ITT: videogames that fortunately were canceled
ITT: videogames that fortunately were canceled
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i feel like you are right, op
mother 3 seems like it went through a lot of development hell and ended up better because of it. it is actual perfection and some of the ideas seen in the trailers and screenshots of the n64 version look dumb, rough, and pointless. i know it was an early version, but it still didnt seem right.
It's literally Mother 3.
But looks better
>tfw the blue cart saga ended up being a couple mario paint carts and an empty one
:( never will we get to see those beta copies.
Even GBA Mother 3 had a shitton of unused content and several plot changes cut.
Mother 2 had a 5 year development cycle with similar problems too though, until it was all scrapped and put together in about a years time.
No, actually, it doesn't
Is it true that the game was finished and everything but Itoi thought it was bad?
The game was like 80% complete judging by spaceworld 1999, and what people said at that event. Given that the game was supposed to be out before then, even, I imagine it was probably somewhere nearing completion, but the n64 was already on it's way out, and the DD failed to ever release stateside, so nintendo probably pulled the old "fuck this, make it for gamecube or our new handheld system".
Giygas and Kumatora being a magikarp were dumb twists. So I feel like we got a better ending by letting them think on how to end it longer.
>literally did everything they could to suck money out of people's pockets using the brand name
>drop the brandname and now no one cares about it
Good. Calling a fan game is presumptuous as fuck. And if you only care about it because of the title, you prove you only care about that false pretense.
Fuck off, It looked alot more interesting than what we got. It was going to have much darker tone but they pussied out. The early 3D graphics also would have only made the darker stuff more unsettling.
What money?
>We'll never play it.
>suck money out of people's pockets using the brand name
This post couldn't be more inaccurate if you tried. It was a free fan game that they were literally unable to even accept kickstarter money for literally BECAUSE of the brand name.
Please reconsider your life choices.
>We could have gotten another good Bionicle game besides the Mata Nui Online Game
It hurts
>citation needed
Are you blind or something?
You're a fucking faggot.
So you think just because they didn't have a forward facing kickstarter/patreon that they weren't taking money on the side through paypal donations? Did you just never go in their irc or on their forums?
>wahhhh I’m a baby
Cry me a river and drown in it you dumb baby
>Did you just never go in their irc or on their forums?
Of fucking course I didn't, what the hell is wrong with you?
>Ask to be spoonfed common knowledge
>get it and be called a fag for your stupidity and laziness
>"Y-you're a baby."
the N.K. stands for Nigger Killer
>Citation needed
>Have some citation faggot
>hurrdurr they didn't take money
>but they did
okay there sperg.
>all these tears
Cry some more
>ITT: videogames that fortunately were canceled
Not him but now I'm convinced
>implying that switching from free fangame model to original IP that can easily be sold for a profit is somehow less profitable than literally making nothing
The game has been "in the works" for like 5 years now, and they still have almost nothing to show for it, they were trying to scam money, m8.
FYI, every gamedev or programmer on the internet has a paypal for donations.
Saying they "literally did everything they could to suck money out of people's pockets using the brand name" is just retarded because that implies effort or action. Not waiting several weeks for one user to drop five bucks.
So you really didn't visit the forums where the first link was a paypal link, or the IRC where the welcome message put the paypal link in 6 times.
>half-life being bastardized into another health-regenerating two-weapon QTE setpiece corridor console shooter
It was assuredly for the best. Just look at Overwatch and realize that's what Team Fortress 3 would have been like.
That Akira shovelware for the snes
Read the title of the thread, you moron
pics/source or it didnt happen
youre admitting defeat. go ahead and post another "u mad". I already know ive won. You were wrong. Factually.
I remember seeing in a Nick magazine when I was a kid about a failed game concept of a lara croft clone brapping to fight enemies anyone else remember this
>ITT: poor reading comprehension and bait
I'm going to assume you mean "under the skin" which was by Capcom and definitely not cancelled.
If you're going to have an alex jones style conspiracy at least suggest something that makes some semblance of sense.
>and realize that's what Team Fortress 3 would have been like.
do you not read the posts you reply to, user?
welcome to Sup Forums
The only people who genuinely care about this are the most cancerous elements of the Mother fandom that made Samtron into 2007's Joost
If there is literally zero chance of a potential sequel for a game coming out, and the fans put in effort to make their own fan sequel, it's not a bad thing. If someone made Advance Wars: DDD, I would happily jump at the chance to play it.
You were also crying like a baby factually, so I win by default.
Im not even the same person who asked for the citation, just calling you out for being a sperg
If you have a citation I will concede.
Fuck you OP. Earthbound 64 would've been much better than Mother 3 gba.
are you drunk or just very stupid?
He's just saying the name is bad.
AM2R is the best Metroid game I've ever played, but I am glad it didn't call itself "Metroid 3" or something along those lines.
>Fuck you OP. Earthbound 64 would've been much better than Mother 3 gba
I've visited universes where it existed, and it wasn't.
But EB64 would've had the same stuff and more. Clearly you're just a graphicsfag and need to leave.
T-that's Kumatora?
>MS try forcing Platinum to do exactly as they say
>Platinum says "fuck you"
It's a shame though. Apparently this was actually Platinums first game they were planning back when they first started business, but they decided on Bayonetta instead. Would have been interesting to see what their original idea for the game would have been.
>the user who's clearly never been to another dimension is making claims about what 'would've' been
fuck off, your opinion is based on pure conjecture
>judging by a couple scraps of concept art and some beta screens, I can say with 100% certainty this beta product was clearly way better than the final product we got
Straight retarded. Same goes for HL2 betafags.
>Earthbound 64 would've been much better than Mother 3 gba.
>same stuff and more
The N64 cartridge wouldn't have been able to handle having all those assets in full 3D
>stop liking what I don't like.jpg
An action game at 30fps
We could have gotten a game that would have aged like milk and instead we got a game that aged like fine wine.
Not him, but the game could have been complete shit and I would have liked it better, that early N64/PS1 atmosphere would have made it a trip.
That's PS4. Xbone is 720p.
Yeah, because people play a Dragon Quest clone for the gameplay.
If DQ had a music based action input and a rolling HP counter I'd play for gameplay, yes.
My point was that no one plays this series for the gameplay.
oh so nostalgia then
but they do
Nah, Mother was interactive experience feels simulator before low budget indieshit got big.
well meme'd my friend
Not even Nostalgia, I just like the weird empty feelings of those games, it's like exploring a dream.
It's true though, it was just what Undertale was before Undertale ripped it off.
It was a statement against JRPGs, and video games as a whole.
Sounds like you're just having acid flashbacks.
Stay strong user, you're not alone.
>interactive experience feels simulator
name a game that exists that can't be described as this
Retarded logic. Does Mario 64 and Ocarina's visuals keep people from loving them? Fuck no.
That dog is creepy as fuck
No, but FFVII's and Crono Crisis's keep me from replaying them.
>Mother 3 gets localized in a form of a remake except it will be like the N64 counterpart
it would go full circle
>T-that's Kumatora?
Holy shit she's hot
Didn't Itoi say he had a 70% version of it laying around?
Imagine being so retarded THIS is the best bait you can think of
An abstractly humorous post
Yeah, it's so retarded, you can even argue against it.
If the games didn't have a good story and setting, nobody would give a shit about their mediocre gameplay.
>people wouldn't like an RPG with a shitty story
deep, dude. But Mother 3 also has good gameplay on top of the story.
Also, I'd just look to point out that if you follow this chain the first user you replied to was talking about the visuals when you started going on about how you think the gameplay sucks.
Mother 3's gameplay was the best in the series, and it was still pretty generic, it falls victim to the standard JRPG "use buff spells 2-3 times and then you won" thing.
The only thing it had going for it was the timed attack thing, which most Nintendo RPGs have some form of.
I want a Twin Peaks style JRPG now