Have you ever tested out a game mechanic IRL? How did it go?

Have you ever tested out a game mechanic IRL? How did it go?

I use to double jump sometimes. Now I just flash step to save time

Holy fuck he really is balding that baldy. I thought that image was an edit.

>40 year old man is balding
Call the press.

I tried no clipping a few times, also clipping objects with walls. It worked onece.

Marios high tripple jump works, you dont even need to flip

We were doing long jumping in school PE class and I tried the Luigi leg thing, fucked up my ankle pretty bad

I was 13

I tried irl save scumming, ended up frying another of my ps2’s

>it worked once


I tried IDDQD once and it seems to be working.

this is why bullying is a thing

i strafe and crouch IRl sometimes

i once cut myself and then ate chicken to try to heal myself

>be me
>standing around minding my own buisness in my home
>just chillin
>stand up and go to get a drink
>fall halfway through the second storyof our house for no goddamned reason

>live in a quiet neighborhood
>go outside
>realize my coat, pants, and shoes are all about the same shade of grey
>so is the sidewalk
>enter naked snake mode
>do an army crawl on the sidewalk
>car drives by

I usually wave dash when I jump off things

I tried spinning around and tornado jumping. I can now hop over fences no problem

i tried to see how far i could strafe and broke my arm

ive done that , its pretty easy for regular jumps

As long as your camo index was high enough, the car shouldn’t have seen you.

I knew a kid in middle school that thought double jumping was real and was trying to teach himself how to do it.
It was cringeworthy to watch him try

Not games, but movies
I once tried acting excactly like Hank Moody for a week
Spoiler: It actually got me laid

I achieved CHIM and bend reality to my will, albeit only slightly.

Anybody who has never tried to wallrun before is an irredeemable faggot

that probably did work, only somewhat slowly.


i ran on walls in pe class till the teacher yelled at me for it

The wait mechanic works as it does in most games, not as fast tho

i brewed witcher potions. drank them and then got ambulance'd to the hospital for food poisoning, got my stomach pumped out of the fluids through my throat and spent the next 2 days in recovery

me and my friends once tried breaking a window with a soccer ball for filming purposes. we ended up taping a piece of metal to it, and even then it took a few tries
two of my friends even played semi-professional back then, it's nuts how hard glass can be

Wallrunning is easy and not a “game” mechanic.

>L2physics, not everyone is a whale

What did you put in them? Good lord user if this true you’re hilarious should start a YT channel


If I could change bodies with one other human for a week it would be Mike Adriano

Jesus christ the things that guy (and his dick) has experienced

thought of doing a youtube channel on how i'm preparing and drinking that shit but i don't know why i backed out from it.

the easiest one to do was 'Swallow'
>5 celandine flowers
>1 fish brain (as replacement to the drowner brain)
>crushed them together until they got mushy as hell
>poured in some Absinthe over them (as replacement to the dwarven spirit)
>stirred the shit together for a bit and then boiled it for around 2 minutes
And then I gulped it down. Smelled like urine and it irritated my nose, tasted like normal alcohol with some slight traces of fish taste but mainly vomit in it. 30 minutes or so passed, nothing happened, then i think i started hallucinating since i remember the walls feeling like they were moving or ready to swirl inside themselves and then everything after that is just foggy as fuck, i remember how they put me in the ambulance, carried me into the hospital, have that fucking drainage tube shoved down my throat, then i wake up in the hospital bed with taste of blood or metal in my mouth.

Shit, I think I remember you posting something about wanting to try it.

Calm down kiddo

That doesn't even sound like it should kill you. Maybe the flowers where poisonous.

The car did keep going so I guess you werent suspicious

Bald people have more testosterone.

tried eating mushroom
uncooked shitake taste like cardboard

How shitty will those tattoos look when they are all 70. Provided they even live that long.

testosterone is not associated with any particular behavioral outcomes

Who else imitated how characters from games they liked ran here?

>tfw running like OoT Link
>remembering it causes me physical pain


And cooked they taste like nothing

>implying they'll live that long

You need to eat these for the legit Super Mario experience

I used to walk like Resident Evil characters. I'd robotically walk forward and whenever I had to turn, I'd fully stop then rotate my body and move forward again. Sometimes I also only had 3 stances to look down, eye-level and up. I was a pretty stupid kid, I know.

>bald cucks


Celandine is poisonous you fucking retard.

which part of "witcher potions are lethal to humans" did you not understand

>being bald is a behavioral outcome

if it were american this could probably end the polish vidya industry

Tried drifting around every corner at a go kart track. It actually just slows you down.

But seriously, start that youtube channal. maybe check in advance if any other seperate ingredients are poisonous next time though.

>GREATER CELANDINE AS A POISONOUS PLANT. Can celandine be toxic? Yes, celandine is a toxic plant. It contains a corrosive caustic juice, and it is rich in toxic alkaloids. Its medicinal use must be carefully controlled. It is Not recommended for internal use.

Who the fuck cares
You're banging them now, not in 50 years

Persona social links don't work IRL.

>used to shift boost off the curb on my way to school
>turned a 30-minute trip into 30 seconds
>one day fell off the curb onto the street

they don't work the same in real life

somehow chinese restaurant able to make them taste like chicken skin
mushrooms are weird man, they're not even real plants

>mushrooms are weird man, they're not even real plants

That's because they're fungi you tremendous nimrod

Bald people have higher levels of Dihydrogen-testosterone, it’s scientifically proven that’s what makes them go bald.
Also not bald, I have hair thick enough for your mother to ride on and produce a little sibling for you to bully/molest

This made my day

You're my hero

That's why I'm glad my mom never got tattoos.

premature ejaculator

>He doesn't genocide cutter to work

You think YOU were a stupid kid?

>tfw trying to imitate the Megaman X dashing
>raise my heels and try really hard to make rockets come out and propel me forward
>fell over several times trying


you have to be 18 eetc

wall running, i could do like 4 steps when i was younger

>current job, years ago
>stuck moving heavy items by myself
>think of Link moving stone blocks in OoT
>it actually works

>pick up stick
>do m&b attacks

Made this as a kid after Gears of War to play airsoft with. Liked the idea of not bothering with slings.

Fucking legend, thanks for sharing user. Please take better care of yourself in future

Well, Link actually pushes with the legs and not with the back, so for once that is actually a good idea.

And this one when I realized wearing a vest just to carry one shotgun was overkill.

oh.. well that explains

i understood all of it, still didn't stop me from trying

thanks, i'll keep that in mind. just need a better video camera and to find a new apartment, my parents urged me to come live with them again since the 'event' happened and i still haven't moved out yet

bruh look at this dood

I'm actually fucking impressed.

i used to squirt water with my mouth and pretend i was kirby

anyone tried this?

>finally upgrade my hardware
>can run The World in glorious 144fps
>turns out physics are tied to framerate
>literally everything around me starts shaking and warping
>suddenly ragdoll through the floor and fall into abyss below forever

Whats the luigi leg thing?

>Made this it as a kid
Uh huh, user. Whatever you say.


When I was a kid I built a V8

It’s definitely possible

do you think that knife has an orange serrated edge

Holy fuck, we found him

He meant as a manchild


I mean, yeah. I was 15 when GoW came out and was really into airsoft at the time.
Obviously the video is more recent.

of course, how else could you know if it's a fake toy one or not :)

People are pretty retarded huh?

you shouldn’t be balding at 40 kek, maybe mid 60s to 70s


>What where you thinking.jpeg