Billy Mitchell accused of cheating on his Donkey Kong High score, thoughts on this?


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people are jealous of his spic milf wife’s juicy fat pendulous tits

>that tie
>hair doubles as a helmet in case he needs to get into a war right away
a true american

>thoughts on this?
who cares? all his scores were topped ages ago

los pollos soyos...

He didn't even show up to his panel during a convention I attended.

Who gives a shit, the witch hunt that got built up because of that fat fuck who cheated for all of his high scores needs to just die out now.

why would you make this post but not include a picture of them for research purposes? I just googled and they don't even look big.

It was just clever editing tricks to make it look like he was cheating.

For real though. Guy's a douche. Pretty sure he cheated.

i couldn’t find a decent picture online anywhere. in the movie they look huge though.

I doubt this applies to this situation but the rules of speedrunning for a lot of games are changing near constantly to an autistic degree, so things that are considered "cheating" now may not have been before

He isn't accused of cheating, he's accused of running on emulator, which is (and has been) forbidden by Twin Galaxies

I don't really care. The dude doesn't play games anymore, and he's proven that even if he hasn't hit the actual wr score, he's capable of hitting damn near it. If wiebe wants to make a big stink about it, let him, I don't think billy mitchell minds, his restaurant is really the only thing he gives a shit about.

He's right though, I would like to see if twin galaxies started giving away their submission footage, because they've stated numerous times they never would. And no one should have that footage but twin galaxies, but somehow some moderator on a DK forum has it.

You can easily hide your cheat if you use your mame which is the fuck why it they don't want it to be used for records. Stop it bitchy michelle

There are others that they recognized with high scores and they used emulators too.

Well Billy just defended Todd Rodgers.

He's not wrong. He's just defending his retard friend. Todd's score wasn't possible, but they took it away from him explicitly to replace it with another impossible score on the tg scoreboard a few days later, what kind of retardation is that.

>but they took it away from him explicitly to replace it with another impossible score on the tg scoreboard a few days later, what kind of retardation is that.

Makes that Regular Show episode where they have to beat his high score even better

have you just stopped paying attention since they stripped todd's score? They put up, not even 6 hours after they removed his, a 5.49 went up as #1. They removed it since but it just goes to show there's a real lack of any quality control.

doesn't he has a book too?

they are implants, which absolutely destroys their 10/10 size because, well, FUCKING IMPLANTS

>fake record lasts only a few hours
>Fake record last more than a decade
don't be this retarded

Mate there's tons of fake records on there, it's more that there's a week long quality control process (supposedly) and they removed a fake, imposisble time, then immediately put up another one?

What you are saying here? Just put back Todd's record? TG is shit but at least the biggest shits plastered on their walls are being brought down one by one.

I’m not really well versed on video game records and such. is twin galaxies considered the marquee record keeping organization? from what i read they seem pretty scandalous.

>is twin galaxies considered the marquee record keeping organization?
well yes, only in the sense that they've been around the longest, have had Guinness world records confirmed based on their vetting methodology, and are the only "company" who is actually formally keeping vidya records