Babbys first rpg or masterpiece
I really liked the first game but the second one was like a literal kick in the dick, didn't touch the third
above average, babbys first
Also Bioware's last good game
>off hand remark made in thread from yesterday
>biodrones are still salty about it
Yeah, only origins of course
Its literally posted in every thread origins is mentioned in.
The last decade hasn't seen a vidya waifu as good as Morrigan was.
It was okay. The main problem was the Deep Roads were boring as fuck, at least the Fade had some good rewards. It also felt a bit more "mmo-like" than Baldur's Gate or their other games. Was decent enough though.
Sounds like its widely agreed upon why make a thread about it?
The last decent game Bioware ever made.
Yeah it's sort of babbys first rpg but it's still entertaining to play through.
>Care to join me in my tent?
>*gasp* what a wicked, wicked man you are! Shall I take that as a proposal?
>Oh, I'm not so wicked really.
>Oh no? For what reason then shall I join you in your tent, have you... Something to show me, hmm?
>The way you say that... Your evil!
>Yes, I am, I am evil and I need to be punished!
>Follow me young lady, time for some discipline.
>Yes ser, Grey warden ser.
She also becomes tsundere when she realizes she’s becoming too attached to you even though she’s trying to use you
Claudia black really fits perfectly for Morrigan.
Really knocked it out of the park.
SO have we figured out her actual age? Is she supposed to be 16 or that was her original planned age?
I remember she's 29 or something according to the toolkit.
Yeah I'm not buying that either.
Not buying that she is 29?
According to the game files alistair is also around that age. Does he look 30 to you?
>The way you look at him so intently, so hungrily... one would think you have never seen a man before.
>Where I look is not your concern.
>True enough. There is no way I can deny you this... but why would he choose you, when he could have me?
>You're confident for a woman raised in a swamp, far from anything remotely resembling civilization.
>And maybe that is my appeal? A woman like you, why, he could find in any city in Thedas. You think you are cultured? Worldly?
>Powdered, perfumed, you ooze elegance, but what man wants a woman who lies limp beneath him, frozen in place by the thought that she might ruin her hair?
nope. How old is Sten?
The fact that every female shared the same body type is a travesty, she has god tier proportions in concept art, but looks the same as Wynne in the game.
It's pretty vanilla and uninspired Tolkien style fantasy, but it does that exceptionally well.
never looked that up or can't remember it at any rate
Baby's first masterpiece
and all that smug voiced by Claudia Black
More like DnD style fantasy. You know, Tolkien without themes.
>She was... you are.... you're giving her... I mean, you're wading through her swamp!
>Are you jealous? I could wade through yours if you'd like
Viconia was bland tsundereshit, Morrigan is a perfected model
too bad Gaider won't be writing anything like them ever again and we'll have to completely turn to weebshit to get our kicks
>Babbys first rpg
Maybe if you are 18. What year did this game come out again?
Usually I hate tsunderes and would agree with you but Morrigan is actually good.
and not a bad place to start
>What year did this game come out again?
>wanted to say 2011
>it was actually 2009
>almost a decade ago
It came out at a time that places it right at the edge between classic RPG and modern garbage.
It is a very good game.
I've tried to get into this game at least ten times I appreciate that they'll let me use a proper crpg camera angle but everything else is just so shitty muddy and uninspiring. Not a game Id be looking forward to when i think about getting home.
overrated, just like NV
DA:I Morrigan is the qtest western waifu that ever existed desu
Still not that long ago. Then again maybe its because my concept of time is a big fucked up due to likely being older than everyone here itt right now.
Baldur's Gate is better in every way.
Writing/lore/everything is miles ahead NV. They did put 7 years to write their WH fantasy like ripoff and did it good.
Too bad the gameplay was a grindy one.
>babby's first CRPG