A continuation of the "Why are hardcore game communities such sausage fests?" thread
A continuation of the "Why are hardcore game communities such sausage fests?" thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Because girls don't play video games
Women aren't interested in taking video games seriously
Assfaggots don't count
Well yeah but we were having a discussion about why that is
also checked
The numbers have spoken
well check THESE nerds
boards.Sup Forums.org/v/thread/406081258#bottom
the other thread for people who want to read it
Quints speak irrevocable truth
Women aren't generally interested in action games. That's about all there is to it. If only they could figure out what it is about certain games like Zelda that they like.
Hardcore games? Games in general. The whole 'women are 50% of the market' is such an absolute lie its hilarious. Playing facebook built in app games once every week doesn't give them 50% of the share.
Because they require actually getting good, also sausage fest communities are the best communities.
fpbp + Q U I N T S
>The whole 'women are 50% of the market' is such an absolute lie its hilarious
its technically true but they're playing completely different games with almost no overlap so it's a pretty deceptive statistic to cite
Nice pic op. Its both biological and social really. Most women arent evolutionary wired to "put effort" and those who do or try to are frowned upon
I imagine it has something to do with men having innate desire / need to compete while women do not. Men desire victory like it's the best drug while women settle for something else
I'm not a psychologist though
They exist here and there. The thing is mostly that they either
A) Don't address their gender and simply enter the community as just another faceless name
B) Don't communicate with the community as they have just as much autism as everybody else in it
C) Simply enjoy the game and aren't particularly interested in the competitive elements of it (ie the vast majority of fans of whatever you may enjoy playing)
Not to mention most hyper-demanding games have a community that hovers between 20 and 200 people at any given point in time and are typically only known by an EXTREMELY small minority of individuals. I know of plenty of women who play Monster Hunter (mostly at college), but literally zero who would even consider spending a few minutes playing DoDonPachi Black Label. To that effect, I also know dozens (maybe a hundred or so) people who play Monster Hunter, and literally only one of my friends' friends who even knows what the fuck DoDonPachi is.
Guys are super competitive. We'll make anything a competition whenever we can.
It's programmed within us biologically to prove we're alpha above every other guy around us.
Because of this, they don't like challenge nearly as much as we do, whether it be from a computer or another human being.
shit you outpaced me
I met a girl in killing floor 2 who had 2k hours and never player survivalist because she claimed it was a "lazy cop out and I don't want to endorse that." I'm not sure why women seem to have less autism compared to guys but they exist. What said.
I never played Killing Floor. What is the survivalist mode?
or is it a class or role or something
its a class, jack of all trades perk.
Basically the devs promised 10 perks by the release date but they were in a time crunch so they made a "jack of all trade" perk and called it a day.
I just found it interesting she was boycotting the perk since 99% of the time guys are the one obsessing over silly things.
We should spread rumor on the web about how racist it is for white men not to let black men fuck their wives.
It's just a guy thing, like how hardcore sports fans are mainly men.
It's simple really, more difficult video games require the development of skills. Women do not development skills, they go with whatever innate level of a skill they already possess, and then find someone else to make up for their short comings.
it just is, is an observation
Did this thread really need a continuation? are you really all that retarded?
Men are visual creatures, hunters by nature we have predatory locuses that enabled us to penetrate our mothers eggs. They persist in the form of sending ultra violet light from black body radiation. What the fuck do you think a television set or a computer are.
You do realize you spent years focusing on crosshairs right? You morons didn't evolve past your father's balls.
Kill yourselves, but you can't you're programmed to survive, fuck you.
Wait you're all subdued staring at flashing lights and bing bang fucking wahoo.
Excellent, I'll take your money and use it to fund my expensive taste in slaughter.
Women lack the autism
>reddit spacing
you're fucking retarded
I'm sorry I was unaware Reddit invented psuedo paragraphs.
There's literally no such thing as a "pseudo paragraph". Go back to where you came from
>lack body radiation
sounds hot, is there porn of it?
All you can do is absorb and spit out.
Like your mother shoulda.
You'll fight for a non existent arbitrary goal of promise that has you hold the E key moving forward through states of make believe under the assumption you're onto something. A shitty private investigator that has you rubbing your shaft over phoenix Wright and Layton.
One dimensional asylum seekers of light.
Sup Forums itself being purple and green to drum up the greatest contrast that keeps you coming back thinking it's a pussy pacman pill.
You're a self defending drilldozing flesh magnet.
Watch a motherfucker go ballistic over the letter 'E' within minutes.
Only to avoid or defend the point in question.
games are an emulation of tribal competition or some shit. women establish their pecking order some other way socializing instead of through games
Your not a retard you are just gay
The most pseudo intellectual post of the year so far.
>All you can do is absorb and spit out.
>Like your mother shoulda.
>You'll fight for a non existent arbitrary goal of promise that has you hold the E key moving forward through states of make believe under the assumption you're onto something. A shitty private investigator that has you rubbing your shaft over phoenix Wright and Layton.
>One dimensional asylum seekers of light.
>Sup Forums itself being purple and green to drum up the greatest contrast that keeps you coming back thinking it's a pussy pacman pill.
>You're a self defending drilldozing flesh magnet.
>Wait you're all subdued staring at flashing lights and bing bang fucking wahoo.
>Excellent, I'll take your money and use it to fund my expensive taste in slaughter.
good bait user
That sperganon isnt completely wrong but shit does he have issues answering simple questions
I'm sucking a fat cock right now because I am a cum swallowing redditor. Whoever told that second bastard that reminding a faggot he originates from semen is an intellectual prospect.
>bing bang fucking wahoo
>Sup Forums itself being purple and green
Did you have a stroke?
He clearly wrote he was sucking a cock in that moment. One can understand that might impede his typing.
It's what keeps the dumbasses coming back and the reason the most jacked off dragon quest Waifu is these colors.
Again, are you fucking uneducated on biology?
>Again, are you fucking uneducated on biology?
If you're baiting you're hilarious. If you're not you're autistic but this is still funny stuff.
Pardon me ma'am but the question at hand was why the fuck are men visual heat hounds simulating running around inside of skyboxes jerking their Wang's to the highest definition muzzle flashes for cheap adrenaline fueled serotonin promised thrills at the expense of their physical health, spyro the dragon, whoah fuck purple and green again will lead you right to the source of the phenomena in the trichomonal optical tract linked to igniting neurons into photooptic burst mode that's linked directly to reproductive practice in the human male. You simply are the bait on a million intelligent male hooks you call autistic yet either pirate or pay to support your sad little habits.
great posts user
You know once you pop you just can't stop.
Sup Forums isn't even purple and green though
Gatekeepers, harassers, and predators.
WOW what a fucking mystery
Archive this.
Everything on Sup Forums is archived. Are you okay user?
Is Sup Forums orange and black?
god i wish i were a flesh magnet, amirite guise?
Boys without fathers suffer from early identity crisis's making them susceptible to roleplaying the heroes they never had online in a peacocking display of as earlier put 'who is the daddy?' mentalities. This evident in the lack of real life facial images in steam avatars for example due to low self esteem, leading then to overbearing ego trips you see constantly all over the internet and furthermore this thread, all you'll ever find is circular logic with no real anwsers. Outside observers turn this into a field day with easy cherry pickings and conversion of confusion into cash and that's why capitalism thrives.
Projecting a bit
>This evident in the lack of real life facial images in steam avatars
what kind of homo uses their real life face for their online avatar
Ain't nobody the daddy.
He took noone fishing.
Yet the bait is always just.... there.
This is projecting.
because women don't care enough about games to play them well
>If only they could figure out what it is about certain games like Zelda that they like.
They're well known and have achieved huge followings. That's it. It's like women into sports, they do it to "have something in common" with men.
I wish but the gold goes to the 5000 post discussion of undertale the other night where everyone was discussing how many times they'd masturbated to a sunflower or a goat. This board is nothing but a projection of mistaken identity and with everyone pointing the finger and the seperates of us and them it's as good as genocide. And that's all a sausage fest is.
Social Darwinism at its absolute highlight, this thread and how easily it was derailed with not so common common sense.
Good luck and have fun.
You'll most certainly need it.
>it is me the intellectual superior
girl population is often directly proportional to available male attention.
>game is casual and thus massively popular
>this attracts tons of males and your few females
>however, this also attracts Stacy's who want attention
>the rest of the females in Stacy's clique are now attracted to the game too, you get shit like cosplayers and your basic roastie streamer
on the other hand
>game is hardcore and focuses on a small target niche
>the males that are there are completely focused on the game and aren't interested in women
>because it isn't popular enough to net at least a couple girls and there's no source of attention, there's absolutely no women
>in action games
Neither they are in racing sims, or map painters, the list goes on.
Are you high? This post is bordering on Master Race Frankenstein Radio Controls.
Social Darwinism is pseudoscience, fedoralord.