What went wrong?
What went wrong?
everything after TI5. Reminder that nerfing Tusk and Techies literally killed this shit game.
Tried to snatch the lol/overwatch audience
russians/peruvians not being caged
Now all white people left. I wonder who's going to buy the hats. Just chinks I guess
I still don't get why Techies was nerfed. I get that the hero annoyed everyone, but that was the fucking point of him. He's so annoying you have to change your tactics.
Now his mines are just free farm to everyone with an auto macro that kills mines. It's so sad. I even bought the fucking skin for him and never got to play the hero in its old iteration.
people got butthurt because you could snowball suicide shit carries who did not buy armor items now we are stuck in a league meta.
If comeback gold were removed this game would be still good.
You had to nerf Techies because trading fucking Techies (who, despite being dead gained the exp and gold) for a still farming core carry without any real risk was too good.
It's a nobrainer why he was nerfed. I don't think he's too awful at the moment, he's still fun.
Matchmaking sucks ass.
Everything. Now it panders to reddit and newfags.
They make the rules.
>STILL cannot select my role before i queue up for a match
>excessive nerfing because crybabies
>talent tree
>half of the new items suck goat balls
>all the new heroes suck goat balls
>everywhere you look there’s an avdertisement for dogshit fucking cosmetics
this game is dogshit.
its need to try to make every hero viable
Some heroes need to be a bit shit based on their overall capabilities. Buffing Tinker is always a fucking dumb mistake, since the moment he becomes strong in the laneing phase, his late game ability of permasheep becomes a real threat
This game is balanced by incompetent 2k trash IceFraud
Valve wanting new content added in.
Still much better than pic related sadly
Too many drastic changes in small amount of time. In three years the game has gotten so many new items, map changes, and other mechanical changes that it doesn't really feel the same game anymore. It's still by far the best assfaggots game out there but man do I miss 2012-14 era DotA 2 so much.
Selling the game to a company that doesnt make (or support) games anymore.
Same, as much as I like changes, these changes make the game feel worse than previous versions.
Wouldn’t be surprised if arcade starts getting popular, if people want some dumb meme shit atleast nobody will take it dead serious
literally nothing. PUBG and PUBG-likes just took over as the next big thing
No region locks.
Removed solo queing.
Rubber banding.
Creep gold reduction.
No region locks.
Talent trees.
No region locks.
They essentially turned the game into the mindless 5v5 brawl all the peruvians played it as.
Some heroes are annoying, some heroes are pretty shit when a shitty player uses them but even a shitty techies player could delay the game over the 50 minute mark.
It wasn't just annoying to play agaisnt him but also to play with him. Basically the other 9 players were kinda pissed off most of the techie games
>>STILL cannot select my role before i queue up for a match
Oh, some how forgot to mention the absolutely broken and easily abused report system ensuring that if you play more than 4 games a day you'll be stuck in low priority or muted.
What's the issue with talent trees exactly?
>the absolutely broken and easily abused report system ensuring that if you play more than 4 games a day you'll be stuck in low priority or muted.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Cannot select my role
How the hell would this work? I understand LOL because its static, but Dota really isnt
He probably antagonizes every player he meets or intentionally feeds the moment a game isnt going his way
If you get reported 4 times within 2 days you get action taken against you.
I don't know if you've ever played on US servers, but it's near impossible not to get reported every game by a 12 year old Peruvian.
When I still played DotA religiously I was almost always muted, even though I never talked because the tism. Most games in 5k were dead silent with pings being the only communication because everyone there played enough to always hit 4 reports in 2 days.
this comic is older than most people here
I've been playing on USE for 5 years and only got muted once, never been in LP. Are you sure you're not an insufferable sperg?
no region lock
Nah, I don't sperg on games. I have too much respect.
How often do you play? Because I was playing 6+ games a day during summer break a few years ago and almost always got hit with a mute at the end of the day.
This is why all streamers had multiple accounts. Like of course it makes sense for a faggot like Arteezy to get muted or LPQ but when it happens regularly on stream to somebody like Attacker you know shit is going wrong.
>What went wrong?
The game started out with having actual developers working on the game with some sort of a roadmap in mind, so while there were plenty of issues, everything felt like it was moving to a complete and decently polished game with a strong competitive future.
Now there are probably 3 interns working on the game, that's why there are only 2-3 actual patches per year, and they feel completely pointless, don't change anything but further dumb the game down. The entire game feels like it's just on life support and will stay like that until they milk every last penny through compendiums and market
>its a Sup Forums dota 2 thread episode
oh im laffing
TI6 was the best doto. Fuck off.
>>all the new heroes suck goat balls
be more subtle next time
Betababies couldn't handle icefrog madness.
Nothing. The game is at its peak right now and it's the best time to be playing it. Only numales and soyboys got mad at it, good riddance.
>What's the issue with talent trees exactly?
Nothing. People just dont like it because...uh...
Techies is OP as fuck right now and can get level 2 the earliest of any hero in game.
He is pretty much pure abuse right now.
i quit in 2015 after i couldnt handle all the south americans in my games anymore
valve refused to do anything about them and it got to a point where they were 80% of my team every game