Wtf people are actually saying this garbage is good...

Wtf people are actually saying this garbage is good? I'm playing for the first time 11 colossus down and honestly I'm not really enjoying it. Empty lifeless world, repetitive game play (all you do is kill colossi) in the same way find weak point stab with sword and your done. They even reuse a lot animations and scenes. Was this game actually good or is it just nostalgia fags hyping this?

Other urls found in this thread:


it is a prime example of a cinematic dogshit game. fits in with other pretentious bullshit like tlou, the witness, gone home, yume nikki, the order 1886, life is strange, etc.
all style no substance.

>Empty lifeless world, repetitive game play
Could say the same thing about PUBG and dipshits eat that up too.

Bait thread aside, the game's whole gimmick is that it's just a bunch of boss battles and the bosses are basically environmental puzzles. They're fucking fun though, shame about the game being so short though. I wouldn't pay full price for it.

Play until the end. What happens after you kill the last colossus will blow your fucking mind and most likely leave you a blubbering mess.

16 bosses and nothing else: the game

>Empty lifeless world, repetitive game play
we're talking about SoTC here not BoTW

is there a trophy for resisting as long as possible? wanted one to pop up for the ps3 remake, but nothing.

luckily the remake is only 40 bucks to start, so it's likely to drop to twenty in a couple months.



>needing your games to actually have good gameplay
this board is 18+, come back when you can appreciate a cinematic masterpiece

Delicious pasta

Nobody cares about good gameplay and animation anymore, it's all about the graphics now.

If only it actually looked good.

It does for a PS2 game.

no their are new trophies for the PS4, that one is gone, so is collecting all lizards and fruit, thank god. I still have to get them on the PS3

>good gameplay
The original game runs at 24-30fps, features an obnoxious HUD, and screams the solution to each fight down your throat if you idle for a minute. The remake runs at 60, the each part of the HUD can be disabled, and the hints can be turned off.

Sounds like the remake has much better gameplay.



>The original game runs at 24-30fps
nice joke, it doesn't ever hit 30fps and it frequently drops below 20fps.

>so it's likely to drop to twenty in a couple months
that never happened with Uncharted Lost Legacy though

>that never happened with Uncharted Lost Legacy though
it was $20 on PSN during the last major sale, I didn't check retailers but I imagine it experienced drops as well

The 30 refers to the PS3 version

The game can go up to 60fps on PS2 you fucking autist, the FPS in uncapped, it just depends where you are.

He said the original game, the PS3 version was not the original version.
>The game can go up to 60fps on PS2
Bullshit, even if you looked at the ground there's no way it's jumping from 15fps average to 60

Go back to playing GTAV and Ass Creed where you have 5000 sidequests where clear out outposts and collect gay little collectables

>He said the original game, the PS3 version was not the original version.

>remasters are now the original game
fuck off

Guys guys guys I also despise the remake for destroying everything in my childhood, can I join the club?

Its not for you then.
I played the HD remaster and loved it. Short game not much replayability but still a solid 7/10.

>literally nothing in it and a few boring bosses
>world filled with a bunch of shit even if it is just korok seeds, weapons, shrines and enemies

try playing games before parroting what a bunch of faggots on Sup Forums say, faggot

what's the pw?


Same code. Only texture assets and rendering resolution were changed.
In other words it is literally the same game in 99.999% of all factors.

PS2 forever

you are in ;-)

I didn't know Wander was a manlet

He's an asian teenager.

>babbies born in the year 2000 can now post on Sup Forums


I like both. The world is beautiful in both but it's just nicer to explore in the remake. And some Colossi are just objectively improved like number 7. The way the water reacts to it and how its fur looks when wet is just amazing. The original's tone and atmosphere are better, though. The animations are just generally worse in the remake unfortunately.

Alright, I beat the Normal Time Attacks on PS3. I'd say the hardest where definitely Gaius and Barbas for me. Having the extra arrow types is really cool, and the masks are good looking, although I'm not too much of a fan of the cloak.
On to Hard TAs now.

the last guardian was in the bargain bin one month after release

This webm is bullshit. I've been playing the remake since yesterday, and Wanda is still tripping over himself while running in the new version. Just like old times.

Prove it.

Does PS4 SotC have different unlocks? Are they the same that the original had? The original's + more?

I'm really digging these lazy shitposts.

Look up a let's play on youtube if you actually care. Skip around til you see the player fighting a colossus or being off Agro in general.

Or just keep reposting the same cherry-picked clips. Either way.

Still waiting for that proof bro.

>no reply

Holy shit, never knew Wander was only 5'5. I just thought Agro was a giant.

Played it, he's not animated like he was in the original. Maybe Bluepoint can patch it but as of now, he's as stiff as that webm shows through the game.