Well, it's the last good series Illusion's got left.
The that AA was good, and we have to go back to Sexy Beach 3 to find another good game (and of course they fucked up the SB series).
Carefully optimistic, I guess? They just need to do "AA2 + more stuff", but their last games have all sucked.
I made some characters with AA2's editor but the game seemed boring so I never did anything else.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You made me believe that it's coming out. You fucking ass.
I don't like these shitty anime meme school games
wish they'd improve honey select with more realistic faces and physics and animations and better IK stuff
I'm a little worried about having direct control of the main character. I still have bad memories of that Sexy Beach game.
Just download it from pornolab
Meh, I've outgrown Hentai.
What are you talking about? You can't "fuck up" a porn game series for which one game has no relevance to the other beyond repair. It's as simple as this; Illusion mostly make bad games but every now and again they make a decent one. Artificial Academy was one of those decent ones. That's all there is to this.
SBP wasn't even that bad. It's biggest problem was it ran like complete and utter shit, when talking about content it was better than their average.
It's not Artificial Academy. It's a different game entirely and you're just getting baited and hyped for nothing. You can expect Koikatsu to play nothing like AA, because if it did then they'd call it just that.
What's with the wide hips on the male protag?
You can fuck it up if you start thinking "yes, this is the direction we want to go in from now on".
Ah, didn't know that.
The game probably has one mesh and rig for all the characters, including the protagonist. They do the male by adjusting the proportions, but you can only do so much with that kind of shortcuts.
>because if it did then they'd call it just that.
Yeah, just like they did with "rapelay2" and whatever game playhome was remake
While I agree that the hype is unjustified, I won't be too sure about the game's nature until they reveal the details this Friday.
Not at all and it's not like I have the excuse of "it won't be translated anytime soon" either. I just don't really care.
Have you AA babies even played AG?
>play AA2 to fap
>have to deal bitches for sex
>get called a degenerate pervert and got ignored
i thought this was an eroge
you did this to yourself
Yes, it was trash and AG kids crying about their games ruined last sexy beach
Redpill me on this
What is this game
"play" is actually a wordplay on "rape". And Play Club is literally the sequel to Rapelay. Down to using the same family of characters.
Yes, I went back and tried AG3, I thought the controls for sex were awkward and didn't really enjoy it.
>it won't be translated anytime soon
That reminded me AA2 was completely translated in like two weeks with the collaborative effort of /hgg/. Feels even better when I was part of that team. Sadly it probably won't happen again.
>Play Club is literally the sequel to Rapelay
And it wasn't called rapelay2.
That video is literally all we know about it you dumb r/TheDonald retard.
>You can fuck it up if you start thinking "yes, this is the direction we want to go in from now on".
I don't even know what you are talking about now. Illusion has never been consistent. They have made shooters, stealth game, fighters, VNs, grope sims, sandboxes, etc., etc. AA was not the way it used to be, it's just one of many different types of games they have made.
Need I remind you that "rapelay" is literally the reason for why Illusion now blocks foreign traffic to their site and no longer supports export sales?
Yes they changed the name. If they were to remake the original rapelay I am betting they'd rename it too.
Rapelay is no more. Only PlayX.
>Need I remind you that "rapelay" is literally the reason for why Illusion now blocks foreign traffic to their site
Happened before rapelay.
I hope to God they actually bother putting a real male character model in. With hips like that the kid must be taking Cosmo-tier doses of estrogen.
>you can have them do live song performances
This was my favorite part of CM3D2. When is Japan going to get a clue and make proper idolm@ster ripoff where you can create and customize your own idols? I would pay top dollar for this.
it's not their fault that westerners cucks can't distinguish between porn games and reality
It's all about Love Live and Aikatsu now.
>That reminded me AA2 was completely translated in like two weeks with the collaborative effort of /hgg/.
First translation came out of Hongfire. /hgg/ released their own version of the translation afterwards because they were dissatisfied with it or something.
Wasn't there something recently about them planning to officially release games in the West now, because of how huge the western modding scene for HS is? Maybe I'm thinking of KISS.
>why Illusion now blocks foreign traffic to their site and no longer supports export sales?
I really hope that you are aware that they subbed and marketed their vr game specially for the west
>Play AA2 to fap
>End up just watching and laughing at all the spontaneous sex breaking out all over the school
>Need I remind you that "rapelay" is literally the reason for why Illusion now blocks foreign traffic to their site and no longer supports export sales?
No, they did that well before Rapelay. A lot of the Jap porn companies do it. They hate foreigners and don't want them getting their porn even if it means losing cash. That's how fucking racists the Japs can get.
you may already see that perfomance is shit at it will run 15 fps what the hell they thinking
Will this work with VR? Considering the next gen of VR units will be coming out this year with higher resolution this could be pretty exciting.
No that's true. So things may very well change with that.
But Illusion still really closed themselves off as a response to the west's reaction to them.
I mean the west's reaction, no joke, even influenced Japan's politics with their stubborn lobbying. And introduced some policies that made it harder to market or sell erotic products within the cities of Japan. So it actually hit them financially.
Everytime someone says Koikatsu is AA3 and not just an Aikatsu parody I REEEEE a little inside
I don't give a fuck about irrelevant mobage you retard. I only brought up idolm@ster as an example of design and gameplay. Also pretty sure CG murders both of them now anyway.
>Maybe I'm thinking of KISS.
yes, they're trying to get an official western/english release of COM3D 2
It looks like their experimental step towards AA3 Illusion always releases a game or two with the same engine first to build up money And animations for the more popular titles.
I cannot fucking believe I am hyped for a goddamn porn/hentai game.
Video games are finished.
>Artificial Academy 3
It's not
>play aa2 to fap
>girl I want to fuck ends up with the teacher
god dammit
>sakakibara yui
Haven't seen that name in a while.
>I mean the west's reaction, no joke, even influenced Japan's politics with their stubborn lobbying.
Why is this shocking to you? That's how global politics works. Are you really surprised that global human rights organizations consider the prevalence of child pornography in Japan to be something of concern? Let's not forget that this game that all the "SJW" were getting pissy about does involve the sexual molestation and rape of a young child. Any normal person would be repulsed by that.
yes, pretty much every recent illusion game has had vr capabilities, and even if they didn't, mods will take care of it
I mean I don't have that excuse because those games usually get translated asap and also I know jp.
That being said I'm pretty sure hongfire did it for AA2 but then again, who gives a flying fuck?
>being new
Both AAs, Rance games and MGQ have historically been some of the most hyped games on Sup Forums.
>Both AAs
Nobody around here gave a shit about AA1.
Thank GOD they're doing more anime style, fuck the realistic barf they've been doing
Hello newfag
>fuck the realistic barf they've been doing
What? They've always done anime characters pretty much. You know this game is not made by illusion right? You are not just falling for OP's bait are you?
>You know this game is not made by illusion right?
Are you retarded?
It's school mate 3.
are you being willfully ignorant??
honey select's artstyle literally makes my penis retract into my body
HF did it first but /hgg/'s translation came out not long after them and it immediately became the standard version.
Was I supposed to care about translation wars? That's almost as shit as console wars.
This was after viewing the trailer, which turns out not to be AA3.
It looked like they stayed close to AA2, which was a good game, and that made me hopeful.
Fuck off. There was way, way, way more interest in AA2 on Sup Forums than there ever was about AA1. Before AA2 Illusion was just that company that made a rape sim to the majority of this site.
Now you are being silly, I am just trying to get the fact right. I didn't even mention HF in the first place.
>it's idolshit
At least they're not using the shitty semi-realistic style from HS again.
Is Custom Maid 3D 2 worth its 56gb download size?
No, literally waste of time
cuck shit
I haven't been hyped for an Illusion game since modding Artificial Girl 1 (or was it 2) nuked my hard drive back in the day.
No, you also have to deal with lots of compatibility bullshit.
Get Niconisomi's Rinkan if you want some good fap.
dont cry
it will all be null
>It's an Aikatsu porn parody
Fucking bizarre.
AA has so much fucking potential that will never be realized. I just want it to be the perfect anime high school sandbox with really fleshed out character personalities and interactions.
Hmm judge from the trailer, the game seems to be focused on the idol stuff rather than school life, i would guess it's a completely different game with limited AA2 gameplay tucked in.
Same here bro.
Good times.
MC is probably a trap.
Searching for that gives me nothing
Reminder that this actually happened.
>We will never see a good AA game
Fuck me, the games are so bad but they have so much fucking potential that I can't help but love them. I still play AA2 from time to time and I hope that I can move over to Koikatsu, but even though the graphics and customization look amazing I think it probably won't offer the same amount of possibilities that other AA games had to offer. I still have hope for tomorrow though
Once again, this has nothing to do with AA. It's another story heavy game Illusion does in between releases of stuff like AA and Sexy Beach.
The characters all have predefined names, personalities, backstorys, etc.. The only thing you can change is their appearance. The game has a linear story and progression. All the sex will be in predetermined points and locations.
Don't get your hopes up.
nyaa 2371634
it's not artificial academy 3 for fuck sake stop spamming it as such, it's an idol production meme project with low budget that will get shafted 2 weeks after release just like play home
>le illusion le blocked
>can enter their site just fine
>virtual kanojo on STEAM
lmao redditor you need to renew your shitposting card
Enable DHT you fucking retard.
Just keep digging newfag
Looks good but I already know downsides
>despite having HS/PH tier character creator, game will have 3.5 costumes and 5 poses.
I noticed in video that all their characters has same baseface. This is big redflag because ability to change form of face is more important than ability to change length of hair. And game looks too cartoonish.
>How hyped are you about "Wasted Potential 3"?
Not very. The series has such a good premise behind it yet it's just glorified point and click bullshit with next to zero depth or real options of any sort
Is that Aikatsu's parody?
Not gonna lie, Idolshit is a guilty pleasure of mine. I know it's awful, but muh cute aidorus...
All they have to do is make a cross game between AA and AG, why is it so hard for them?
>CM3D2 style
>all those customization options
holy shit yes
Can you play as the girl? Can you make a yuri school/class?
What's this?
This picture has been circulating around recently. What gives?
No and no. This isn't AA3.
Its not that it looks too cartoonish, its that the art style is shit.
I would kill for a 3D hentai game based on 80s anime art styles.
Floofy Hair Fuck Simulator when?
>those dynamic H actions in the overworld
I can't stand "press button to switch pose or press X to cum buckets" in most H games now. Having the player slowly build cum pressure while the girl voluntarily gives you a handjob and then just before you bust she eases off and teases you before asking you "If you'd like to cum?" and you gotta say yes/no
Something set to release around the same time as Half Life 3.
Seriously user, don't ask. It's never coming out. Spare yourself the despair.