>distinctly remember playing a particular video game as a kid
>other people remember playing it too
>try to find it again many years later
>it doesn't exist
Distinctly remember playing a particular video game as a kid
Jace Walker
Grayson Jones
It does exist!
Gavin Anderson
What is the pic related of video games?
Kayden Ward
Call of duty after modern warfare
Adam Brown
Stop using the phonewave then, okabe, you faggot.
Adrian King
Can we make this a thing?
We could start pretending to remember a game that never existed, and everyone who isn't in on it is going to be confused as hell.
Jason Jenkins
>What is Arc Symphony?
Nathan Bailey
Oliver Lee
These people have the same problem, they're all remembering a movie that doesn't seem to exist. Or well, there are two versions of the movie but they're different from what they're remembering theguardian.com
Wyatt Jones
Maybe its something like the mandela effect