Tifa Lockhart.
Tifa Lockhart
why she so perfect, Sup Forumsros?
What the shit? The parting of her hair is wrong. Who the fuck gave her leggings? Why is her chest so fucking small? What, did the artist have some flat-chested shit-tier cosplayer pose for him?
I'd be okay if this was the FFVIIR design. Should increase the bust size more tho.
Unconditional love.
She looks a tramp with those ripped leggings and scruffy top.
Wouldn't mind this.
>wears those stupid fucking suspenders
OG Tifa Lockhart
>Why is her chest so fucking small?
That's actually the closest I've seen fanart come to her actual canon bust size (92cm)
That looks awful.
Piccolo. Goku.
Can people with no taste stop trying to redesign things?
Whenever you find the chance, you should kill yourself.
best answer.
wow that really looks fucking pitiful and bad
But she’s black
Oh look a semi-realistic redesign that still keeps elements of her original outfit. It's not that ba-
>Suspenders over the jacket
I still can't fucking believe that was James Marsters.
How the fuck else is her mini skirt gonna stay up? A belt? C'mon this is Final Fantasy and Nomura we're talking about here!
>Why is her chest so fucking small?
>Not giving her timbs
Ass needs to be bigger
Big boobs are sexist. You better accept it now because there's no way you're getting titty monster character design in the 21st century
Stupid bimbo. No personality.
Don't ever put pants on my girlfriend again
>Sexuality is wrong! Reeeeee
>Last human died, world is now populated by tumblr accounts.
more like Poptart....ehehehe
well they have to keep SOME identifable part of her original costume, otherwise she'd be unrecognizable from having to cens----err uhh i mean update her design for modern sensibilities
Fuck off.
You know what would really piss me off? If they kept the original design intact but the localizers change it due to "cultural differences."
Today was pretty meh until I found out best gril finally got announced for FFBE
Now I just have to wait 6 months or more for her to hit global so I can blow a shitton of actual IRL money just to get a high tier toon
Come on now