Out in 3 months

>out in 3 months
>literally nobody cares
ded series

People were really turned off by the previous game. I didn't even remember this existed until this very thread

That’s what happens when SEGA stumble upon a successful ip. They shit the bed and fuck it all up.

These games are just not that fun. 1 at least seemed to have a lot of heart put into it, but it should've ended there.

I look forward to it quite a bit but I'm certainly not hyped. No reason to make threads about a game that I won't be able to play for the next three months.

No new trailers, nothing to talk about

>release fourth game on switch but not any of the others

They only got themselves to blame really.

Didnt know there was a release date. My biggest problem is deciding to buy on ps4 or switch.

jp only release, waiting on the word on a western release with jap audio because I'm sick and tired of the same fucking VAs for every dubbed release