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This is very accurate.
Fantastic game through and through.
I'd love a PC rerelease or a third game.
What did you think of 2?
While the tone changed heavily and it was a lot more linear, I think it was still a really ambitious game and had fantastic combat.
Nothing could have topped the first game but I applaud them for trying.
Are you fucking pleb or what? Your expectation was my reality
I like you
>Not shown: Giant mecha chokeslamming godzilla
The machine wouldn't make a mistake.
>mfw I realized that scene was a metaphor for an AI controlled government
I love these threads.
This one puzzles me the most
Are you implying it was better, or worst than Gates to Infinity?
What is with all the retards posting pictures where the boxes contain like 5 to 8 to sometimes 20 fucking pictures as if it somehow gives it any fucking meaning or improves the joke in any way? All it does is make it unreadable and completely uninteresting. The point is to express the game as easily as you can with a SINGLE FUCKING IMAGE. the only game that gets an exception is eye cybermancy because a cluttered indecipherable mess describes it perfectly.
Ah,one picture-per-box chan. How I missed your autistic screeching
This image this is wrong in that it implies that Undertale is good, that Undertale is a shmup, and by association, that Touhou is a good shmup series. I can't wait for the day that this fake "bullet hell" "just like touhou!" indie garbage nonsense fucking dies along with every retard that perpetuates it.
I agree over 5 is cancer but more than one is not the end of the world
You idiots ruined the fucking joke. When you post those 20 picture abominations its nothing more than a personal clusterfuck because nobody else knows what the fuck your trying to make a joke about. Its like your trying to squeeze an entire thread worth of image jokes into a single 5x5 box and for some reason think it comes out readable.
I was going through this thread and found myself wondering "I haven't looked at one of these threads in a long time. I wonder if there's a guaranteed sperg that-oh there it is". So well done I suppose.
Its not his fault hes a retard
>Being this butt hurt over a meme for fun.
Crack open a window user, I think the piss bottle fumes are getting to you.
I've literally never made a single one of these images user, I only ever come in these threads to see you whining
>It's another episode of "The sperg who hated undertale and hated people who like undertale"
Anything more than 1 is bad unless they're actually good enough at visual humour to make them work together. Just plastering two images together misses the point.
i want edf5 so fucking badly
I only recently played the trilogy and i fucked up by not getting it when i was a kid.
Modern what I got meme shit threads are like the late 2000's le meme reddit shit where they stole and ruined all of 4chans image macros for shitty ironic jokes. The difference here is that you guys arent even ironic and manage to be worse. When people cpnstantly tell you that you are ruining the joke, maybe you should realize you are ruining the fucking joke. You are like the autistic kids who got a laugh once so they keep doong the same thing over and over and making it more extreme and obnoxious thinking it makes it better.
Anyone got the template?
Been thinking of making an iconoclasts one
I'm not even bitching about Undertale, more so the fact that every game nowadays is getting labelled as "bullet hell" when nine times out of ten it couldn't be further off the mark. Cuphead isn't "bullet hell," Undertale isn't "bullet hell," Nier Automata isn't "bullet hell," Furi isn't "bullet hell," and Nuclear Throne, Isaac, and Gungeon aren't "bullet hell," though they're probably the closest by virtue of being twin-stick shooters. Touhou is bullet hell, DoDonPachi is bullet hell, Battle Garegga is bullet hell, and so on they're all actual shmups (even if Touhou isn't very good) and not some other genre with a few elements tossed in for the "lol bullet hell so difficult" crowd of dumbasses. It's almost as bad as retards throwing every STG under the umbrella of bullet hell.
And for the record, Undertale was shit, get over yourself.
What hurts is that it wasn't always that way.
>Go into game expecting certain mechanics
>Game has many more than expected
Hurr why there more than one imag xdd
>I'm not even bitching about Undertale
And yet you are.
Hey look an idiot who doesnt understand that its supposed to be a JOKE, not twenty different jokes explaining the intricacies of the gameplay and story.
>This page does not exist yet!
I miss Mercenaries.
is it fun?
That's because you're a babbycore dipshit that doesn't appreciate emotional depth or embracing more varied designs.
You forgot Kunoichi's midriff
i miss saints row before it went off into bat shit crazy territory. The first 2 were awesome, 3rd was super meh and 4 was just whack.
Ok finished.
All this needs is a picture of a dead puppy in the bottom corner "what I got" and it'll be perfect.
A friend of mine convinced me to pick Starbound up years ago cause it was "Terraria but better". Everytime I see it in my steam library I hate him a little bit.
I laughed like a madman, I just wish the ending wasn't a thinking emoji shoehorn
>rent Shell Shock 2 from Hollywood Video when it came out
>never played the first game
>never even heard of it until I saw it on the shelf
>figure it's probably a vietnam fps and rent it
>play it for 20 minutes
>fucking mutants and shit out of nowhere
>no fun allowed
fucking hated the game for this. heavily encouraging "lol dont kill anyone xD" and only giving you 1 nonlethal weapon. On top of that you could never know if you cleared one one of those huge fucking levels without killing anyone until the end, where it will tell you that you fucked up pacifist because one of the guys you knocked out got devoured by fucking rats or rolled face first into a 1 inch puddle and drowned or a body rolled off a fucking roof. The end of my rope was on that one level with Daud. I got to the end and the ticker for pacifism was off, turned off the game and never played again.
subscribe to my blog.
You later discover that it was because of a super drug they were experimenting with called White Knight which causes people to develop into 28-days-later type zombies (but not really) who are immune to pain and have berserk strength.
>no windows
You fucked up
also 2
>the dark souls of
>that fucking Chozo
9/10 user
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>tfw I discovered the flamethrower doesn't go through windows when I got to the building in the powerplant level, hard mode.
>tfw decided to power through it anyway
>tfw "the way home" by magic sword is now etched into my memory