Admit it.
Story Aside, this is the best stealth game of all time, and you fuckers know it's true.
Admit it.
Story Aside, this is the best stealth game of all time, and you fuckers know it's true.
The gameplay was good.
The open world was shit
The story was good until it got cut off 2/5'th of the way.
Let it die. Metal Gear is over forever.
Story was better than most of the series. They fucked up by stretching it over 50 hours though.
Nope. That goes to the first splinter cell.
Nope. That goes to Chaos Theory.
I'm really happy to see that Sup Forums enjoys MGSV.
But the story is good as fuck too.
When I saw the chapter 2 trailer while playing. I was like "damn chapter 1 was long, I wonder how many there are"
Nope. That goes to Thief II: The Metal Age.
You didn't play Peace Walker, did you?
No. Im a faggot who started on MGS4.
I read up on the other games. I just didnt like the play style why I tried playing 2 and 3 for the first time
Oh. Peace Walker pulled the same shit with a bonus, shorter chapter after the villain dies and the main story essentially ends.
Yeah, tranquilizing or knocking clusters of dudes out with an undetectable rocket fist from a mile away sure is stealthy and requires the utmost care and precision.
>best stealth game of all time.
No, that would be Ground Zeroes. MGSV was a sloppy perversion of perfection.
I'm lying, Chaos Theory's better than both of them.
t. fag who played with all of the visual shit turned on
You played on ez mode.
GZ was a demo. Only retards call it better.
Basically this.
Traversing Iraq and Africa was not only tedious and boring, it was ultimately unnecessary. Ground Zeroes should have been the fucking groundwork from which to build upon the level design.
I would find it good if that changed, even if the story didn't deliver even a modicum of what it said it would. Hell, GZ has content way more controversial than anything in V.
The gameplay was really fun, you just had to meet it halfway to make it so. It has that problem MGS has had since 2 where you have a whole bunch of fun toys to use but the path of least resistance is inevitably the most boring way to go about it. That's how you get complaints from boring cunts like
GZ is V, idiot. Also the level design is just as good in any of the big bases. Fucking Central Base Camp shits all over Camp Omega.
I can remember every screen from the first 3 MGS games that I played years ago, but I have no fucking clue with at the Central Base Camp is. Was it the helipad with walls around it? One of the shack towns? A guard post?
That's bullshit. At least with 2/3/4 you had to deal with bodies, dead or simply knocked out. Ever since kidnapping dudes became a way to flatout remove them from the field did any semblance of planning and thinking things through get flushed down the toilet. Are you going to claim next that you went through PP completely undetected without holding anyone up, knocking them out, or killing them?
>Crouching makes you invisible
>camo worthless
>shit customization
That's because those were 10 hour games with 4-5 hours of gameplay vs 50-60 hour game with 50 hours of gameplay.
Anyway, Cental Base Camp is the base you have to rescue Huey from. Where you have to run away from Sahelanthropus.
AI is way too braindead. Thief had better features.
>crouching makes you invisible
Bullshit. Maybe at the start when there are only Es and Ds in the field.
>cries bs
>turns right around and admits its a thing
At every point in the game. If they do see you then they just spend an entire minute gawking at where you were. The AI is as unfinished as the story.
TPP had lots of bases that were on par with GZ. Central Base Camp is one of them, and also has indoor sections which was a complaint about Camp Omega.
So you only played the first two hours and dropped the game? It's not a thing after the beginning.
Does anyone else here prefer to kill Quiet? I feel like she added nothing to the game, at least by killing her I don't have to stop what I'm doing to watch a cut scene
It's to make the game playable if a player doesn't use markers or detection ring.
I killed her and the pup. Only buddy I need is my robo-rider pal.
Agreed. I dislike the open world between them too, but Central BC, Mfinda Oilfield, Nova Braga Airport, OKB Zero and the Honey bee base were all great.
You can kill the puppy?
You called?
>not the Jeep
shit taste
Splinter Cell is shit. Literally poor man's MGS4
this isn't yokai watch
Literally the only buddy I never use
>All the interesting creatures with their own personality or a robot with literally none.
If the game had Hitman styled levels or something, then it would have suited the mechanics better.
He's fun as hell when you upgrade him.
look at this retard
Thanks Hideo
Hey Tom Clancy fuck off
Game is 95% filler. The mechanics are fun but spending 80% of the time in the helicopter and just walking or driving to get to it fucking blows.
It had but they were connected by an unnecessary open world.
>series about giant fucking robots
>not taking every opportunity available to use robots
what are you even playing mgs for
That doesn't make the stealth any less retarded. It might make the game more balanced, sure, but only because the AI is dumb as rocks. A lot, and I mean a lot of these issues can be fixed in really simple ways, such as camo affecting how guards see you from a distance, but that would require effort to implement, and the game is so bare bones.
>Where you have to run away from Sahelanthropus.
You’re full of shit. I specifically remember that being a wide, empty field.
is that a pic of Tom Clancy
The only fun I get from TPP is when I play as a member of DD and immerse myself in the side ops. And part of that is working in conjunction with D-Dog or Quiet. D-Horse too when I get the urge but the robot is such a turn off.
no its a pic of you from your webcam i hacked
Like I said, the game is balanced for play without all thr visual shit they added after E3 2013. You should honestly try playing it like this.
this is that guy from american vandal right
>Two indoor areas
>One is the tutorial level
This isn't cool.
I literally just agreed with you, but that doesn't make the stealth good. It just makes it hard to see.
A demo that did everything better than Phantom Pain.
Quiet makes it easy, go solo and only lethal arms or don't go at all.
it's barely even a stealth game. it plays more like a sandbox game
>Anyway, Cental Base Camp is the base you have to rescue Huey from. Where you have to run away from Sahelanthropus.
That base was easy as fuck to navigate and had way too many open spaces.
Jesus it really is. I still can’t get over the fact that I’ll never play a Kojima directed MGS again :(. Unless Konami goes bust and they sell off their portfolio of games. But they are making more money than ever.
He's right almost right, the central base camp and where you run from the metal gear are close to each other, you have to go to the central base camp to get to the metal gear. The central camp is where you encounter Huey and the Boss AI
Well I thought it does, as far as open world games go.
>sandbox game
oh good! I love building sandcastles
You sure showed him
Well he literally didn't have any arguments.
Then you're both retarded
You too, buddy.
>stealth game
kids. way to ruin it stupid.
It's an Open Ground Reconnaisance Endeavours game, not a stealth game.
>better level design
>hard mode
>getting an s rank actually requires some semblance of skill
>limited ammo
>no fulton
>no buddies
thus gz is the better stealth game
the story is shit, the writing and dialogue is awful. the twist feels like fanfiction compared to how well executed mgs2's twist was. the characters are all bland, venom has less character than raiden, ocelot the loveable weirdo becomes an exposition dumper just like drebin (the nigger with the monkey in mgs4) miller is probably the best character because he has at least a bit of personality left. the only person with a character arc leaves the team the moment that arc ends.
the only things i like about the game in relation to story are that i really liked the side story with paz the ending feels like a huge gut punch after venom's reveal
also can someone simplify what the fuck was up with huey this whole game? he became an evil villain... why? he made a metal gear for skullface... why? he snapped and killed strangelove. i understand why but it's completely out of character for him, he went from a beta cuck to a hateful control freak immediately. then he kills skullface for revenge. revenge for what?
the gameplay is really tight though, going for 100% completion. doing the mission tasks is actually pretty fun.
fuck off with your gay boy spoilers this isnt reddit
The moral of the story is the best thing about it.
You'll never amount to anything just playing video games.
until you get spotted maybe. Ive yet to find a stealthgame that doesnt suck balls in that department where it suddenly mutates into cod. i think sly cooper was great but its been over 11 years now that i last played it so i dont know if it still holds up or not
>he became an evil villain... why?
he was up to no good in pw too. just covered it up better
>he made a metal gear for skullface... why?
might as well ask why he made a metal gear for big boss. the guy likes metal gears
>then he kills skullface for revenge. revenge for what?
he didn't kill skullface for revenge. he put him out of his misery. he was just putting on a show for venom and miller
Yeah, I have no problem admitting that.
At some point it gets tiring starting every mission in an open world that essentially serves no purpose except to delay you from getting to the level you're supposed to be at.
No, it really isn't.
I've played better stealth games and I've played better open-world games, and merely mashing the two genres together with mediocre execution isn't enough to impress me.
oh and dishonored was actually really entertaining and challnging when doing a ghost completionist playhtough but it suffers the same destiny with the diference of having swords
If it were more linear and the story wasn't hot garbage, it would be great.
Kiefer was a fantastic Big Boss, it's just that he didn't have enough lines during the actual gameplay. I wanted him to questions things that are actively happening around him. Maybe say something funny during an awkward moment.
I get it, he's a man of few words. But you don't create the worlds most powerful mercenary army by being a mute. Even with Ocelot and Kaz's help.
>he was up to no good in pw too. just covered it up better
>>he made a metal gear for skullface... why?
>might as well ask why he made a metal gear for big boss. the guy likes metal gears
>>then he kills skullface for revenge. revenge for what?
>he didn't kill skullface for revenge. he put him out of his misery. he was just putting on a show for venom and miller
could you refresh what he was doing in peacewalker? it's been a while for me. all i remember was that he armed peacewalker with nukes but told BB he did it because he trusted him. it didn't seem like he was going to run off with it since he told BB to practice fighting it.
although it does make sense he seems to be enamored with metal gears. why did he put skullface out of his misery though?
Did you not play the previous games? The story, dialogue and writing were always garbage.
is kiefer super expensive? or was kojima trying to make venom into the player by making him silent? i think it could've been executed a lot better had he acted like the protagonists of any of the other games. there's supercuts of solid asking questions in 1 and i think the script would've benefited a lot from a few of those questions. not "ocelit raising hounds haaaa"
I didn't enjoy sneaking through the areas as much as I did in the other games. Even in the more dense towns/bases scattered around the world. I'm not eloquent enough to describe it. Still better than the fucking Big Shell though.
It's been 2 years since I've 100%'d TPP, but I'm pretty sure Huey shouts "Revenge!" after blowing Skull Faces brains out.
It was like watching a 3rd grader get revenge on bully by seeing him get put in time out by a teacher. Cringy stuff.
The Diamond Dogs follow the legend of Big Boss. They follow him because of the shit he did in Snake Eater, Peace Walker, and now he's tearing up Afghanistan. They like what he stands for more than his personality, and they trust him because of his skills.
And the ashes cutscene shows he's a great speaker anyway. Easy to see how a cult would develop.
apart from building that doomsday machine for coldman? it's all but confirmed that he was working for cipher in peace walker. likely had a hand in paz's scheme as well. it's not really believable that she could modify zeke on her own. and you're right, he armed zeke with a nuke because he's a total hypocrite
>why did he put skullface out of his misery though?
it was a lame attempt at making venom and miller think that huey was on their side. just like all of this other obvious lies and antics throughout TPP. "ha ha, i killed skull face! i'm one of you guys! reveeeeenge!"
t. brainlet
It has the best controls any tps game will ever have.
Stealth was shit too. What are you talking about?
Kojima said he wanted Snake to express what he feels through mannerisms, facial capture and better voice acting. I remember an interview from 2013 where he said something along the lines of:
>In previous games, Snake would say: "Kaz, are you okay?"
>In the one, because of the techonlogy advances and better acting, he only needs to say "Kaz.."
>not playing MGS1, 2 or 3.
I started with 4 too. Played the rest later. You deserved to be disappointed. Disgusting.
>doesn't get the most kino story in the series
>calls others brainlets
Must hurt being so dumb.
Reminder MGSV is objectively the best game if you;
-Turn off all visual babby shit
-Get Infinite Heaven and unequip all gear
-Never use Fultons unless absolutely required
-Only ride the helicopter when all possible missions for an area are done
Double reminder remakes of previous games in the Fox engine with actual difficulty options would be amazing.
GZ was better because it was highly focused. It should have been more like it where it was these large open ended stealth areas. The first mission where you're looking for Miller almost comes close to it.
>That adaptive difficulty.
Anyone who even thinks a game comes close in terms of keeping it's difficulty fresh is a god damn retard.
>Helmet isn't just the head hitbox, so you can still hit them in the face
>They use decoys when you start using a sniper
>Will resist hold ups when you begin to use them frequently
>Resist pornos when you use them frequently
>Fully body armor at the very late stage of the game
>Reactions to certain walkman tracks
The amount of shit in the game is just fucking staggering and usually glossed over because "Muh filler muh nothin" faggots can't accept the fact that the game has a lot of good qualities to it and a few sour notes doesn't invalidate an amazing experience.
Well of course it was focused. It was only one mission.
I'm guessing Kiefer was more expensive and they used the "man of few words" thing as an excuse.
The majority of Kiefers lines were well executed. The way he screams NOO to Paz felt genuine. When he says that he won't scatter his fallen comrades sorrow to the heartless sea felt good too.
That's who Big Boss was. That's what I wanted to see more of.