tabletop RPGs played with human beings.
It's pretty good, too bad you can only hear about 10 seconds of it.
>tfw due to a bug this music never plays
Everything he and this game were talking about is happening right now, except we don't have a Morgan, Helios or Tong to bail us out
>except we don't have a Morgan, Helios or Tong to bail us out
that you know of
Since it's baby's first philosophy and sociology, like much of Doosex. Shit you should learn in school, but the majority of them don't expose you to these schools of thought.
>wanting a Tracer "the net's getting blacked" Tong
New game plus? You wot m8
That's part of the fun of conspiracy games.
You can carry over things from your current save by loading it up then using console commands to load one of the early game maps.
If it means getting rid of all the convoluted bullshit we've had to put up with over the past two decades, then I fully support nuking the net
AI hasn't progressed to the point where we can get a Helios ending anytime soon
oldschool gameplay. game is constructed in a way that allows you to use various routes without feeling like you're walking on predefined path, which makes you feel like you've figured something out. even simplest tasks like navigating around the place are something game asks you to do on your own, for example you have to find ching chong lady apartment without markers and gps, just through signs/landmarks and pieces of information you've found. this kind of "let them figure it out" approach is something you rarely see in modern games.
shit, now i have to replay it
Its vision was augmented.
The memes
I'd say it can be summed up with freedom in gameplay and narrative. Even a competent game like Human Revolution underdelivers there. You can see Eidos Montreal’s design philosophy reflected in things as simple as movement where ladders for example are operated at the pace of Adam’s animations and can only be approached a certain way. An input, no matter how brief or gentle, will have Adam perform the full animation at a predetermined speed. Your only option is to keep going up or down at the pace the game deems appropriate or interrupt the animation every once in a while to slow down. Even before getting on the ladder, you have to be very careful the game plays the animation and doesn’t just let you walk into the void, a situation you can’t revert when grabbing the ladder mid-flight isn’t an option. It’s all very limiting and creates a sense of disconnect with the game. This tendency modern developers have to needlessly constrain player freedom spoils games from the bottom up. In Deus Ex, everything builds towards empowering the player: movement is fluid, spaces players move within are open, and the interactive narrative provides players motivation to move within said spaces.
This is so true
>comparing video games and PnP
wow look at that smartass.
Is Deus Ex a comedy game?
>all conspiracy theories are true
Yet oddly our real world seems to take more and more from it as time goes
It would be if it wasn't so harsh in hindsight. The game even inadvertently predicted 9/11 a year before it happened.
Technical limitations kept the Twin Towers out of the New York skyline and Ion Storm handwaved it saying it was also bombed by terrorists
It was created at a time where conspiracy theories were all the rage. You're not supposed to take it seriously, but it's not supposed to be a joke either. Treat it like you'd treat an X-Files episode.
It stands still as a good modern commentary on technology and ethics. The overall ethos of this game will withstand the test of time. Gameplay being spectacular is just icing on the cake.
>Treat it like you'd treat an X-Files episode.
But I can't masturbate to any of the characters.
>Treat it like you'd treat an X-Files episode.
Except X-Files didn't accidently predict mass surveillance for exemple
it probably was, but not anymore
it's same as with the monty python stuff. it used to be absurd, but then future kicked in
>It was created at a time where conspiracy theories were all the rage
you mean now?
predicted the future
Something rare about Deus Ex is how every level of the game encourages thought in the player. Mechanics, worldbuilding, level design, the wider story and everything in between encourages players to rub a few braincells together. Sitting down for an hour or two of Deus Ex feels more like reading a few chapters of a book than most games.
Spector actually said he was thinking of making a Deus-Ex-inspired game because of the conspiracy theories spawned by the 2016 election. I'm guessing he wasn't serious though, so I'm not getting my hopes up.
I'm always looking for this in games. Any newer games that have that similar sort of feeling?
Every single thread with this shit. Give it a rest.
calmly ignore the "muh degeneracy" faggot, and let's keep it about Deus Ex. I still find it incredible they nailed global surveillance more than twelve years before the Edward Snowden leaks.
>spare all enemies
>murder all children and civilians
>absolutely no comeuppance
>HELIOS still thinks its a great idea to bond with you
Yep. Your choices matter alright.
that scene made me laugh until my head hurt
>"muh degeneracy"
In the context of Deus Ex, this really has nothing to do with his post. I guess you meant the image. By posting the image, I believe the point he is making is that comedy in the past becomes reality in the future. This isn't any sort of degeneration. So based on his post and the post he was replying to, he was saying that even if you could consider Deus Ex a campy Twin-Peaks-esque comedy game before, in a modern reality it has too many harsh truths to be laughed away. Or, I guess he could be Sup Forums posting. Just, in context, that doesn't seem right.
Prey was a stab at the immersive sim genre and by all accounts a pretty decent one. New Vegas, while less recent, has that same 'some vague respect for the player's intelligence' atmosphere.
It's an obvious conclusion to draw when you look at the internet
>even if you could consider Deus Ex a campy Twin-Peaks-esque comedy game
what the fuck?
No idea why you're asking me. Ask
>Is Deus Ex a comedy game?
>It's an obvious conclusion to draw when you look at the internet
No ? No fuck no mate, Darpa made it specifically with no center so it couldn't be put under surveillance by the enemy. It wasn't supposed to be possible.
remember that one time jock dies and you get to investigate his corpse only to find out that the majestic 12 planted a bomb inside him to assassinate you?
No, it's designed like it is to make it as redundant and durable as possible. Though it has to be said, most mass survailence is done by steering users towards consistent points of failure. The same social media platforms, the same apps, the same vulnerable OSes, so on. That's more an issue with the use of the network by the masses than the internet itself.
Is there a specific condition that makes people respond to one section of post in a reply chain without looking at any context?
paul's coat is cooler than JC's
Would wear Paul's Coat. And JC is only 23.