He's right you know...

He's right you know. All you Sonybros need to realize that it's not because Nintendo paid to have developped Bayo 2 that PG has a bias towards a console or the next.

based Kamiya thread

This is the only state SONYBOYS know how to be in


No wonder nu/v/ hates Kamiya. He’s anti-consolewar.


>Kamiya bringin' the heat

Spoken like a true 12 yr old

There is extreme irony in OP

dumb little anal apocalypse manlet

there's gonna be an apocalypse in my dick when im done with your ass fuccboi

Spoken like a true redditor bitch boy

Well you know what he really wants

>own multiple Nintendo products
>still hate the majority of the fanbase for being insufferable

Bayonetta 2 wasn't as good as Wonderful 101, btw.

To be fair who doesn't want the Kojima D


How can one man be so based?

I feel bad he forces himself to reply to autistic retards all day. If I were that active like that to retards on twitter I'd go nuts. I'm already nuts.

Phil Fish was the same way.

Care to explain?

i would think he'd hate Microsoft now

Post your face when Kamiya hasn't blocked you yet

yeah after they wanted to shove microtransactions down his project's thrroat


Phil was a little panzy ass plebian who couldn't keep up with bants. He'd try and fail and quit like a child on the school yard. He could only bring bants when backed up by his faggot friends, remove them and he was a child screaming and throwing a tantrum. Kamiya on the other hand is a chill bants bringer who can roll with the punches AND still gets his work done. Something that fishlips wish he could do.

Yes and Kamiya is an Alpha who just calls out Foreign insects who think they can speak Japanese

I haven't talked to him in awhile though.

You paid $60 for Skyrim in 2017/8.
Why should I care about anything you have to say?


it probably wasn't as much the micro-transaction stuff. and more so many different fundamental game play philosophies when it comes to making an action game between the different countries.
being an action rpg about fighting giant monsters Kamina probably was intending the game to be more like a monster hunter like game
Microsoft was probably looking for something more cinematic and wanted the game to be an epic story, when the Witcher got popular that just changed things further because their idea of that epic was probably different than what the Witcher is

His English isn't particularly stellar, either.

Ironic coming from someone who accepts exclusivity deals.

The worst part is consolewarriors will never understand how filthy they are.

Take a shower, filthy console war neet

Dumbass, I don't like any of Kamiya's games regardless of platform.
I'm just pointing out his hypocrisy.

I got the game for free, but thanks for the (You)

want? look at kojimbo's expression, they've been past that

>VJ1 & 2

I...I don't even like his games anyways

Because Nintendo actually fund his game while other reject, no shit he would be making the game exclusively for the WiiU.

If his games were good they would fund themselves and he could make multiplats.

His english vocab is pretty good, his mastery of the language just makes him take slow

But that isn't hypocrisy that is just common decency to show gratitude to those that help you.

>Kamiya: i don't hate any consoles i hate the console warrior retards

>use a tweet decrying console wars shitposting to justify console wars shitposting

He took it because no one else could. It's been said countless times that being a Nintendo-exclusive was literally their last and only option.

But that's not what OP was like at all Mr. Victim Complex.

I wish PG would do another IP instead of Bayonetta 3. Something like a spiritual successor to godhand would make me hard.

Sup Forums has always been console wars, people just used to put in more effort than wojak and tried to just make jokes rather than WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH BTFO HOLY SHIT THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF PEOPLE I DON'T LIKE

You do realise that poster will reply saying that those are all shit games even if he actually likes them, right? I mean god forbid, conceding a point on an anonymous imageboard

>m-muh ad hominem
He can't even refute that guy's argument without resorting to namecalling and petty insult.

We got W101 as new IP only few years ago. We would have gotten Scalebound too if Microsoft wasn't the cancer it is.

Sonyboys can't hear you. They are too busy playing that franchise you lost and is now best seller in Japan on a different console while "catering to the west"

>that guy's argument
What argument?

>t. salty cuck blocked by Kamiya.

>Chinese phil fish

Kamiya might a faggot on twitter but he'll always be my man when he tells console warriors to fuck off.

I'm buying it on pc though. What, it comes later?

This person and everyone in its immediate family need to be purged with extreme prejudice.

I kinda want to ask him if Father Balder in Bayonetta 1 was already fully controlled by Loptr, or is Balder fully influenced by Loptr

>If his games were good they would fund themselves

that's not how it works user

I want Kamiya to fill me with his manbatter everyday


I heavily doubt he doesn't hate M$ after what they did to Scalebound.


Hell yeah, fuck fanboys, they're the ones that make everyone else look bad.
>Muh console is better than yours!
Fuck off.

Bants != consolewar shit

Getting angry and whiny like a foaming idiot is being based? What do you underage Kamiya groupies think, that other devs don't receive the same exact shit, or that the switch fanboys aren't professional mailbombing console warriors as well?
Yet the only one who constantly make a pathetic display of that is that retarded manchildlet.

be honest though nintenbros can't handle the bants. PC/Sony/microsoft. anyone who defends them does it alone. Nintendo always has hoardes of groupies to come defend their "your not the target audience" cardboards

It was supposed to be the next okami why do you think so many Microsoft people were talking about Zelda and okami and how ms needs one

There you go. I wonder how nu-Sup Forums faggots like you would have reacted to the Wii music event. Board would probably be flooded with wojacks.

I wonder how you neogaf reddit crybabies develop the thought process to come to the this site to defend their consoles

>how do you feel
>an argument
Did you even go to school?

>Sonygros think every sentence is an argument.
Explains a lot really.

He peobably meant Sup Forumsirgins like and

Untill the Sonynygro scum is humbled or eradicated, there will never be console peace

He did but my GF got me unblocked.

>Anything being better than TW101

This, it doesn't make sense. Not only did they kill Kamiya's game, they almost killed Platinum alongside it
>Implying Star Fox Zero had a high budget and Nintendo wasn't footing the bill

Just a friendly reminder that Bayo 2 and 3 will NEVER EVER EVER come to PS4, Xbox or PC.

Have a nice day :)

that's some good taste there, user

Platinum were using Scalebound funds to work on Nier:A

Nice source

Yeah it's kind of a shame the game will never run well.

Not Bayo 2, but 3 will most definitely come to PC later. If you look at the Bayo3 trailer, it's licensed by Sega and not Nintendo as Bayo 2 was

>hating on Kamiya
Consolewarriors should end themselves.

Yeah, he comes across as someone who probably consumes a lot of Western media in English but very seldom has to actually communicate in English. That's probably why in interviews he always speaks Japanese (as far as I have seen, anyhow).

Sonypone here. I think everyone should get the chance to play Yakuza and bloodborne. Everyone else got Tekken 7 and it was a good thing, Tekken has not been so popular in years.

>plays skyrim in 2018
>think his opinion matter


>Exclusively for [x]*
>*Also on PC
It has happened before

Not on Nintendo published games I think.


>You paid $60 for Skyrim in 2017/8.

Implying that paying $60 for a game like Skyrim, that gives you hundreds of hours of pure entertainment, is a bad thing.

thank god. I dropped Bayo 1. That's how bad it was.

As it ever happened to an exclusive's sequel?
It's a 2011 game you can find for like 5$ every other day.

he doesn't know what "ad hominem" means

has kamiya made anything notable in the last 5 years? he seems to only talk shit online

Considering that his last project was butchered, raped, and then cancelled by Microshit, he hasn't exactly had a lot of time to make another game.

yeah i feel sorry for that
how did the cuphead guys do it?

>being this mad over bants

>people would've made fun of the Wii music event

But isn't that exactly what happened?

Post your face when you're not following him in the first place.