Can you honestly refute this?

can you honestly refute this?

Other urls found in this thread:


All of them are shit

Fallout for was actually very good at being bad.

Fallout NV is slightly better than 3, but it's still shit

No, that's the perfect summary.

>playing any fallout with a controller

Why did you leave out so many games?
And don't tell me it's just the mainline games because you put New Vegas in there.

Fallout 1 happiest face, Fallout 2 happy face, Fallout Tactics acceptable face, Fallout Brotherhood of Steel vomiting Bawls Guarana energy drink face, Fallout 3 disappointed face, FNV mildly less disappointed face, Fallout 4 acceptable face since it's so far removed from Fallout you can enjoy it for what it is.

fix'ed it for u op

Is it supposed to be a measure of Sup Forums popularism? If so, good job. You agreed with anonymous faggots to fit in.

New Vegas was shit, and only survives because of 2 autistic faggots that literally spam generals and threads about it every single day.

3 nv and 4 can all have the same face like 4

1 and 2 need the stars shining touched by hand of God mouth agape image

I didn't find 4 as anger inducing as 3.

Why, do you have aspergers syndrome?

fallout 3 - 9/10
new vegas - 7/10
fallout 4 - 5/10

why do people like 3 more than 4? they're both shit but at least 4 is ugly and buggy as fuck

>any fallout after the first 2
>anything other than trash
good joke desu


fallout 3 > fallout 1 only an autist would disagree with this.

this is pretty much the same

>Playing in front of the monitor sitting on a chair and using a keyboard and mouse
Bahebahnahwabaw this fatso kek

The main story and two protagonists were shit in FO4, but I was okay with everything else.
FO3 really pissed me off because of the ending and paid DLC epilogue

see Played through 3, NV, and 4 and they are all just as bad as each others. Gameplay sucks in all of them. Without mods it's awful.

>implying 3, NV and 4 are playable without mods
Cmon now

>implying 3, nv and 4 are playable at all

No. 3 sucked and was lazy. 4 is the same thing but it looked better and I wasn't as hopeful of it so my expectations were lower so it didn't piss me off as much as 4 did.

No, but just watch and all the Bethdrones will try to do it anyway

Yeah fallout sucks dick and nv is overrated garbage

This and people pretending to like it to seem hardcore.

>nu vegas
Obsidiandrones are the worst fan base on the planet.

Hey, member that one time obsidan promised another company to make a game for them but they extremely over estimated their own abilities, took way too long, released a buggy unfinished mess and then passive agressively blamed the company for the next decade for their own incompetence?

Member when they didnt have any assets or story to steal, made their own IP's and they were complete garbage?

Member when they looked like this?

I'm not going to say that their recent games have been great, I was never fan of Baldur's Gate style CRPGs anyway. But when Obsidian was working on existing IPs, they made flawed but wonderful games.
Also, it's interesting that when they actually got to work on their own shit, the releases were relatively bug free. True, they weren't really that interesting but it goes to show that there were problems with scheduling.

>implying anyone thinks obsidian games are good besides new vegas

Did you make that image, user.

Imagine being so wrong you click every reply that doesn't agree with you, as an attempt to validate your shit opinion.

4 > 3 and if you disagree you're an underage faggot whose first console was a 360.

>implying you're not a fucking underage faggot
They're both garbage kill yourself.

you can start by pulling obsidian's cock out of your mouth.

Fallout 4 is significantly less rancid than 3. Seriously, play it today, without mods. It's terrible.

>every average guy is a nu-male cuck
It has to stop.

how is fallout 2 worse than 1

I agree.


new vegas is mainline

If you think Fallout 2 is better than Fallout, you're a pleb.

>Giving a shit about how somebody plays a single-player game

contrarian detected

Fallout 1 and 2 were just OK games in their own time. Nostalgiafags are really delusional when it comes to this series. They were not bad games, but they are definitely not better than New Vegas or even 3. I mean they had good writing but jesus, that game-play TB with one controllable character is dull as fuck. Not even Dragon Quest fags forgive that shit today with 1.
GP NV=3>Tactics>4>2>1>BoS
Story NV>1>2>3>Tactics>4>BoS

Easter eggs

>that shit list
STORY 1>2>powergap>NV>tactics>BOS>garbage>3>4
2>nv>1>garbage>the rest

stay normie you fucking try hard

>BoS being better than any game at pretty much anything

Fallout 2 has inferior story and atmosphere, which is the series' biggest strength. It doesn't do anything that moves the franchise forward, it's basically just a mission pack.

I've played very few games worse than fallout 3 and 4 when it comes to story

your list is garbage

No, but contrarian autists will fill the thread to call Fallout 2 trash because "fucking references REEE"

dis nig kno

Started Fallout 4 the other day, they really did ruin something that could have been great.
Settlements are busy work.
Perks and skills are JUST.
Power armor everywhere, already found another suit behind Corvega. Fusion core and interface are retarded as well.
Might be me, but very shitty weapons so far. At level 7 and completed three quests so far and only good weapons I have are 10mm pistol, Minuteman laser, and Institute Pistol and Rifle, yet still getting killed easily.
But I can't not get into this video every time I see it.

my god, you could say that about literally FUCKING ANY GAME "super mario galaxy 2 is just a mission pack for super mario galaxy"

I don't care if the Power Armor from the intro was CG or not, I want it

well that's the point of marketing. I was bored my whole time playing, except for one combat sequence against the brotherhood while working for the institute. Lots of npcs shooting, explosions, power armor and lasers.
Makes me wonder why most of the game wasn't just setpieces because it would have been much better as a linear experience.

That's exactly what I thought about super mario galaxy 2 though and also why I didn't truly enjoy it.

BoS, Tactics and Shelter? I mean they all are pretty much garbage. NV is pretty much a continuation of 1 and 2 story-wise.

literal garbage fire is what you are, my nigger


>Member when they looked like this?
damn it's almost as if i don't care what a dev team looks like or even thinks as long as their game is good????

Only 3 of those guys are average, the rest are fat weird fucks, who are the kind of people I want making my games to be perfectly honest.

That seems about right.