Open world single player Star Trek RPG when?

Open world single player Star Trek RPG when?

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STNG for the SNES is kind of what you want. you can literally go ANYWHERE.

>Star Trek
>open world
Hub worlds/stations and being given missions in the general area would be better than just letting you "go anywhere", accepting quests and putting them on the backburner for half the game

Are there any Star Trek games where you don't play a starfleet captain or admiral?
I want to play as a separatist klingon, abandoned borg drone or just some random federation citizen.

Star Trek Online
Klingon Academy
Klingon Honor Guard

>an FPS your you play as O'Brien killing Cardies all day long

star trek voyager elite force

>a rougelike where you play as O'Brien and everything keeps going wrong


So the anniversary ship this year was a Bajoran ship.
Opinions on it?

Wait a moment. According to this chart the official monetary units of Federation are Credits. I thought Federation doesn't use currency.

it's what they use to barter with civilizations that do

ST Bridge Crew is 50% off on humble, is it any good?

But wasn't one episode of DS9 specifically centered around the fact that federation people don't really have anything to barter with outsiders? The one here Jake had to beg Nog for money because he wanted to get the baseball card.

In the shows they don't but in the PnP RPG they do. You can't just erase money, even with replicators.

Jake is just a regular guy, the Federation is a government. The crew of DS9 are paid in latinum, or they'd never be able to spend it at Quarks.

So wait a second. Federation has money to spend, they just don't let their citizens have any unless they work in the foreign country? Are they fucking commies or something?

Is The Orville actually good or just the usual media memes?

It's pretty ok. Not stellar or anything but definitely more watchable than Discovery. If you have a thirst for some Star Trek-like show and already watched all pre-Discovery shows, Babylon 5 and Farscape I'd recommend it. Otherwise you are better-off watching any of the above.

Even they don't know.

I've seen Farscape and totally forgot Discovery came out. I think I'll watch Babylon 5 then Orville then Discovery unless something better comes along the way.

They live in a society where the vast majority of people no longer needs to have jobs and a good portion of people probably don't have one. If someone wants to do hard work to facilitate their lifestyle, they probably just move out to the colonies on the fringes where a couple of replicators aren't going to cut it if shit hits the fan.

I mean, there was that DS9 episode with the woman who runs a society that 'rejected' technology and when the scam was revealed, all the people basically agreed that having to work for their living was better than living in a post-scarcity utopia.

I think it's better to watch Babylon 5 then Orville, then something else. Discovery is shit and not even shit in an interesting way.

>wanting to watch Discovery


Alright no Discovery. Hope something comes along soon. Western tv has been on a long dry spell for me.

>the only thing spinning faster is roddenberry in his grave

Also this is a Klingon now


And they eat sentient beings.


When Star Trek starts making sense.

What the FUCK

In what way doesn't it make sense, user?

I haven't seen Discovery or know much about it. What am I seeing here? I am very confused.

The Discovery found some kind of omnipresent space fungus that connects everywhere in the galaxy with everywhere else. It has some kind of jump drive, the spinning part, that lets it use that fungus to teleport around like it's nothing personnel

I'm more confused now.

Why didn't the Federation use that technology to evacuate Voyager from the Delta Quadrant?

Mushroom Teleportation

It's so fucking cool!

Because it's a poorly thought out prequel written by idiots with no real respect for the source material

Like how they changed Klingons because "klingons got a big change before" even though Roddenberry explained that the TOS Klingons would have looked like TNG Klingons if he'd had the budget to do it

They also warped to the mirror universe at one point and found there the R63 version of the EMPRAH.

Also new MU uniforms and they are, once again the best part of the show.
